There’s no rest when survival is on the line. Step into AMC’s The Walking Dead and prepare for an onslaught of walkers as you assume the roles of your favorite characters from the show, and confront the horrors and humanity of this apocalyptic new world.
The war with the Saviors has finally come to an end, but the damage lingers in the hearts of those who survived it. It will take risk and sacrifice to mend this broken society and rebuild what remains of Alexandria for future generations. Are prepared to do your part?
Play as Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and Carol.
Enjoy ultimate combat freedom with 24 upgradeable and customizable weapons.
Experience an original Campaign story playing as Daryl Dixon.
Embark on Scavenger runs and gather supplies while fending off relentless walker herds.
The Walking Dead Onslaught(アクション、ホラー、シューティング)の評価数と総合順位の推移
The Walking Dead Onslaught(アクション、ホラー、シューティング)の評価とレビュー
Fix the knife. This game would have been perfect if the knife was fixed. the old knife was broken and there was no 2 second timer for when you kill a walker so it was over powered. They changed this to a 2 second timer for when you kill a walker no matter how hard you pull it won’t come out. Instead of this they should make a Stamina bar so when you kill a walker it will take away stamina if you run out you can’t run or can’t stab
投稿者:Jaxson Del Toro
投稿者:Peter Rocheny
if you like the show a good pick up. fan of this one
Much better than you think. I get all the bad reviews, I do. If I had written a review when I first played it then I would have written a bad one. Coming off Saints and Sinners and playing this is just a bad idea. So the first time I played, which was shortly after finishing S&S, I couldn't get it, I hated the supply runs because they seem too staged and are forced upon you. You just can't play the game as you want to play which S&S let's you. However, it's now a long time since I played S&S so I can look upon this game with fresh eyes. My verdict now is that it is a great game, good graphics, good controls (mostly), good story with voice acting from the actual characters (except Rick), runs smooth maxed out on my 3080. It is a very underated game which deserved much more love than it gets. Unfortunatly for Survios this game went toe to toe with S&S and came second. That doesn't mean that it is second rate though, far from it. Give it a go, just leave a long, long time after playing S&S.
perfect arcade shooter (sort of). i have 3 things about this game that does't make me happy 1. the timer you could be facing 2 or 3 walkers you stab one then the others get ya like for example chapter 1 before you get a gun you only have a knife and you face hordes of like 4,5 or 6 walkers at once 2. the story is a cliff-hanger when you finish the final chapter the game's story just ends like bruh WHERE IS A CONTINUATION 3. the shotgun is sad like why a lever-action shotgun whay not a pump-action
GREAT BUT NEEDS FIX. This game is awsome, so coming from saints and sinners its not all the best. If you come here to have fun and not make comparisons this game is fun. I watched youtube videos of this game before i bought it, and these people make it seem like it is hell. I really enjoy the game and if you come here to kill walkers this game is for you. WHAT NEEDS FIXING i hate the timer that you have when you brain a zombie, I wish it could be like s&s where you have to yank your wepon out and not just sit there till your 2 seconds are up.
It takes a huge gap to move your hand away from the wepon almost like your hand is glued to the wepon
FIX!!! I think the combat update was fine but when you stick a knife in a zombies head it has a timer then you can pull it out not like in S&S where you have to yank it out. I liked the old version better. Fix please
投稿者:david k
did even get to play the f**king game as soon as I bought it nothing downloaded and can’t find the game anywhere and I can’t get my f**king money back
I find it enjoyable. With the recent update on the game, I’d say it is a good game nowadays. It’s not like saints and sinners, kind of reminds me of Arizona Sunshine but better. I like the game and the story, it’s fun and I’m glad that ranged weapons are useful now and they’ve balanced it out more. They even used Eugene’s actual voice for it.
楽しい。 ゲームをするのは楽しいがすぐに飽きる、ダリルやtwdのキャラでプレイするのは好きだが、ゲームのメカニックはsaints and sinnersと比べると良くない、このゲームの唯一の楽しみはストーリーだがストーリーもほとんどやらないしね。
Funish. Playing the game is fun but it gets boring quick, I like playing as Daryl and the characters from twd, but the mechanics of the game are not good compared to saints and sinners, the only fun thing about this game is the story but you rarely even do story.
楽しんでいます。 まず、近接戦闘には慣れるまでに少し時間がかかります。私はキャンペーンの全章をほぼクリアしましたが、とても楽しんでいます。ストーリー自体も面白いですし、シリーズのファンならなおさらです。誤解を恐れずに言えば、全体的なクオリティーは「Saints and Sinners」には遠く及ばないが、「S&S」と同じような体験を期待して購入しない限り、それなりの時間を過ごせるはずだ。
I'm Having Fun. First, the melee combat definitely takes a little time to get used to. I've almost completed all of the campaign chapters and I've been having a lot of fun with it. The story itself is interesting and more so if you're a fan of the series. Don't get me wrong, it's far from Saints and Sinners in overall quality, but as long as you don't go into it expecting a similar experience to S&S you should have a decent time with it.
Not an enjoyable experience. Three things absolutely RUINED this game for me:
1. The constant red fog that pushes you along in a certain direction that will kill you if you remain in it for too long, which discourages exploration and keeps you rushing.
2. On-screen prompts warning you not to go a certain way. 3. The fact that you must keep replaying the same scavaging levels over and over in order to upgrade and unlock story levels.
Other aspects of this game that are not good are the washed out brown low-res graphics, constantly running out of ammo and being forced to use knives, limited interaction, and the gameplay seeming to get more dull the more you play. Didn't really enjoy my time spent with this game.
Nothing in this game is done well. The whole game is just mediocre ideas, bad excecution. The combat isn't challenging in any way, the only thing that makes combat even remotely difficult is how bad it is. Making it take two or three shots in the head to kill a zombie instead of just making it hard to actually shoot them. Or when you stab one in the head you then have to stand there for a full two seconds before you can do anything else. The hoard is just red fog with 2D zombie textures on it.
Please listen devs. There was a huge mistake taking out the idea of multiplayer since there is 3 characters you can choose from have a maximum of three people to all play together would love to see it also my friends would be able to play with me so take this into consideration and if you want higher ratings and more cash that's the way to go!
Quite good. This was a fun adventure in the world of TWD. The gameplay is quite stimulating, and the encounters with the walkers are really good.It's quite immersive to make your way through them and watch your back constantly while you're out scavenging food and medicine.Make sure you always have an emergency exit when you go indoors because using a firearm does attract nearby walkers.I only took one star because the motion system is a bit clunky (even teleport) and sometimes punching a walker in the face when your knife is stuck in their skull doesn't really work.
Too much expectations, few delivery :(. Story is good enought but easy to finish the whole game - you only need a freaking knife! I wonder why developers don't allow some basic stuff like handle two weapons -one on each hand of course- at once as OLDER games allows? Do they got a XXI century idea with XX century developers?
3 and a half stars for me. I looooove the tv show, and when I saw this I new that I was going to preorder pronto. you have some of the voice actors from the show like Josh Mcdermit (Eugene) and Norman Reedus (Daryl, Of course) the gameplay aspect needs work like walkers should go down with one shot not 2 or 3. and i notice the walkers latch on to me from 2 feet away, i still manage to kill them but yeah. the modded weapons should have a visual look to them. overall i like the game just needs some improvement. Mabye a graphics update