🛡️ DEFEND YOUR HOME IN HOUSE DEFENDER Welcome to House Defender, an immersive Mixed Reality game that transforms your whole room into a free roam VR playspace. Defend your walls from incoming monsters, walk freely around your space, take cover behind your furniture, and protect your home! Invite your friends to join in co-located or remote multiplayer gameplay—together, you are the last line of defense until dawn brings reinforcements—or stand alone against the night.
Scan your environment in the blink of an eye and watch as your surroundings morph into the center of an enchanted and mystical forest. Your physical room as the play area is encircled by a wooden fence marking the boundaries you must defend. Every wall and object becomes part of your immersive adventure!
Co-Located Multiplayer Fun: Defend your own environment against monsters together with friends in the same physical space. Remote Multiplayer Fun: Virtually connect physical rooms and team up to fight against monsters in the village square. PvP Mode: Prefer competition over cooperation? Engage in player-versus-player battles in a fully virtual world. Take cover behind your furniture and compete against each other, either co-located or remotely.
Key Features:
🏠 Room Adaptation and Transformation 👥 Multiplayer Modes 👾 Updated Scenes, Power-Ups & New Monsters 🏹 PvP and Co-op Options
Other Games:
Mixed Snow Worlds The Last Galaxy
House Defender(シューティング、アクション、パーティーゲーム)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Shooting is fun, fixing fences stinks. This is great exercise and I really love this game except for one thing . . . I can't repair the fences fast enough. I know you can play with other people and maybe if there was more than just me one person could shoot and one person could fix the fences, but with just me, I can't get past the third level.
Fun local coop. One of the few games that includes local co-op, which is a lot of fun even if the tracking isn't perfect. It would be very nice if there were more level worlds and different weapons.
fun for a short while. This game use our space well. It works pretty well in full VR once you've mapped every obstacles.
Sadly, this is just a wave shooter with limited gameplay mechanics, weapons, enemies variety and attack patterns. For now, it lacks actual content. It would be cool to have different kind of ranged attacks that we can evade and have some kind of means to fight at close range. With more collectibles, weapons, buff, upgrades, it could add replay value. It could become a cool party game.
I didn't try it yet, but if the local multi-player co-location works well, this definitely add value.
The mixed reality is a nice plus but worked badly (for me). The main problem was that even the fence was replaced by the passthrough. In consequence, I couldn't see the fence and felt that the separation between the virtual space and my room wasn't at the right height.
we would need an update for the quest3 which performs automatic room tracking, and then the game will superimpose virtual objects on real objects
Great Game. Amazing with local multiplayer! Was playing with 3 people in the same room, really fun. Great mixed reality as well. Needs more content: more guns/powerups/environments. Possibly boss battles? Really worth playing if you have other friends with a VR. Game if free but would gladly pay for it if it had a little more content.
Awesome and innovative. Being able to map out objects in your house and have them generated as objects in the play area is HUGE. Takes a moment to get down but if you follow the instruction video it's quick and easy to set up. Just tried it for the first time and had to immediately send the link to three more people. Can't wait for more games that take advantage of this feature
Excellent. I've been getting my dad into VR, and he enjoyed this one. Works in very small places up to walkable larger rooms. Doesn't get too crazy, so neither of us experienced motion sickness either. Still can't pass Level 17 here!
Conceptually, tech and art, delightful. Game art cute. Rendered world cute and I just love the technology and immersion. Felt “big” and “organic”.
I loved that outlining the furniture later “manifested” as solid barriers in the game. Actually, I’ve wished I could align solid pieces with virtual ones before so I can lean into them now and then for rest or another form or “realism” between virtual and reality (touch feedback). (Not that a rock and a couch cushion feel the same. But closer than a “virtual solid item” and air!).
Because it’s October, I found the theme perfect and had a nice time playing around.
Extra themes and surroundings over time would allow a game like this really hold a players attention over long periods of time (ie coming back for more gameplay). Perhaps once the game was polished it could release various DLC. A few bucks for different environments. (City. Country. Pirates. Squirrels. Well. Don’t want to personally shoot squirrels but perhaps toss them acorns, lol).
