Most fun I've had in VR. This game is incredibly fun. It was recommended by a YouTuber I watch as his favorite VR game and it did not disappoint. Has probably become my favorite too! Also, I don't know how they did it, but even though you're moving around a lot, there is no motion sickness at all! Highly recommended.
This game is definitely a go-to anytime. Positives: •Nice art style and overall look •Very fast paced levels with versatile weapons and enemies. •Concept of never hitting the ground by swinging with your controllers to get air time. Never boring •plenty of settings to change to adjust to your playstyle. •Music is awesome but limited.
Negatives: •No customization of guns, skins, or nameplate •Repetitive gameplay •Goals for certain levels can seem unattainable for the average player
投稿者:Noah Cline
WOOOO。OMG, Now that is a HELLUVA ride right there, holy crap, what a RUSH! あのゲームの中で君は動いているんだ、僕の声が聞こえるかい?最初に手に入れたゲームのひとつだが、正直言って、どうやったらこの乗り物に勝てるのかわからない。コツをつかめば、アリーナを飛び回りながら片手で撃って、もう片方の手でスイングしたり、こっちの手でスイングしてあっちの手で撃ったり、両手でスイングしたり、空中を飛んで両手でシュートしたり、でも地面には気をつけて。なんてこった、俺たちは今、ずっと上にいるんだ!この速さでは絶対に捕まらない。いいぞ、振り向きざまに撃て!振り向いて、もう一回パスしよう!そして、戻る。すげぇ・・・。速い... そう・・・そんな感じ・・・。
投稿者:Kevin Harris
WOOOO. OMG, Now THAT is a HELLUVA ride right there, holy crap, what a RUSH!! You are MOVIN in that game, you hear me, bass haulin, omg I can't even explain it. One of the first games I got and I swear I honestly don't know how they can beat this ride. Get the hang of it, you'll see, just FLYING around that arena shooting with one hand, swinging with the other, or swing with THIS hand and shoot with THAT one, or just SWING with both hands, or go flying thru the air and SHOOT with both hands but watch the ground, it's coming at you VERY FAST, QUICK catch that grapple point and fling yourself back up in the air and catch em on the way back down.. Holy crap, we are WAY up here now, look down! Oh yea they'll NEVER catch you going THIS fast, can u feel that RUSH? Good, turn around and shoot, they're still trying to catch u!!! Swing back around, let's make another pass, but really, watch that GROUND!!! And back UP we go.. So... Freaking.... Fast... Yea.. it's like that .
Swivel chair! I read in someone else's review that he sits on a swivel chair to play. I just tried playing it while I'm sat on a swivel chair and it has elevated this game from a 7 to 20
It's a really good core strength workout, especially for someone that cannot walk or stand very well.
Ridiculously fun and challenging. So you know how you're supposed to be able to wear glasses in the quest 3 with the spacer...I don't think they planned for this level of verticality! I scratched my quest 3 lens and my glasses.
It was a very fun game though. I downloaded and played out with the 6 month free trial of the games service, so I don't know what it costs to say if it's worth it.
It is a lot of intense movement in a vertical space spider-man style while turning about and shooting at an ever varied and increasingly difficult set of killer flying robots.
It is an absolute blast, just don't wear glasses during play...the spacer is a lie!!!
Most fun I've had in VR so far. This game got me back into VR after letting the Quest sit on my bookshelf untouched for a year. Fully immersive and the only game that's ever had me hit a wall on accident. (Fair warning you need more space then you would think 🤣)
[1/4off]glad god came to stand alone VR. "Swarm" delivers a thrilling and immersive experience, throwing players into adrenaline-pumping battles against hordes of enemies. The intuitive controls and intense gameplay keep you hooked as you strategize to survive each wave. The game's visuals and sound design add to the immersive nature, making each encounter gripping and satisfying. However, some players may find the lack of variety in enemy types and environments a bit limiting over extended play sessions. 1/4 off this god game
daniel90 (DOT) bio (DOT) link Replace (DOT) with .
The greatest game I've ever played. 🔥. This game is probably one of if not the best VR game I've ever played. I'll keep this quick, but swinging at full speed, doing stunts, managing your abilities, and running through the story makes this one of my all time favorite games. Do yourself a favor and try this one out!
Great game but I need help. This game is so fun and actually addicting. The thing I like most about it is that it’s actually really hard. I got my friend to get this game too but I’m trying to find out how to play multi player. It says it is multi player in the description. Can someone please help me with this?
Don't even think about it.... Don't usually write reviews, but this game is worth the money. Most definitely is a stress reliever for me after and on lunch at work lol. Like they said " Spiderman with guns" ..... get the game, and you won't regret it. Also no motion sickness at all!
Feels cool and satisfying to play. Pretty cool game. I prefer to play sitting down in a swivel chair rather than standing up, that's a lot of turning lol. It can make you feel quite nauseous after a while so take small breaks in between. I never ever ever get motion sickness, I could sleep in a storm out at sea, but this is my first time with VR so I guess it takes getting used to.