The most bad@$$ you will ever feel. Pistol Whip is the most fun it is *possible* to have while getting exercise. You feel like John Wick/Neo from The Matrix, building strength in your legs and glutes and core as you dodge bullets, all set to the beat of a fantastic variety of pulse-pounding music (some tracks are more chill and sweet though). There's even a "remix" mode where you can play fan mods with other music, so I got to work out to the Firefly theme song and the actual John Wick soundtrack!! I bought this game on both PSVR2 and Quest 2, and I have no regrets. This is a MUST buy!
John Wick Saber. I once saw John Wick kill a man in a bar with a pencil... who does that!?
John Wick merged with Beat Saber, such a good game. Guns also feel great and are customisable with different models from franchises such Wick's pistols, James Bond's PPKs and other kid friendly guns such as a water pistol and laser gun.
Excellent game. I saw a video on Tiktok of this game and it prompted me to buy a whole oculus just so I could play it.
I am not disappointed. This game is a great stress reliever and on hard mode, is quite the workout. I’m usually having so much fun I don’t even realize how much I was moving until my muscles remind me the next morning.
Since purchasing this game, I have played it every single day after work to get out the pent up aggression that comes with working in a busy office.
⚡About PISTOLWHIP & 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗢𝗙𝗙⚡. Pistol Whip is an impressive game that looks like a combination of a rhythm game and a shooting game. Fire your bullets in time to the beat of dozens of songs and “pistol whip” enemies in close proximity. In addition, various options can be specified, so you can enjoy the same song in various ways.
This game is quite old, but it is still constantly being updated. they update for free without paying DLC even once. It's really good that users who have purchased it once can enjoy the newly updated content every time.
⚡𝗽𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗹𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗽.𝗯𝗶𝗼.𝗜𝗶𝗻𝗸⚡ Here is the PRICE OFF link for PISTOLWHIP. Type the link above into the internet address bar, and accept before purchasing. Then You can instantly get price off in the official Quest Store.
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Great for cardio workout. Amazing rhythm game that doubles as a cardio workout without an annoying instructor overdosing on Happy pills. Full customization is a great addition to the gameplay and the campaigns are great. I would love to see more of them using all the great updates we had this year.
Best game to show off VR to friends. This game is insanely fun and an amazing workout, I've also found this game to be the biggest hit when showing off vr to friends, controls are super simple and aim assist makes it fun for new people, such a simple concept but incredibly done, especially when I found out about the remixes tab, some incredibly hard levels!
2͟5% PRICE OFF Pistol Whip via link ⤵️.Use ➡️ h͟t͟t͟p͟:/͟/͟2͟5͟o͟f͟f͟q͟u͟e͟s͟t͟.b͟i͟o͟.l͟i͟n͟k ⬅️ to get 2͟5͟% PRICE OFF all games and apps including Pistol Whip.いいね👍してくれたら嬉しいです。レビュー足が鍛えられる。このゲームにはマルチプレイがとても必要だ。このゲームにはマルチプレイが必要だ。でも、シングルプレーヤーのキャンプは最高だし、ビートセイバーよりずっといい。また、ローンチ後に多くの無料コンテンツを持ってきたことも気に入っている。ありがとう、開発者たち。
2͟5% PRICE OFF Pistol Whip via link ⤵️. Use ➡️ h͟t͟t͟p͟:/͟/͟2͟5͟o͟f͟f͟q͟u͟e͟s͟t͟.b͟i͟o͟.l͟i͟n͟k ⬅️ to get 2͟5͟% PRICE OFF all games and apps including Pistol Whip.
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Review: Real good leg workout. I must admit i jump into beat saber more often because of the multiplayer there. This game needs a multiplayer very badly. However the single player campanes are great and much better then what beat saber offers.
Also love how they brought so many free content after launche. Thanks developers.