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Excellent Game! STEEP Learning Curve! This is an outstanding Maze-style game! It combines an odd but welcome Astroids feel with a modern VR aesthetic and control scheme. There are just a few things holding it back from being perfect!
Pro's: -Animations are very smooth -Mazes are unique -The story is fun and quirky (good voiceovers) -Sound design is outstanding! -Sense of scale is perfect (this is really shines as you can zoom in very close or out super far)
Con's: -Very simplistic -Maps feel somewhat repetitive (despite different obstacles added) -Occasional glitch where your ship pops outside of the maze -Game menus have some overlapping issues -Difficulty ramps up quicker than expected -Controls are difficult to wrap your head around and master (I'm still trying to get used to the controls)
Overall, this game is a blast to play, and I found myself fully enjoying it, to the point where I took the headset off and realized I just burned through 2 hours and nearly a full battery. There will be some areas you get stuck on, but finally getting through them is one of the best feelings.
What a Challenge! You don't have to be a fan of puzzles to become completely immersed and engaged in these mazes.
Shuttle Maze has an easy to follow campaign mode that has progressive tutorials and a simple storyline propelled by animated narration.
The controls are a learning curve, challenging players to forget conventional joystick movements and is really rewarding once you learn how to roll the wrist while pointing the joystick in opposing directions.
The soundtrack makes me want to hop into this game on late nights with a snack and something to drink.
Great job developers, look forward to playing through more of this.
Fun Retro Maze! This is a really unique game. You are moving your space shuttle through a maze that you are overlooking. You can change your views in a variety of ways in order to get the best angle. There are different obstacles as you move through the maze and you even get to shoot at enemies utilizing different weapons to progress.
The levels increase in difficulty through campaign mode and you unlock the race for each level after completing. You must complete the entire level or you will have to replay the whole level but they aren't too long. There are checkpoints within the levels so if you die along the way, you respawn at the last checkpoint.
The graphics for the mazes are simple but visually pleasing. The pop up story boxes are fun and allow you to follow the storyline easily. You can skip these if you just want to play. As you earn in game currency, you can purchase different space shuttles with emphasis on different abilities.
I am prone to motion sickness but this game is totally comfortable for me. The mechanics were a bit hard to get the hang of but not in a way that made me want to quit playing and then suddenly, I was moving through the mazes like a pro!
Great Game! It's one of those easy to play difficult to master games. The animated dialog is easy fun to watch and a great way to improve hand eye coordination. Fun game overall.
I Love This! No lie, I think this game is so well done! The Music is so cool and fits with the game play, that unlike other games, you won't want to turn it down! Adore the Intro, so much!! LOL The controls might take some getting used to , but once you get it you'll be like...Cool! It is so unique and just makes it more fun. I Highly recommend this game. So much Fun! So that means..... Whoop, Whoop, let's Get A-Mazed!!!
Interesting control system pro and con. This is a very good and well made maze/light puzzle game with a control system that is its biggest pro but also sometimes a con.
The aim of each level is to get to the end of a maze-like structure of pipes with various obstacles in the way. As the game advances the difficulty ramps up and weapons and enemies are added to the equation. There are well produced 2d cut scene messages and conversation between the characters of the game.
The control system takes some getting used to. The control stick moves the shop relative to how the controller is pointing. So as you change orientation of the controller the ship orientation also matches it, changing the axis the ship moves on. It makes a lot more sense in practice than how I've described it! Moving around in an open area with few obstacles is ready enough to pick up but the difficulty ramps up quickly. Getting better at controlling the ship was very satisfying but at times felt like the ability to also move up and down relative to the controller would make it more skillful but this could also remove the unique charm the game has.
The main campaign is currently quite short but very entertaining and there are also race versions of the levels that open up as you move through the game. There are new ships to buy also and it would be good to see that developed further but I'm not sure it currently adds enough variety.
All in all I would definitely recommend this game and enjoyed my time with it. I would give this 3 1/2 stars
Arcadey game with nice music. This is a lovely little platfomer/puzzle game, in which you guide your spaceship through various mazes, shooting enemies as you go. The level design may look a little simplistic, but it doesn't really matter. Once you're in it, it's easy to get immersed and it feels good. The background skybox is lovely as well. You can move your viewpoint around, and get a really good look at the 3D mazes you're trying to get through. Personally I played standing, and ducked around the maze structures to change my view, but seated play is also entirely possible. The story is okay, and the voice acting and figure animations are mostly nice. The sounds and soundtrack are really cool, I could see myself adding it to my "Background music" playlist.
The controls have a bit of learning curve, but they are very logical, and once you get the hang of them it is possible to move really fast! It's hard to master, but once you have, there is a timed "Race mode" to play with as well. I found this handy for practising the controls as well.
As you play, you can unlock a few different ships with slightly different characteristics (e.g. levels of speed and control). I found this more an added challenge level more than anything, but in the end I found one that I like.
The game ramps up its difficulty curve nicely. You will crash a few times, but it makes the feeling of passing a difficult portion all the better! I only got to a point of frustration in the penultimate level, but after taking a few breaths I worked through that as well.
The main con of the game is the brevity. While it's hard to master, and a race mode in which to challenge oneself and others, I wish there were more levels to the campaign. The puzzle elements are not very complicated, and I'd like to see more challenging mazes where one could really get a bit lost. All in all, this is a really nice little game, and playable by all ages of VR gamers. It's easy to pick up, but hard to master. I just wish there were more of it!
Has a lot of personality. It's a novel idea of a spaceship puzzle shooter inside a maze. It's a game that takes full advantage of VR's ability to give a sense of depth to a game. This is really one of those games where if you look a flat video of it, it doesn't tell the full story.
And speaking of story, it also has a lot of personality, communicated though the cartoony cutscenes and excellent voice acting.
It's not a perfect game, my main complaint would be that it is a bit on the shorter side - a lot of the gameplay after that comes from speedrunning the levels, something that might not appeal to everyone. What's there though is really fun!
Great arcade style game with a fun twist. This game took some getting used to with the different views and controls but that’s also what makes it interesting. You control the ship with one hand and maneuver yourself around the ship/maze with the other hand. The controls also caused some frustration though as I couldn’t move myself fast enough to keep up with the ship or have time to maneuver myself to see while at the same time shooting tons of enemies. I still kept getting drawn in though to try to beat my times and get through faster. You can also upgrade to different ships with different stats to try to speed your time up and at the same time utilize a few different weapons to accommodate you. I did have one glitch where as soon as I went through a portal I was transported outside of the maze. I was able to fly around and shoot enemies but couldn’t get back inside the maze. I finally decided to let myself get shot in hopes I would transfer back in and it worked. I was put back in the maze and was able to continue on in the game. Overall this is a great game with some bugs and controls to be worked on to get it up to the 5 star rating.
This hidden gem, makes me feel like I'm playing a game inside a cartoon. Story is fun, game is challenging and fun. The only personal issue I had wasn't the game itself, it was the controls for non dominate hand. I had some difficulties with orienting myself with the ship. You rotate with your buttons, I'm so used to using the thumb stick. A great time will be had in this game. Definitely recommend.
A hidden gem. When I first played Shuttle maze it surprised me how good it was. Graphics are so good, everything is sharp and this is very important for a game where you must see what's going next on your route.
It has a short campaing which is nice but as said it's very short. I'd like to have more stages added to the campaing in the future. It also has time trial stages that make the game replayable to beat others times. It would be nice to have a stage creation tool to let players create their own stages and share to others.
The only bad thing about the game is that I lost my game progress 2 times after updating the game.