Bite the Bullet(ストラテジーゲーム、シューティング、アクション)のスクリーンショット
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Bite the Bullet(ストラテジーゲーム、シューティング、アクション)の概要
概要 ※この概要は翻訳表示しています。
Bite the Bulletは、バーチャルリアリティのアクション/ストラテジーゲームです!ベースキャンプを建設して防衛し、戦場から直接ユニットを召喚して戦い、マップから相手を一掃しましょう!自給自足の兵士、戦車、ヘリコプター、爆撃機など、すべてあなたの手首から生み出せます!あなたの部隊は容赦なく敵を追い詰めるが、勝利のためには増援が必要だ!危機が迫ったときには、自分で武器を取って参加することもできる!ベースキャンプの数が増えれば増えるほど、どの建物を建てるかが軍隊の種類に直接影響します!地上からの脅威と上空からの脅威の両方に対して、防御用の砲台を建設することをお忘れなく!
Bite the Bullet is an virtual reality action/strategy game where YOU command troops alongside them on the battlefield! Build and defense your basecamp, summon units to fight directly from the battlefield, and wipe your opponent from the map!
Spawn self-sufficient soldiers, tanks, helicopter gunships and bombers, all from your wrist! Your troops will mercilessly hunt the enemy, but will need reinforcements to triumph! You can even pick up a weapon yourself in a crisis to pitch in!
As the number of basecamps you control grow, your choices in what buildings to construct directly influences the type of army you can field! Just don't forget to build defensive turrets, against both ground threats and those from the sky!
Bite the Bullet(ストラテジーゲーム、シューティング、アクション)の評価数と総合順位の推移
unpolished but has a lot of potential. The game is a little clunky and buggy but it’s very fun to play, I particularly take issue with the fact that there’s only teleport movement
The units are also somewhat unbalanced, tanks are the Meta for sure as their fairly cheap, deal a lot of damage and take a lot of punishment, they make most other units obsolete. The issue with the tanks could likely be solved by making the cooldown on infantry shorter so you can spawn more of them as they get cut down rapidly
I’d also like to see more unit types and more complex ways to control them as currently they only attack the closest enemy
Overall the game is very enjoyable for a free app lab game despite its flaws, and if the devs keep updating it it could be quite fun
Bite the Bullet. This is a very good game,this game has potential for greatness,it could be pvp or npc playing,a cool down period should help get more men on the field, it should have some kind of intel collecting so you can get more cash for equipment,you could also make the layout longer to explore more,the infantry should be allowed to patrol or attack,which would make you more cautious of buying troops just to get shot down,overall this is a gem if it could get better support!