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Oh. One - if not glitch, but technical (?) - problem for me...
Controller pressing oculus flat button. For me “recenters” my play and is useful especially when starting something like Beat Saber or a Bowling game to visually align the game in front if me. Running around games don’t matter as much since the joystick can turn me whatever way and if I need my room bearings after a bit, I do the quick mask tap peek around the room and head back in to my game.
However, after walking around a bit, I hit the oculus reentering button in this game. And there went those well placed boundaries. Ie. To clarify, the boundaries were still there but no longer aligned with my real world furniture. I ended up way outside the virtual boundaries within the game actually which disallowed any further physical walking in the game (lest I crash into something within moments) and so I exited out sooner than I would have otherwise.
A very pleasant discovery. Have to say normally stuff like this is a lot of faff, this was simple to set up and Alot of fun. Only thing I'd say is maybe add a few more environments and a bit of music for atmosphere. Bought it on sale, totally worth it, very cathartic
Couldn't play a single wave. Setting up environment is troublesome if you have lots of furniture in your home, and elevated surfaces. I couldn't get to start playing because i had things blocking fences for repairing. Game says that i could not reach, but i could walk freely to the fence and repair it if needed
Great game great concept. What a great experience and cool concept the setup is quick and they even have a tutorial on YouTube. Adults and kids alike will love this a fantastic game with good gameplay and the way the graphics cover obstacles in your room is fabulous. Great price and it’s coming up to halloween can’t wait for their next game. !!!
The future of VR! Such an amazing idea. Scan your room and all the objects in it and you can walk around the whole room! The game’s still in development, so gameplay is limited; however, I’m telling everyone I know to but it to support the devs! Looking forward to more environments.
ルームスケーリング - Wave Defense. House Defenderは、非常にユニークなルームスケーリングゲームです。それはあなたがものにぶつかることなく、あなたのプレイエリアの外に再生することができます。
House Defenderは、とてもユニークな部屋の拡大縮小ゲームです。物にぶつかることなく、プレイエリアの外でもプレイすることができます。
私のプレビューはこちらでご覧ください。 https://youtu.be/Jaj8FfyVlFw
Room Scaling - Wave Defense. House Defender is a very unique room scaling game. It allows you to play outside of your play area, without bumping into things.
The game gets you to scan your entire room. Once that is done, you will draw boxes over all your furniture and objects into the room. After everything has been scanned in, the game transformers everything into an amazing VR world.
Now that you have created your VR world, it time to defend it. Waves of bad guys will try to gain access to your VR play area. You will use room scaling to freely walk around and shot down your enemies. You will not use your control sticks to move in this game. This a free movement, room scaling game where you do all the walking yourself. This adds a whole new mode of immersion to the game.
The game takes full advantage of the Meta Quest 2's wireless freedom, letting you move freely around your house protecting it from enemies.
The game feels and looks great. You will have no problem moving around the world and blasting the baddies. No VR legs needed since you are actually moving.
If you are looking for a new Quest 2 game with an unique way of playing, this is one title you do not want to pass up. Take room scaling to the next level.
Watch my preview here, https://youtu.be/Jaj8FfyVlFw
House Defender - Room Scaling - Wave Defense
House Defender is a very unique room scaling game. It allows you to play outside of your play area, without bumping into things.
Turn your entire floor into a VR gaming world.
Watch my preview here, https://youtu.be/Jaj8FfyVlFw
Location-based VR at home. Free-Roam Game: First, you need to Scan your real environment with your controllers (similar to the new room setup from meta) and then the virtual world gets generated on top of that automatically. Simple fun game, but mindblowing technology: you just walk through your living room naturally and can even feel the virtual objects :)
disappointed, practically identical to the free version with the addition of multiplayer but without anything else, same graphics to improve, same single game, the concept is interesting, that of adapting a vr map to the real room but the game itself is bad, poor and boring