Interior Visualization represents a digital version of an interior
The goal of this project is to create a digital twin of an interior in VR before furnishing the whole apartment. This way the client can really feel the space of the environment and its size.
With the HD lighting setup it is even possible to see how the sun will shine through the windows. Leveraging Unity's HDRP, the interior looks really realistic. The PBR Materials gives a depth that was never achievable before. The possibility to change the colors at runtime let's the user try different color combinations before committing to purchase.
Nice archviz demo. I am developing a similar project using the unreal engine (you can see it here: and I can confirm that this is the level of realism that can currently be achieved. New technologies like the UE5 Lumen lighting system, is not currently supported by VR visors, we will have to wait :(
3 personal tips on the project: - replace free locomotion with teleportation - replace laser pointers that can be annoying if they are always visible - add an exit button :D
Runs well with an i7 and an rtx 2070. Good job guys
ただのアセットフリップ。 このユニティ・アセット・ストアのアパート(白いやつwih the audrey hepburn portrais)をVRで数え切れないほど見てきましたが、これはその中で最もパフォーマンスが遅く、品質が悪い部分(リビングルームだけ)です。壁の色を変えることができます。ウィー。
Just an asset flip. I've seen this unity asset store apartment (the white one wih the audrey hepburn portrais) countless times in VR, and this is the slowest performing, poorest quality portion of that (just the living room). You can change the color of the walls. Wee.
イマイチ。 2秒間のエンターテイメント。超つまらない。
not great. 2 seconds of entertainment. super boring. good try though.
Horrible. I thought this would be a cool game where you can create replicas of the rooms in your house in a way so that it could help you renovate, etc. , but actually all you do in this game is change the colors of some sofas and walls. Wowzers, so entertaining.