The dinosaurs were wiped out by a stray asteroid, your mission is to destroy all the asteroids before they ever get a chance to get anywhere near the Earth.
Free and very fun! This feels like version 1.0 of this game, but it's actually a lot of fun. Basically pick two guns and hit start. As you play, many things will pop up in your head as to what they might add in the future. Powerups would be fantastic. Also, animations for when your bullets hit the asteroids would be helpful. One annoying thing is when you gain an extra life, the notification takes up a large portion of the screen and can make you get hit. Overall, a lot of fun and something I'd definitely pay money for once it's more polished.
小惑星を撃つ。 ここでは、リバイブのいくつかの種類の高さの問題があります。
Shoot Asteroids. Some kinda height issue with Revive here.
Has potential....... Great concept but let down by the 'guns' in this iteration. Capacity to invent some awesome guns. Current guns just feel like peashooters.