あなたは歴史上最大の狩りに招待されています! 先史時代のバイオームを巡る旅、これまで地球上を歩いた中で最も危険な生き物たちと一対一で追跡し、恐竜。 ラプターの群れの猛烈さ、8トンのトリケラトプスの強さ、そしてパワー、または30フィートのティラノサウルス・レックスの恐怖に直面してください。 With an arsenal of high-tech weapons and armor at your disposal, you are poised to become the ultimate hunter…if you can survive. As you master each hunt, your prey becomes more dangerous as they are upgraded with advanced cybernetic enhancements, equipped with armor, carbine machine guns, rocket launchers, and the lethal ion cannon. 挑戦に立ち上がれ! 自然の最も恐れている生き物の道に身を置く危険に直面し、究極のスリルのためにすべてを危険にさらし、歴史上最大のハンターとしての居場所を確保するために不死にいちゃつく。 Maps: 2 Biomes: Jungle and Desert, with 10 unique maps 恐竜:26合計:13自然、13サイバネティック 矢印:キネティック、グラップル、アンカー、トリップワイヤー、爆発物、ポイズン&シーカー Traps: Ice, Explosive and Poison Achievements and customization Map and Radar to locate and track Dinosaurs. Interactive Trophy Room with head- and full-dinosaur mounts. Field dress dinosaurs ゲームプレイ:15-20時間
Best dinosaur game, highly recomend it. I really love the game's unique design and style, that we hardly see in any other game today. I like the composition of the game, from when you get introduced to game mechanics and controls, to gradually unlock better gear to make hunting easier. 10/10 from my side
Not bad, could be better. So im biased becuase i love phaser lock, i played final assualt like crazy even on discord beta. but theres for sure some missing pieces here. number one, why dont all the arrows have trap modes and tripwire modes, it would lend alot to combat like evil within 2. the anchor has a shockwire, but i dont see why they didnt make a shock arrow with a shock wire and maybe a shock proximity mine. it would flesh it out much more, becuase as i see theres only one anchor arrow even though skills mention anchor arrows and tripwire arrows. that said theres also some wierdness like your bloody metal body, the body has a knife on left arm but its not used lol instead you shield bash, which does feel good. grapple arrows for some reason have to be aimed perfectly at the object so you may miss multiple times in the heat of battle. then that, battle. i really want a dino hunting game to do it right, even if its just bow huniting. i mean island 359 is a old vr game but it did soooo much. health in this game could have been dino meat, your already cutting them open. this clearly is not a kids game. dinos are scary in VR. i understand the cel shading whimsical look, but you gotta have the gameplay to back it up, like gorn ect, and right now it needs alot of love. i hope they update it becuase it does have some cool points to it, but its torn between what it wants to be. cyborgs, dinos, bowhunter, you can do SO much with that, so it kinda feels lacking when your SUPER CYBER butt just sits there chucking arrows at dinos like cavemen did. That being said i do like it, but i needs some serious combat improvements in the way of ingenuity and clever mechanics. I mean i cant reccomend this over APEX CONSTRUCT. that game has story and everything. smooth hand mechanics ect. and is pretty old at this point. that was back in the every VR game is a bow game days lol. it really depends on if they continue making it better or not whether i could reccomend it.
Holy Raptors! It's a hunting game! I feel silly saying this because it's right there in the name, but this is a straight up action hunting game. The focus is on hunting gear, tracking, stealth, and trophies. There's action too, with health, ammo, shields, and stamina. I am very impressed with the depth of thought that went into this game. It could so easily have been a "Let's slap together a game about killing dinosaurs!" but the route they took with this is very fun. Highly recommended.