Out of Ammo 2: Death Drive(ストラテジーゲーム、シューティング)のスクリーンショット
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Out of Ammo 2: Death Drive(ストラテジーゲーム、シューティング)の概要
Death Drive is the apocalyptic sequel to Out of Ammo, a hybrid VR Tower Defense / FPS strategy game. Embark on a wild road trip developed exclusively for VR. Build defenses, scavenge scrap and and kill undead zombie hordes using an arsenal of firearms, melee weapons and mounted defenses.
Not a good Vr Game. This game is just as basic and boring as it gets. Devs really just did nothing to improve from the first Out Of Ammo game just basically just adding zombies and nothing else.
There is no ingame physics so you will go through everything, there is also no lighting making textures look bland and ugly. There is zero weapon interaction meaning you won't be able to two hand weapons and chamber bullets. The world is also bland is uninteresting mixed in with the terrible graphics makes its look like garbage.
Zombie AI maybe just as dumb as the devs ignoring bandits that occasionally spawn around your base. Zombies are overwhelming as supposed to but mixed in with the bandits they ignore makes the game very difficult. The "gore" they put in the game and advertised in the trailer (THIS SCENE IS DEEMED TO VIOLENT) is also total BS. Gore to these devs is basically making the entire zombie body bloody as you shoot them and the head popping off, imagine the gore with the least amount of effort put into it.
As a Vr game releasing in 2021 this is a pile of trash looking like a desperate money grab, this pile of dogrhit wouldn't be worth it free let alone 10 dollars. This is more like a 2015 vr game then something that would release today. Game doesn't even deserve one star.