Working in four unique and professionally equipped virtual bars, you will experience the thrill of the art of bartending under the watchful eye of Tomasz Małek, a six-time Bartending World Champion. Begin your journey in a music club and learn how to make four basic drinks. Prove yourself and win the opportunity to train and work in the next location. Master more and more demanding drinks as you progress to new, unique bars. Earn the course completion certificate and take up a whole new challenge in the Pro Mode.
A range of drinking glasses to chose from, different liquors, beverages and additions. Crushed or cubed ice? Professional bartending know-how. Various bartending techniques. Real-life liquid physics and item destruction. Juggling with bartending equipment and drink ingredients. We serve it all in a super-realistic quality.
Who will earn most money in each bar? Who will make a perfect drink in the shortest time?
Need a massive boundery to even play! I tryed playing this game in a pretty big room and i was running into walls half of the time. i want a refund now!
投稿者:Totally Confusion
イライラする このゲームを買わずに、他のものを買えばよかったと思う。
annoying. the game crashes to much and wont let me play and some topping will just unload if you dont place them right i wish i did not get this game and got something else
Detailed, though delicate. The game overall brings you a fun bartending experience, requiring the player to memorise the contents, measurements, tools and steps for each drink. Its performance is almost spot on, other than a few bugs here and there. When attempting to flip some items, lag may follow and disrupt certain actions. There have been a few times where bottles have broken when placing them down as per usual, where the game made false 'fails' on drinks despite following the instructions, followed by 'challenge mode' remaining locked on some levels at times, even when already passed. Though these issues do disrupt the gameplay, I view them as minor compared to how much this game delivers to its players. The variety of drinks, modes and locations makes this simulator a good workout for the brain, and worth the cost!
素晴らしいゲームだが... 時々、ランダムに失敗します。例えば、飲み物を飲み終えて、マグカップにライムを入れて、さあ出そうとしたら、失敗してしまった。"Wrong fruit OR wrong step "です。また、実際に失敗したときの対処法もあまり参考になりません。例えば、30mlで済むドリンクに50ml入れたら失敗するんですが、「30ml必要」とは言わずに「入れすぎ」と言うんです。かなり厳しいですが、結局のところ、このゲーム自体はかなり良いものだと思います。
Great game, but... Sometimes you just randomly fail. Like I was finishing up a drink, adding a lime to the mug, about to serve it when it just failed me. "Wrong fruit OR wrong step". Also, the game isn't very helpful if you actually fail. Like if you put in 50ml of something for a drink that only needed 30ml, it fails you, but doesn't say that you need 30ml, it just says you put too much. It's pretty strict but at the end of the day the game itself is still pretty good.
Purchased it but not on my quest. Rip off! It’s not anywhere in my library but it says purchase! Give me a refund
って感じ。 プレイもできない
so bad. cant even play
とても良いです。 ホワイトルシアンにコーヒーを入れるといいかも。
Very good. Maybe add coffee for white russian.
非常に現実的な。 OK このゲームは、真のシミュレータですが、このゲームはすべての飲み物を作ることで正しいことを行いますが、彼らは評価のための迷惑なシステムを持っているように見えます。それに加えて、ゲームはfaboulouseと実際に楽しいです。
Very realistic. ok this game is a true simulator, this game does everything right with making the drinks, they seem to have a annoying system for rating though. Besides that the game is faboulouse and actually fun.
I like the precision and graphics.The presentation overhaul is really proffessional and you can see the attention to small details.I like the precision and graphics.The presentation overhaul is really proffessional and you can see the attention to small details. これが5つの評価を得られない唯一の理由は、もしあなたが2つの前向きセンサーしか持っていない場合、あなたの後ろの冷蔵庫から飲み物を取ることは困難であるので、センサーは私がそれらから離れて直面したときに私の手の動きを登録することができません。
I like the precision and graphics.The presentation overhaul is really proffessional and you can see the attention to small details. The only reason this doesnt get a five is because if you have only 2 front facing sensors , taking drinks from the fridge behind you is difficult , as the sensors can't register my hands movement when i face away from them.
Looks nice, plays poorly. Game should judge a drink once you place it down , not while you are still making it, it should be possible to start anew. Furthermore, it randomly fails drinks as you make them and explains nothing. It should also be possible to see what goes into the drink you're making, instead of having to hit "HINT" and have the drink vanish out of your hand because you put in the mint or limes in the wrong order.