Tripod City Attack Coaster Ride Nightmare At this nightmare the city was dominated by the machines Enjoy this ride between explosions, wired machines and especial effects.
Cemetery Ride Nightmare This nightmare are at abandoned cemetery land Ghosts, Masters Soul voices to disturb ans scare you Enjoy you life every second
Great and free! those moaning about motion sickness dont blame the game you will get that on a real roller coaster lol just dont eat or drink beforehand!! i think its fab people do like to moan !! lol
Vomit inducing! Terrible game. I made it about 45 seconds before I was yanking my headset off to go throw up. All the things that Epic Roller Coasters does to minimize nausea are missing from this game.
Major motion sickness. and it isn't really scary. There are sometimes random white frames flashing up as you drive, which isn't really anything special. The "scary noises" (like grunting) are making me uncomfortable, but not in a scary way. I wouldn't recommend this.
暗いから全く意味がない くだらないが、くだらないとはわからない。
So dark so as to be completely pointless. It's crap, but you can't even tell it's crap.
Very sharp curves cause Motion Sickness. This is the application that most causes Motion Sickness. Terrible VR in every way, even though I wanted to download it to test. It could be more fun, even with all the trash and homemade production. The producer needs to decide, or intend to give scares with the movements of the cart or if you want to give scares with the thematic setting, which is the case. My suggestion is that, let the cart slow down and dramatically decrease the abrupt curvature of the tracks. And also not necessary so much goes up and down and so many curves. I did not even have time to enjoy the landscape, which, incidentally, is very weak. I finished with Headache and very dizzy and I do not want to repeat the experience and not show it to friends, because they will have a bad impression of VR.