Take control of the skies like never before in a full Virtual Reality world! Airplanes on fire, commuter aircraft low on fuel, mid-air collisions, emergency rescues, and military exercises all need your immediate attention. Manage your aircraft and airports in "God Mode" as you tower over large metropolitan airports, tropical islands, and towering cities. Path your aircraft to safety, avoiding air traffic, fierce thunderstorms, and perilous landscapes. Get those planes refueled, repaired, and back in the air as fast as possible. You will need nerves of steel as you zoom down to "Toy Mode" to fight raging aircraft fires, man the guns and missiles of the battleship, and the worst task of all-Luggage Sorting. Don't waste any time, the skies are full of emergencies that only you can manage. Did we mention the Alien Invasion? Welcome to Final Approach!
A welcome relief in the VR World. So i bought this game for one dollar, and wow its so much beter than i imagined. i guess its no surprise, after playing thier second vr game final assualt, i figure phaserlock knows how to make fun and unique VR games
One of the better early games, but ... So this was one of the better early VR games out there. It's nice. It'll keep you busy with so much going on. It's really endless play. But at the end of the day, while playing this once may feel new and refreshing (especially if you're new to VR), it'll soon get repetitive. It's just busy work. Nice game to kill a few minutes though. If you like managing a busy airport and frantic time management with some some nice VR immersion mixed in, get this on sale.
投稿者:VR Reviewer
座ったままでも遊べる? Pilot Editionはデスクに座ったまま遊べるのでとても気に入っていました。
Needs too much space, isn't so fun. I found that although the game had fair promise, that I needed more space than I have (approx 2m x 1m). There was no way to move or scale the game, and resetting my view didn't help much at all, which is especially painful with a 2 camera set up. Probably won't get much/any play out of the game in the end :(
Nice game about landing toy planes. A cute game about landing toy planes on an airport. I loved specially the hellicopter. Perhaps too easy but well done.
Stellar! Best Value Game on VR platforms. As another player stated here if buy Final Aprouch Pilot or the touch version youl get both, right now the Final aprouch Pilot version is 10.- on Wintersale and the touch version is more expensif, but if buy any or the cheapest of the 2 youl get both, make seurch you such for "Final aprouch" when bought to download. it not tels you in buy proces as it does with free games linked to another.
Hapy Costumer al the way. only i do not know if saves in cloud, but on most games on the oclus platform its wise youl leurn save location and backit up , leurn this sooner or later but you have to if not want to loose save games if there is no cloud save function!
dont know about controler suport sich i hate controllers. but do know if have touch, this title you by one year or another. very smart use of the touch controllers.