魔法のじゅうたんに乗って神秘の国バザールを飛び回り、旅のお供にエキゾチックなアクセサリーを集めよう!ダーツトラップ、ウミコブラ、そして角を曲がったところに潜む空腹のワニに注意しよう。バンダルモンキーが迷宮の守護者から遺物を盗み出しました。目を使って舵を取り、星座を頼りに、インディーゲームのヒット作「Plants vs. Zombies」や「Cannon Brawl」を制作した開発者たちによる、数々の賞を受賞したこのゲームをナビゲートしよう。特徴ユニークな能力を持つ25以上の収集アイテム10以上のトラップと敵 刻々と変化する迷宮 プレイヤーの快適さを徹底的に追求
Fly on a magic carpet through the mystical land of Bazaar, collecting exotic trinkets for your journey! Beware dart traps, sea cobras, and hungry crocs that lurk around corners. Vandal monkeys have stolen relics from the guardian of the labyrinth - will you recover them in time or be trapped forever?
Steer with your eyes and consult the constellations to navigate this multi-award winning game made by developers that created indie hits Plants vs. Zombies and Cannon Brawl.
Features: 25+ collectible items, with unique abilities 10+ traps and enemies Ever-changing labyrinths Extensively designed for player comfort
Kinda Lame. At it's best it's just not much of a game. At it's worst it's pretty nausea inducing. There's so much else better out there. Save your money.
Psychadelic colors, so-so gameplay. The colors are something else in this game, but the gameplay makes me feel like this is a smartphone port: steering and other actions are entirely gaze-controlled.