The ultimate Table Tennis simulator. Play opponents in online multiplayer or practice against the advanced AI. With physics designed to be as real as ever achieved in a Table Tennis simulator, you will forget you are in VR.
Physics Engine : From the very start, we have been obsessed with creating the most realistic table tennis simulation the World has ever seen. After countless hours of hard work and support from our amazing community, we believe that we accomplished that goal.
We hope that you enjoy playing Eleven as much as we enjoy working on it. If you run into any issues or if you're interested in joining our ever-growing community of table tennis fanatics, follow the link in the additional details section and join us on our discord.
A Solid Hit with Room for Realism Boosts. This app is truly impressive with its immersive gameplay and realistic physics engine. Having enjoyed it since its release, I find myself yearning for a couple of features that would elevate the overall gaming experience to new heights:
1. During matches against the AI, it appears somewhat unrealistic when my shots miss, and the AI avatar seemingly predicts the outcome too early without visually tracking the ball. It would enhance the authenticity if the AI avatar could at least feign uncertainty, adding a touch of suspense to each point.
2. It would be fantastic to introduce a spectator feature when playing in the arena. Allowing the option for spectators who react to the unfolding games could significantly enhance the overall ambiance and make the gaming experience even more captivating.
私はFirst person Tennisを試しましたが、残念なことに、最初に貴社の製品を試しました。その物理学は、市場で最も「リアル」であるように見えるにもかかわらず、パワーやスピンを生み出すためのラケットとボールの衝突という点で、とても精彩を欠いており、競技用ゲームをプレイする人にとっては、小さなフィットネスの側面を除けば、その機能を全く満たしていません。一方、私は11TTが私に、実際にTTプレイしたことがないのに、平均的プレイヤーとテーブルで自分を保持できるだけのTTでの経験を与えてくれると強く信じています。
Eleven out of 11 :). Ive never particularly took to Table Tennis. As a former high level competitve Tennis player, I felt TT was kinda in the league with Hardcore cyclists and their skintight lycra, aerodynamic helmets and fingerless gloves.
Bit silly in other words.
But, I have taken on many hobbies in my lifetime where, if you'd told me i'd be doing that soon, i'd chuckle and ask where you got that crack from as it seems pretty good. (Climbing rocks? Dodging balls? Trying to tackle someone throwing a frisbee? What a weirdo).
But, I was looking for something to scratch the Tennis itch, having not been able to play since the mid height of COVID, as soon as I got my quest 2, the sheer amount of positive praise for 11TT and the fact its been around for a while, pushed me into it.
I could always refund right?
Just add this game to the hobbies in my lifetime I took up. Practically everything is spot on. Everything that happens in this game feels a ressult of skill or lack thereof. Nothing appears left to chance or glitch.
This is the perfect example of what VR should be doing. Providing us with opportunities to both experience, and or continue experiences which life may not afford us, due to time, space, money obligations etc.
I thank you 11, for giving us this game, and most humbly ask, PLEEEEAAASE put your efforts into a Tennis game next.
I have tried First person Tennis, and its unfortunate for them, I tried your product first, as the physics in that are so lackluster in terms of racket collision to ball to produce power or spin, despite seeming to be the most "realistic" on the market atm, for anyone who plays a competitve game it just doesnt fill that function at all, apart from a small fitness aspect, whereas I strongly believe that 11TT has given me enough experience in TT to hold myself on a table with an average player, having never actually played TT in real life.
Best Game for Oculus. Its a great game , the only one I play and its helped me improve and learn new skills. Wish there was a drills implemented by the DEVs rather than just download stuff from the community. The core of the game is very good, but the quality of life details in this game is lacking, e.g. 1 year to go from avatar beta to release, or the new UI menu which was teased and not released for a long time. This part is disappointing to see no updates to the game til just now... where an update was teased for 24 hours , before being rolled back. This is disappointing, but core the game is Table Tennis and this game does it exceptionally well. Thank you dev, hope you can further refine and polish this game and add quality of life improvements.
