Hope in updates.. Compared with similar existing games, this one is a higher price, not so polished, partially custom difficulty, but not enough songs and mainly - no custom MP3s.. Still, I like some customization/variability it has.. so I keep it for now..
The new standard. I love VR rhythm games and this one is one of the best I have ever played. The game has amazing graphics, sound, and gameplay that make you feel like you are in a musical world. The game has a variety of songs and modes to choose from. The game is very responsive and intuitive, and the motion controls are smooth and accurate. The game is also very challenging and rewarding, and it keeps me motivated to improve my skills and beat my high scores. This game is a must-have for any VR rhythm game fan. It is worth every penny and I highly recommend it. 5 stars!
cool visuals. just got this game and I must say, I'm quite impressed. 30 songs, which for the most part are all pretty good and diverse. I like how the levels react to your punches, and think that the visuals are great overall. I love cosmetics in games, and there are a bunch of glove skins that you can unlock, and for some reason, a little dragon you can upgrade .... You can tell that the developers were passionate about this game.
I like it! I really like rhythm vr games, and this one is one of the best I've played. Very rock and roll visual aesthetics. You wont see any well known artists here, but that is ok since all of the indie songs in this game are top notch. Not really any complaints. Great price compared to other games. Great pick up and play game to kill a few minutes. Recommended
Got the custom songs working! Tried the custom song support, didn’t work, contacted the devs, they were very helpful and it was actually quite easy to implement! Really liked multiple elements in the game , curious to see what happens when the world boss dies!
Impressions after playing for a week. Really good rhythm game. Menus are easy to navigate, the gloves and overall graphics look really cool, and there is a good song and glove selection (I think 30). You can also modify the game with a bunch of options like removing the obstacles and health bar to make it easier. Not really any complaints. Good price for what you get
Great start! Among the many VR rhythm games I've played this one is a welcome change. The idea of VR boxing is very appealing and the look and style of the game sets it apart. The game would definitely be a lot better if it had custom song support as it does on PC and also if it had oculus achievements as well. But overall a very enjoyable experience!
very interesting. Definitely an interesting experience. The glove skins are cool, with the demonic looking ones being my favorite! I'm curious whether that reactive lights map might come to the Quest, but either ways I'd be eager to give this a go on my PC. At the same time I did find myself enjoying the simple map the most. Also is there any possibility of having French support?
On top of the world. Box to the Beat is fantastic experience! The movement with the music feels so satisfying. Reaching the highest score on the leaderboard was EPIC, adding an extra layer of excitement to the boxing gameplay.
素晴らしいルックスだが、何かが足りない。Box To The Beat VRを試したが、ポテンシャルがある。グラフィックはソリッドで、グローブのスキンも素晴らしい。カスタム曲の互換性がないのは残念だった。しかし、VRボクシングに興味があるなら、これは検討する価値がある。
Great looks, but missing something. Tried Box To The Beat VR and it's got potential. Graphics are solid, and the glove skins look great. Not having custom song compatibility was a letdown. But if you're into VR boxing, this one's worth considering.
ゲームは大きく変わった!Box To The Beat VRには脱帽だ!ところで、私はKhosouf Studioの最初のショーケース「Shadow Dreams」以来のファンで、Box To The BeatはComic ConとGamescomの両方でプレイしたことがある。たった1年前のゲームとは全く違っていて、ライセンスされた音楽、スキン、ビジュアルの変化の量には驚かされる!
Game has changed a lot! Hats off to Box To The Beat VR – it's seriously won me over! By the way, I've been a fan of Khosouf Studio since their first "Shadow Dreams" showcase, and I've had a go at Box To The Beat both at Comic Con and Gamescom. The game was so different just a year ago and the amount of licensed music, skins and visual changes are amazing!
見た目は素晴らしい!カスタムソングが必要。Box to the Beat』の次が気になる!ビジュアルは一流だし、DLCやカスタムソングの可能性も気になる。パンチを繰り出しながらお気に入りの曲でジャムるなんて、ゲームチェンジャーになりそうだ。アップデートが続くことを期待している!
Looks awesome! Needs Custom Songs. I'm seriously curious about what's next for Box to the Beat! The visuals are top-notch, and now I'm wondering about the possibility of DLC and custom song support. Imagine jamming to your favorite tunes while throwing punches – that'd be a game-changer. Here's hoping the updates keep coming!
やあ、坊や。新しいワークアウトゲームが欲しかったんだ。レベルアップやグローブのアンロックができるシステムは、"あと1曲だけ!"というモチベーションを保つのにとても効果的。DLC "と題された独立したセクションがあるので、将来的にはもっといろいろなものが出てくるだろうと楽観視しています😊。フルプライスの価値あり。コンマはドットで、スペースは削除してください):T I N Y U R L , C O M / B O X 2 B E A T
Yeh boi. Was needing a new a new workout game. The level up/unlockable gloves progression system works really well for keeping me motivated to do "just one more song!" And with a separate section titled "DLC" I'm optimistic there will be more of everything in the future to keep me going 😊
Worth full price. Or get it 25prcnt cheaper (the comma is a dot and remove spaces):