VR Aim Trainer provides highly customizable training scenarios to improve your VR skill, along with competitive leaderboards to prove your dominance in VR aiming.
You'll find numerous scenarios for each skill involved in VR aiming: tracking, flicks, and hybrids of the two. Each of these scenarios provides a unique challenge, honing in on specific skill sets to provide a well-rounded warmup and challenge.
Each scenario features its own competitive leaderboard, allowing you to gauge your skill level, climb the ranks, and see who is currently the best VR aimer.
Whether it's your gun angle, colors of walls and targets, sound fx, handedness, or any other tweakable feature, you'll be allowed to customize it to your preference. Comfort is key in VR, and finding your unique combination of settings is important in improving your aim, so customization is a top priority in VR Aim Trainer.
VR Aim Trainer(アクション、アーケード、シューティング)の評価数と総合順位の推移
VR Aim Trainer(アクション、アーケード、シューティング)の評価とレビュー
Oculusネイティブ。Oculus quest 2で利用できるようにする
Oculus native. Make this available for Oculus quest 2
3. 0%
3. 0%
Im on quest. イモンオクルス クエスト2 スタート方法がわからない
im on quest. i dont know how to start iy bc immon Oculus quest two
驚きの体験。 このゲームは素晴らしいですね。私は昔、Rock Bandの大ファンでしたが、このゲームをVRで体験すると、まさに...。驚きの連続です!!! 伝統的なプレイをしたい人のために、オリジナル・モードを残しているのもいいですね。このゲームはQuest 2 Via Virtual deaktopでプレイしていますが、完璧に動作しています。他のレビューで言及されているような問題はありませんでしたが、私はXboxOne Jaguar Guitarを使用しています。
Amazing Experience. This game is amazing! I was a huge Rock Band fan back in the day and experiencing this game in VR Is just... Well Amazing !!!. I love how they kept the original mode as well for those who want traditional gameplay . Im playing this game on the Quest 2 Via Virtual deaktop and it works flawlessly. I did not notice any of the issues mentione in other Reviews but im also using the XboxOne Jaguar guitar.
Hermonix Please revisit this game and show it some love. More DLC would be really appreciated and bug fixes for people that need it.
Broken & Unplayable. Takes about 10 minutes to load the game on a 5950X with 32GB of RAM and an NVME SSD, which is probably some kind of record.
Once started the game very frequently stops rendering graphics, you hear sound but the visuals just... stop... for a few seconds. Nevermind hitting 120FPS, this game can't even hold 1FPS.
I've had the hitching issue on two different headsets, on two different sets of PC hardware, so I'm pretty sure this game is just broken.
Awesome VR experience, works on Quest 2! I've been playing this for a few years now (on Rift, Rift S, Quest 1 & 2) and still love it! To be honest, it's one of my all time favourite experiences in VR. It looks the best on the Quest 1 - its OLED displays make the dark environment (club) with the bright colorful lights look more realistic, it's more immersive. The LED screens of the Rift S and the Quest 2 make everything look a bit greyish instead of black and the lights less bright and colorful. The good news is that the fatter Quest 2 controller still fits well into the guitar's controller holder. And of course it looks sharper on the Quest 2 than ever before, Oculus Link and Virtual Desktop work flawlessly with Rockband VR. If your Whammy bar doesn't work, unplug/disable all Bluetooth/USB mice & keyboards before running the game. Run Oculus in administration mode. If you get an error message when running the game, start the game manually by opening rbvr.exe (in folder ...\Oculus\Software\harmonix-rockband-vr) in administration mode. As much as I love the game, I cannot give it 5 stars because Harmonix has obviously abandonded the game instead of giving us more DLC :(
omg やっと動作するようになりました! 何が功を奏したのかはわかりませんが、私がやったことは次の通りです。 ファームウェアをアップデートしました。 ゲームをアンインストールしてから再インストールしました。 Windows 10のBluetoothドライバーを削除してから再インストールしました。 持っていたすべてのBluetoothデバイスを無効にしました(マウスとスピーカー)。 PCを2回再起動しました。 Intel Wireless blue tooth, enumerator and LE Enumerator)を無効にしたり有効にしたりしました。 再起動したところ、無事に動作しました。これが誰かの助けになれば幸いです。私はそれが動作するようになりました4つの星に更新しました 楽しいです。
Whammy Bar problems. Oculus needs to take the lead on why the whammy bar does not seem to work. Just bought an Oculus 2 and I heard this game was really good with a PS4 or Xbox guitar. But the whammy bar does not work so you can't use this game with it. I will change my review if I can get some good support or find an issue, disconnecting the mouse didnt solve my issue on the laptop.
So I updated the firmware on my PS4 Fender Stratocaster, started app in admin mode, disconnected all my bluetooth devices and still the guitar does not work on my Asus ZenBook laptop. The game worked when I first purchased it but for some reason it stopped. I think its sometype of software issue. When I test the inputs on my laptop all the buttons except the whammy bar work. I even tried it on a new guitar and it still didnt work. I would be great to get some support on this one.
OMG FINALLY GOT THIS TO WORK! I am not sure what fixed it but here is what I did. I updated the firmware I uninstalled then re-installed the game I removed the windows 10 bluetooth driver then reinstalled I disabled every bluetooth device I had (mouse and speakers) I restarted my pc twice I disabled and enabled the (Intel Wireless blue tooth, enumerator and LE Enumerator) then rebooted again and it worked what a PAIN! I hope this helps somebody.
NEEDS MULTIPLYERRRR!!!!!!! This game would be an amazing 5 star expeirence, with multiplayer mode!! We all have Rift S and cant play together!!! Please add