The year is 2035 and Tokyo has been overrun by an unknown force. Communications with the rest of Japan and the world are down. With the Tokyo Police and Japan Self Defense Force (JSDF) destroyed in the first few hours of the invasion, it is up to you as the rookie pilot of an experimental variable mech to fight back the invading forces...
- Single Player Campaign - 2 to 4 Player Death Match - Avatar and voice chat
Fun but not deep. I played through the different "checkpoints" to complete the single person game. I did go back to see if I could score higher by completing each scenario with a faster time. Adding the stress of trying to do the run faster didn't enhance the fun factor, it just added stress. Also, the maps are far too similar. I had no problem with the controls, they worked well for me. I do feel that I got value for what I paid. There just isn't enough to bring me back. There are many more games that will occupy my time. It's a solid 3 stars for the effort.
worth playing. Fun robot shooter for the asking price. VR needs more games of this sort. So much potential...needs more weapon types, more distinction between different mech, better AI...can't wait for future versions!