X Rebirth VR Edition(アクション、シミュレーション、ストラテジーゲーム、探検、飛行体験)のスクリーンショット
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X Rebirth VR Edition(アクション、シミュレーション、ストラテジーゲーム、探検、飛行体験)の概要
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X Rebirth VR Edition」は、「X」シリーズの最新作で、「X Rebirth: Home of Light」をベースにしている。 このゲームのあらゆる面が、没入感のあるVR体験に向けて調整されている。 Xユニバースは大災害から立ち直った。 未来は依然として不透明で、ジャンプゲートネットワークには脅威が溢れているが、人々は自分たちの道を見つけ始めている。 最近、海賊の手からアルビオン・スカンク号を取り戻したレン・オオタニは、最愛の船を再建し、チャンスと冒険を求める果てしない旅に乗り出す...。 主な特徴- ジャンプ・ゲートや高速道路を通って広大な宇宙を探検- 自分だけの船や宇宙ステーションを建造- 完全にシミュレートされた経済を体験- 艦隊を編成して敵と戦おう- 多種多様なミッションに挑戦- 3Dモードと2Dモードをその場で切り替え- ジェスチャーステアリングとVRポインターデバイスに対応銀河系最大のサンドボックス、Xユニバースで、トレード、ファイト、ビルド、シンキングを楽しもう。
X Rebirth VR Edition is the latest game in the X series and is based on X Rebirth: Home of Light. Every aspect of this game is tailored towards an immersive VR experience.
The X Universe recovers from cataclysmic disaster. Though the future remains uncertain and threats are still aplenty across the Jump Gate Network, people are beginning to find their way. Having recently recovered the Albion Skunk from the hands of pirates, Ren Otani sets about rebuilding his beloved ship, using it in the never-ending search for opportunity and adventure...
Key features: - Explore a huge universe through a series of Jump Gates and highways - Build your own ships and space stations - Experience a fully simulated economy - Create an armada to fight your enemies - Take on a large variety of missions - Switch between 3D and 2D mode on the fly - Gesture steering and VR pointer device support.
TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in the X Universe - the biggest sandbox this side of the galaxy.
X Rebirth VR Edition(アクション、シミュレーション、ストラテジーゲーム、探検、飛行体験)の評価数と総合順位の推移
X Rebirth VR Edition(アクション、シミュレーション、ストラテジーゲーム、探検、飛行体験)の評価とレビュー
worst vr space game dont buy until fixed. will not work with laptop with dedicated graphics card please fix this as in this day and age people use laptops for gaming .this a total waste of money elite dangerous better and works and cheaper. this a cash grab no updates or fixes for these kind of issues
Good game, bad updates, support. This game has great potential but poor support with updates from the devs. The touch controls on Rift S dosen't work correctly, the game is unplayable. FIX THIS!!
Insanely immersive. This is by far the best spaceship simulation i have ever played. I do not get how sht games like everspace vr or Star Wars Squadron get so much praise. There was 0 immersion in that games bcause u had to use keyboard and mouse/gamepad. Controllers that u cannot see ingame and it feels so bad.
A completly different thing with this game.. Immersion is insane. especially bcause the controls feel so natural, the graphic looks great. I dreamed to be in space since im a lil kid, this game legit gave me that feeling. If you like to be in a spaceship going arround in space, you need to buy this 100%. I play on an Occulus touch on a high-end pc.
NOT FOR THE RIFT S!!! I don't normally write, or even read reviews, but this time I wish I had given a quick read through them. If you are reading this and plan to play on the Rift S; find something else... This is most likely a great game, but the control support for the Oculus Touch is for the original touch controllers, not the Rift S (or Quest) touch controllers. I wish I had known, I wish I had read the reviews. But with the gaming community being on of such hate these days, I tend to check out gameplay videos and risk it based on what I see, never what is said (or written). This time it bit me... I hate to rate the devs hard work poorly, I really do, but this with the Rift S is bad! I apologize devs, but this is just simple truth.
nomad. by tring to make games more realistic they just get to complicated to play sorry guys i like more simplistic controls though the graphics are great the game play to complicated and to confusing for me
I love this! Atmospheric! Music also amazing! I like hanging in this. Loading screen is just a little pain. Hopefully X4 coming to VR suddenly after release. I can't wait! Please make X4 to VR!!!