Madrid Noir is a 45 minute, Emmy award winner, mystery adventure that unfolds across two acts in this VR film.
After her estranged uncle is declared dead, a disenchanted young woman arrives in Madrid to empty the apartment that he left behind. Lola is soon compelled to dig into her memories, where she'll pick up her uncle's shadowy trail and attempt to piece together the puzzles of the past. Staged as an awe inspiring theatre production, this charming escapade plays out across a city that lives in the night, a Madrid now lost to time.
Take a heavy pinch of classic noir, blend it with a bucket load of gleeful animation and mix it all up with interactivity that invites you to explore and uncover clues from Lola’s past – and you've got the recipe for a story you won't soon forget!
Developed by No Ghost and Produced by Atlas V, the team that brought you Battlescar and Gloomy Eyes. Madrid Noir premiered at Tribeca Film Festival 2021 and Annecy Film Festival 2021.
Wonderful game. It’s a nice story but it’s kind of short I would like some expansions to it and I just started playing today and I’m almost done please add expansions
完璧なVR短編映画。 Madrid Noirは、映画的なVRの本当に素晴らしい作品だと感じています。これはゲームではなく、物語体験ですが、ユーザーを受動的/観察者の役割に置く他の体験とは異なり、Madrid Noirでは、適度なダイジェスティック・インタラクションを楽しみながら物語を体験することができます。声や音楽、アートスタイルも素晴らしいポイントで、私はすぐにパキータに惚れ込んでしまいました。VRのストーリーテリング体験が好きな方なら、『Madrid Noir』を楽しめると思います。
A perfect VR short film. I feel Madrid Noir is a really nice work of cinematic VR, it has the right amount of interaction to don't get you distracted and miss the story plot. This is not a game, it is a narrative experience, but unlike other experiences that put the user in a passive / observer role, Madrid Noir lets you experience the story while enjoying a right amount of diegetic interactions. The voices, music and art style are also a great point and I quickly fell in love with Paquita. If you like VR storytelling experiences, I believe you will enjoy Madrid Noir.
I’m so confused. When I got the game I was excited when they asked for my language I didn’t see English and I can’t understand what they are saying so kinda got a bad taste in my mouth about the game so can someone help me with this??!!
Good story but not very interactive. Though I enjoyed the animation and story, there was no need for a player. I could grab and touch things at times, but there was no real point…you don’t really have a place or purpose other than to listen to the story. I thought it would be more player involved instead of just watching a show.
Bug. I like the work a lot but there is a bug in the sequence where I am supposed to hang the photos. I am stuck and can not go further in the experience. Unfortunately I did not receive an answer of the developper-team. I contaceted them via there website. What to do?
Haven't finished yet, because... First I wanna say, I really like style and the way the story is told so far. But... Is there a way to save your progress?! I have finished the first reel, hoping I could start next time with the second one... But no, I had to start at the beginning again. So I let the story play, without watching, doing just the interaction to keep it going to the point I could start the second real again.
I was hoping, I would find the save-button, or it would save automatically after starting the second reel, but no.
Also, shortly after starting the second reel, I've drooped a photo, which I was supposed to hand over... It got stuck in midair, where I could not pick it up again and it didn't respawn in its original place...
So.... At some point, I will have to go all the way through reel one..... Again.
The story seems to be really nice... Hope at some point I will find out how it ends :-D
How to return where I left off. I don’t know how to save the sections I have watched when I quit. I watched the first 20 minutes and had to quit. The next day I tried to resume where I left off, but had to start from the beginning again. HELP!
not actually a game. This was neat if what you want is to watch a movie and do almost nothing that resembles a game, puzzles, etc. It isn't actually a game. It should not be called a game at all since all you do is watch something you can't affect.
Not worth $9. I had fun with it just a little but it’s barely interactive and just a movie. And you couldn’t save the process, I had to play this twice, I wish it had more twists and turns and multiple endings. That would be worth like $4.99 and I would kinda like my money back because I thought it would be more interactive more…. detective like more everything.
So-So. The story was exciting and emotional at the end, worth buying for 9$. This is something you probably won’t watch more than once though. The story was also not too interactive, just small things, like handing someone a phone, turning on the light, etc.
Over all, really nice, just not too interactive. LOVE THE ENDING!
The bugs take away from the experience. I enjoyed the story and the interactions but the experience was ruined due to the performance issues (jittering) one scene refused to proceed to the next and since there is no way of going back to the main menu I was forced to quit the game meaning starting at the beginning again with no way to skip at this point I had lost interest.
Surprised that there are no subtitles either, it’s a shame because these bugs were reported almost a year ago by other users but they are still present.
I don’t like leaving a bad review as a lot of work goes into these but this wasn’t as enjoyable as it should have been and it’s one of those which if the bugs get fixed tomorrow your not really going to go back and revisit.
It’s a cute story. It’s a cute story. Like most oculus games it’s short and there were times that I had to readjust my view settings just so I could continue the story. There is NO way to walk around and that does take from the experience a little bit and could be a show stopper for some. I played this game on my bed and you don’t have to worry about reaching down to pick anything up it’s just things will move out of your safety areas then you can’t reach things that you need to internet act with unless you use the oculus settings to adjust your center.