潜在的な暗殺者を歓迎します!武器で武装したあなたは、成功するためには完全に気付かれずに目的を達成しなければなりません。 忍び寄り、よじ登り、敵から逃れるか、自己責任で殺すか。 短剣、斧、盾、隠し刃など、さまざまな武器を使って敵を刺し、斬り、陥れましょう。 用意されている武器もあれば、探したり、盗んだり、殺したりしなければならない武器もある。 難易度が上がるにつれて、敵の意識は高まっていく!死体を隠せOut of the Shadowsは、現在早期アクセス中のステルスベースの暗殺ゲームです。 様々な難易度のユニークなマップが3つあり、それぞれに独自のチャレンジと目的があります。 現在2つのモードがあります: オブジェクティブ(できるだけ早く目的を達成する)とオーバーキル(できるだけ早くすべてを殺す)。 ステルスは苦手?サンドボックスモードでは、敵の反応なしにマップを走り回ったり、ジャンプしたり、登ったりすることができます!このゲームはアーリーアクセス中です。 開発の最新情報を入手し、ゲームに組み込む可能性のあるフィードバックをするには、私たちのディスコードに参加してください。
Welcome potential assassins!
Armed with your weapons you must complete your objectives completely undetected in order to succeed. Sneak, climb, evade your enemy, or kill at your own risk. Use a variety of weapons including daggers, axes, shields and hidden blades to stab, slash and trip up your enemies. Some weapons are provided, others you'll have to find, steal or kill for. Enemy awareness is heightened as the difficulty level rises! Hide the bodies.
Out of the Shadows is a stealth based assassin game currently in early access. There are 3 unique maps with various difficulties, each one has it's own challenges and objectives. There are currently 2 modes: Objective (Complete objectives as quickly as possible) and Overkill (Kill everything as quickly as possible). Not a stealth fan? Run, jump & climb around the maps without any reaction from enemies in Sandbox mode!
This game is in Early Access, to get the latest updates on the development, and give your feedback for potential inclusion in the game - join our Discord.
Out of the Shadows(アクション、ストラテジーゲーム、パズル)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Add multiplayer dev please read. It would be cool to do these missions with friends and you could add a game mode that you have to kill the king so someone one would be the king and some people would defend the king and some people would try to kill the king
Fun. Fun love it but I want a game mode where you can be seen by the enemies they would set of a bell to call in reinforcements or something like that.
Best game but some issues. This is the best game on vr at the moment but there is one bug that bring it down. I can’t open the locked doors with the keys and so that’s not letting me complete the maps
投稿者:Frances Johnston Rudin
Bow n arrow glitch. I do love this game but there is a glitch that constantly shakes the bow n arrow please try to fix it
I have some ideas. Ideas: 1 you should make it so you can chop limbs off 2 a story would be cool 3 avatar creator 4 more Npcs the npcs get repetitive 5 realistic blood 6 bosses 7 zombie mode 8 money that you can use to buy stuff like clothes,different bows, and other accessories 9 the retractable claw should be able to climb walls 10 more maps 11 a multiplayer mode 12 grappling hook
Flawless. This is one of the best games on applab, the stealth is amazing and the hidden blades are so cool, if your thinking on buying this game give a shot one of the best things I’ve ever played