I would also like two handed mode with two worms if possible. I would also like a difficulty option (in the menu) that makes food disappear seconds after it appears so you have little food scattered around the level, so it forces the player to move more while catching less food, also poisonous food of a slightly different color, easily confused at a first glance with healthy food, so as to force the player to pay greater attention, but not particularly punitive: in fact, if you eat this poisonous food you only lose a certain amount of score and the worm it slows down and can't keep up with your hand speed for a while, before returning to normal -----
Update: perfect! Now i go ti download It! 5 stars and new review in coming!!!....
Latest update ruined the game: auto vacuuming food from a distance makes the game too easy and lazy, please correct or create various game modes easy, normal, difficult otherwise this game has lost all value.
Snake meets rhythmic gymnastics ! This game is worth wayyy more than the price tag! Endless fun of snake meets slither meets ribbon dancing. Its exciting, nerve wracking, customisable and smooth gameplay leaves nothing to the imagination. Starcade arcade have taken elements to make its an amazing game to play alone or with friends…. And of course DJ Inkers throwing out those mad beats in the menu. Go buy it now and see for yourself.
Indie Materpiece. I don’t think people understand just how addictive this game can be. You start off by “trying it out”, then an hour later you’re building up a sweat, arm burning, but you can’t stop! You’re are tripping over your dog trying to snag all the edibles for yourself without eating your enormous body!! (You’ll have to play to understand) It’s zen, it’s fun, it’s catchy and the devs are awesome to follow on social media as well! Well deserved claps for this game.
Space Slurpies......手堅い脱出劇。 まず最初に、最も重要なことを述べておこう。Space Slurpiesは、昔ながらのNokia携帯電話にプリロードされていた、人気ワームジャンルゲームのVR版である。 あなたはカスタマイズ可能な小さなSlurpie(ワーム)としてプレイを開始し、マップをナビゲートすることによって、アーマーとサイズの両方を成長させるために食べ物をガブガブ食べています。 マップ上には他の3人のスラーピー(AIまたは人間)がいます。食べ物に競争して成長し、最も長く続いたスラーピーが勝ちます。
Space Slurpies a solid escape. Let’s start out by stating the most important Space Slurpies is a VR version of the popular worm genre games that came preloaded on all your old school Nokia phones. You begin playing as a small color customizable Slurpie (worm) and by navigating around the map you gobble up food to grow both armor and larger in size. Joining you on the map are three other Slurpies (AI or Human). Race to the food and too grow, the Slurpie that last the longest wins.
If you are a fan of Snake games this is a grab for sure. There are over 30 levels to unlock in solo mode but are fully unlocked in Zen mode that provide a nice change of visuals while you game. The games soundtrack has some grove too it. If you stay in the menu too long you will no doubt find your head bouncing as you pick your next map. When I started playing I said I was just going to give this game a quick try as I am not the biggest fan of “snake games” and it didn’t feel long at all before I got the notification that my headset was dying.
A great escape from the plethora of FPS, Zombie Bashers, and Music Games that load all of our libraries. Also bonus points for being a solid game for new VR users. This is a safe slower paced game to get a new user used to movement and in my personal experience caused no motion sickness.
For more check out my review TikTok - @averagepothead
Latest update ruined the game: auto vacuuming food from a distance makes the game too easy and lazy, please correct or create various game modes easy, normal, difficult otherwise this game has lost all value.
Overall Very Good! This game is very fun to play and is a great concept! It reminds me of the old SlitherIO games but a great idea in 3D. There are obviously parts that could be improved such as less “food” appearing out of reach but as a game very very good.
For the price of the game it’s money well spent. The more players the better the game would be, but this is just general game issues that can’t be helped. If you want to find a game to show new people to VR or want to play VR with your family, this is great!
I would love for there to be a mobile companion app where you can control the worm things with a virtual joystick, then you can play with people who aren’t on VR!
Fixed bug. nice innovative and nice game but beware since the last update there is a bug and many of the cubes to eat are displayed white, single color, not textured, not colored. please fix it. Thank you
Amazing and the music is a banger lol. I absolutely love this game! The menu music is enough to justify buying this game lol. I get it stuck in my head sometimes. I love to play this game when I need to focus and forget my daily life struggles. Really easy to get immersed and I’ve smacked a few things as I got too excited… please use your guardian.
It’s one of those games you’ll probably play in short bursts but it’s perfect that way! I like having Quest games I can pick up and easily play for 15mins on a work break.
For the future: Would of course always love to see more content added and would happily pay for DLC. Maybe even larger online lobbies if possible? A Slurpies battle royale would be hilarious chaos. But honestly it’s very solid the way it is and it’s fine if it stays the way it is.
It’s one of those games I always recommend to my friends who get headsets. You really can’t go wrong buying this, especially for the price. Also bonus if you follow the devs on social media they are hilarious!
Lots of fun in quick bursts. Came for the bhaptics support (which is great btw), stayed for the fun gameplay. There are games that need half hour tutorials, and for which you need to reserve an evening to play. This is not one of these games. It's very easy to grasp, and you can always just jump in for a 5-minute-game. It runs smoothly and the transfer of Snake into 3D and VR works surprisingly well. I cannot wait for this to get off the ground and the attention of more people so the multiplayer games get populated.
Oh, also: Absolutely kid-friendly. There are few games I would let my kids play, but this one is at the top of the list.
Given the price, this is probably the best money I have spent on a game in the Oculus store. High praise, yes, but very true.