クロスバイ可能: Breachers™では、激しい近接戦闘を通じて、チームとして攻撃を計画したり、防御を指揮したりします。執行官としてプレイしても、反乱軍としてプレイしても、気の利いたガジェットを使いこなし、強力な武器をカスタマイズして、見事な環境で敵を打ち負かそう。エンドレスで遊べる。BREACH AS ENFORCERYエンフォーサーとしての目標は、敵を排除し、EMPで爆弾を解除すること。墜落して壁を吹き飛ばし、窓を突き破って、ドローン、遮蔽装置、フラッシュバン、ブリーチングフォームなどのガジェットで相手の意表を突こう。ドアブロッカー、トリップマイン、スタティックフィールドエミッター、近接センサーを駆使して自分の位置を守ろう。強力な武器をカスタマイズ勝利を確実にするために、各ラウンドの開始時に豊富な武器を購入して自分好みにカスタマイズしよう。ピストル、SMG、ショットガン、アサルトライフルなど、どの銃もアタッチメントで好みに合わせて変更可能。すべての武器は、武器庫にある豪華なスキンで装飾することも可能だ。多彩なマップでプレイ現代都市の高層ビルの屋上から、北極圏の研究施設の奪還まで。バラエティ豊かなマップがあなたの到着を待っており、頻繁なコンテンツアップデートにより、飽きることなくプレイできる!
CROSS-BUY ENABLED: Get the Quest version and receive the Rift version for free!In Breachers™, you plan your assault or orchestrate your defense as a team through intense close-quarters combat. Whether you play as an enforcer or a revolter, master your nifty gadgetry, customize your powerful weaponry and beat your opponents in stunning environments.Intuitive to grasp. Endlessly playable.BREACH AS ENFORCERYour goal as an enforcer is to eliminate your enemies and disarm their bombs with an EMP. Rappel and blow up walls, swing through windows and catch your opponents by surprise with gadgetry like drones, cloaking devices, flash bangs, and breaching foam.AMBUSH AS REVOLTERYour goal as a revolter is to prevent your enemies from disarming your bomb by terminating them before they do so. Use doorblockers, trip mines, static field emitters, and proximity sensors to defend your position.CUSTOMIZE POWERFUL WEAPONRYTo ensure victory, purchase and customize your extensive weaponry to your liking at the start of each round. Every gun, whether it's pistols, SMGs, shotguns or assault rifles, can be modified with attachments to suit your needs. Every weapon can also be decorated with gorgeous skins in the armory.PLAY ON A VARIETY OF MAPSFrom the rooftop of a modern city skyscraper, to taking back a research facility in the Arctic. A great variety of maps await your arrival, and frequent content updates will keep you engaged and playing!
High Quality Experience. I genuinely love this game, coming from Valorant and CSGO this has the perfect game loop for me. I have run this game on PCVR and Quest standalone and the difference is almost imperceptible visually, and may even have a faster response time on the standalone. The one downside is my battery never lasts as long as I want to play, I get maybe between 1-2 hours from a full charge.
Update: I got a battery headstrap and it is great! If you have a Quest 3 I would recommend researching to make sure the battery headstrap you get can keep up with the Quest 3's power draw, a large amount do not.
Easy 10/10. I’ve definitely played more than 50 straight hours of my life on this. If you’re not quite sure if you want to get it just get it. Trust me it’s absolutely amazing. Easily my favorite game on the quest two. Better than Pavlov, contractors, onward, and zero caliber.
🔆About 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 & ¼ OFF🔆. "BREACHERS" is a very immersive game that makes you feel like you're a special forces agent. Anyone who has ever played CSGO & Rainbow Six will love this game. It is divided into offense and defense, and several short rounds can be performed, and Various tactical actions can be taken using breaching forms, drones, frag, smoke, flash grenades, cloaking tools... and more. Don't forget that your gun can be equipped with parts such as laser sights and grips! The best thing about this game is its fast pace. Rather than long-term battles that can become boring, quick matches of around 5 minutes allow you to apply various tactics for each round, and the battle situation can change quickly, This is what makes you focus more on playing than on losing and winning.
this game already support cross buy. if you want a more higher quality play, so that you can play the rift version as well. so it's convenient for those who want PCVR to buy it from the meta store. Also, the optimization of the Quest version is very very very good. It is a great advantage that various users can conveniently enjoy without PCVR.
⚡𝕓 𝕣 𝕖 𝕒 𝕔 𝕙 𝕖 𝕣 𝕤 . 𝕓 𝕚 𝕠 . 𝕝 𝕚 𝕟 𝕜⚡ Here is the ¼ PRICE OFF link for BREACHERS. Type link above into the internet address bar. space, and accept before purchasing. Then You can instantly get price off in the official Quest Store.
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ナイスシューターBreachers』は、『Rainbow Six Siege』を彷彿とさせる魅力的なタクティカル・シューター体験を提供する。このゲームは視覚的に美しいグラフィックを誇り、リアルでダイナミックな環境にプレイヤーを没入させる。戦略的な奥深さとスリリングなアクションが見事に融合した、やりごたえがありながらも楽しいゲームプレイは、このジャンルのファンにとってマストプレイとなること間違いなしだ。
Nice Shooter. Breachers offers an engaging tactical shooter experience reminiscent of Rainbow Six Siege. The game boasts visually stunning graphics, immersing players in a realistic and dynamic environment. With challenging yet enjoyable gameplay, Breachers successfully combines strategic depth with thrilling action, making it a must-play for fans of the genre.