Quest pro still can't play this in PCVR. I can play this game in standalone mode, but in PCVR it always get stucked in the begining like every other pro user said.
this game is the reason i bought VR !!! a friend brought over his quest 2 and i tried Eleven table tennis. The day after i ordered my quest2. I was so amazed by this you have no idea. Thank you guys for a truly amazing game and experience. HATS OFF TO THE TEAM!!! For anyone considering buying. DO IT !! you will not regret.
PCVRでは遊べない。 Meta Quest Pro用に購入し、LinkケーブルでPCVRで起動しようとしたところ。ゲームは一番最初の言語選択画面で止まってしまい、私のコントローラーを全く検出しません。また、「コントローラーのデータ入力値が長い」というエラーメッセージも出ています。このような問題があるゲームはこれだけです。Steam版を購入すればよかった...。
Not playable on PCVR. Just purchased it for my Meta Quest Pro and tried to launch it in PCVR via Link cable. The game is stuck at the very beginning, on language selection screem - it doesn't detect my controllers at all. There is also an error message "controller long data input value". This is the only game with such issue. Should have purchased the Steam version instead...
As I see in the Internet - I'm not the only one with this issue and some other players face it as well, but no solution so far. This is very annoying.
Best table tennis game on VR! This game is so amazing! The most realistic ping pong game out there! Definitely recommend this! Here’s a link to get this along with many other VR titles for 25% off! :)
Pretty Awesome ! Well what can I say, it's table tennis!! Either you love it or you don't. The mechanics are on point, struggled a bit at first with the serves but once you get it, it's reeeeeeeealy close to the real thing. Be carefull, I went crazy and crashed into the wall, your mind just forgets all of this is fake, super cool ! Worth the price so if you like this sport, get it.
Toxic Players Ruining the Fun. Please please please add a report player function. I am getting more and more toxic people making gestures and behaving poorly and there is nothing you can do except forfeit the game. The game itself is great but there are a few bad apples who are sore losers and ruin the experience. The most frustrating thing is that they can get "revenge" by just putting their headset down and leaving you waiting or having to forfeit the match. There needs to be an option to abandon the match if someone is idle for more than 30 seconds
Closest to a real ping pong game. If you want to play ping pong without having the space or the urge of putting a actual ping pong table, this is defenitly the way to go ! The gameplay is truly realistic and also the AI is great to play against.
Some notes to the developers: -A tournament option would be nice.
-The physcis of how the ball behaves on the table itself and the directions of hitting it and giving it spin a re spot on I think, however 2 things I noticed: 1) When the ball bounces on the floor it's nowhere as realistic as it should be: try it in real life... it should keep bouncing a loooooot more. (I'm sure everyone, who has played ping pong once in real life, remembers where they had to run like crazy, at least once, to get that ball stopping :-D)
2) When performing a "smash", you don't seem to be able to transfer that full power potential to the ball. As you know, the ball is empty inside but the plastic shell is quite hard so you can give it a lot of power when smashing and this is a bit less I think.
Nevertheless, and all things considered, you did an amazing job !
Fun Game. at first i wasnt able to start it but the discord staff helped me out and the games is realy fun. If you like pingpong i would highly sugest trying out this game!
Very good game but not perfect ! I love this game on my quest 2, I can play it for hours and hours but it is not perfect and here is why,
- first : I find the table a bit too small in length and width compared to a real table in real life, I know it's a game but I think having a slightly bigger table would make the game even better more realistic and more powerful strikes would have a better chance to stay on the table and give players more playability.
- second : you should really create other environments because only 3 is not enough and having environments like those offered in quest 2 would be too great and would be a good idea to help you create or take those there if you can.
- third : to have more choices of rackets in terms of models or choice of colors. This is not a necessity as you don't really notice the racket when you play but it could be a pretty cool option and add some content to the game which in my opinion could be badly needed.
So here are three really awesome ideas that would make this game even more awesome and I believe that all other players like me who start playing or have been playing it for a long time will totally agree and in my opinion would become the ultimate ping pong game that we all must absolutely have. Thank you !