Vendetta Online is a cross-platform 3D space combat MMORPG, allowing thousands of players to interact as the pilots of spaceships in a vast universe. Users may build their characters in any direction they desire, becoming rich captains of industry, military heroes, or outlaws. A fast-paced, realtime "twitch" style combat model gives intense action, coupled with the backdrop of RPG gameplay in a massive online galaxy. Three major player factions form a delicate balance of power, with several NPC sub-factions creating situations of economic struggle, political intrigue and conflict. The completely persistent universe and detailed storyline add to the depth of immersion, resulting in a unique online experience.
Budget no man’s sky needs some make-up. From what I know this has been around for a long time on other devices. I recently bought and have had a decent time with a couple frustrating instances. You need a bit of an imagination to make this work because the look and mechanics of the game are really dated. You can have a great time but most of it is just stationary flying in a direction for minutes at a time with not much going on around you, which is expected from space exploration but lacks any sort of real excitement.
It may be the best for its time but without taking steps to upgrade this heavyweight. It sits on the back of the shelf behind all the shiny new titles.
Even with official release this will be for a niche market that are either already hardcore vendetta players or people who enjoy the retro feel and text of an older game.
Great Game!!! Thank you for the update!! Please keep going, I'm on a Quest 3. Would love to see you make this the best it could be on the Oculus quest 3.
Just wow. I completely agree that there are not enough such games in the quest store. A deep game with a huge number of quests: delivery, escort, research, espionage, cargo transportation, mining, border protection, pirating, big battles with dozens of ships, war and much more. There are a lot of plot branches, and all this online in a live galaxy. An absolute must have.
PS You can enable shadows in the settings. Quest 2 can do it.
それで... XゲームIをプレイしたことがある人のために。 e X3 :再結成、X4またはエリート危険それはそのタイプの銀河です、あなたは戦闘パイロット、鉱業者、トレーダー、好きなことをすることができます... the choice is yours、中型フリゲートからほとんど(私が今使っているレベナントに似ている)船がたくさんあり、広大な星システムが1つ以上の地図パネルがある、メインマップ画面を見て各ポイントを考慮すると グリッド付きの地図と各グリッドはセクターです。戦いを探求して収集することがたくさんあります。 私は人々がこのゲームをよくプレイしているのを感じる。これはエリートが危険と同じくらいマルチプレイヤー、ええ、キャップなし(笑)、オンラインには常に人がいる
Woah! So far I’m only doing the beginner tutorial section but I’m well impressed. Very VERY immersive. I’m gonna go back on later and do more so will update my review but so far I’m linking it. Can see myself spending a LOT of time in this game. Really hope the Devs keep updating and adding content.
A hidden gem. Quest needs more games like this, with depth, hundreds of hours of playtime. Feels like a small Elite Dangerous in VR. Highly recommended.
Hope in the future they add interactive cockpits with virtual Hotas, virtual buttons and switches to control things like flight assistant, target selection, etc. Would also be nice if docking was more challenging like in Elite Dangerous, and if stations interiors were different from station to station. But overall I am impressed with the game, and I highly recommend it to any space inthusiast.
Really nice game. I have been playing VO for a long time in VR i started e Samsung VR , this app is awesome and i hope they keep adding more and more nice stuff to it
Feels kinda like Firefly. Here's 25 off for starters: rb dot gy /8mbo2
The game's got a bit of a learning curve, especially in vr, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself exploring a huge and immersive sci-fi universe. There's a ton of stuff to do, from shooting stuff up to trading and mining, and you can communicate with other players to form alliances but that's not really my thing.
Honestly I basically just took courier jobs while playing the Firefly soundtrack and that was pretty amazing.
One thing I will say is that if you're looking for non-stop action, this might not be the game for you. There's definitely some menu navigation and progression stuff to deal with, but it's not too bad if you're willing to take the time to figure it out. And make sure you go through the tutorial, because it'll give you a good overview of everything.
Wow. I though from the few review it has its a scam according to quality of game. NO! It will blow your mind! I know its a 10+ years old game (engine) but its reworked for Quest and its even cross play multi! You gonna get a full length pc quality Space Sim!
ちなみに、私はQuest Pro 2を使ってプレイしていますが、すごい! 本当にすごい。と息をのむようなグラフィックです。小惑星の上まで飛んでいって、そのリアルさに見とれてしまいそうです。
Just Amazing. Closest thing on Quest to "The Oasis." I like mmorpg games that allow you to go where you want to go, and do what you want to do. Zenith is the best one so far that is featured on a planet, and this game is hands down the best over all. It just works. There is so much content that you can get lost in it for literally months and never do even a small portion of the available missions. It is truly massive and has a massive userbase.
This should not be in AppLab, this should be a regularly featured app, and Meta should be promoting it, because, more than any other app available, this one shows off the potential of virtual reality. This is an app that makes the Quest a must have device.
Incidentally, I play using a Quest Pro 2, and wow! Just wow! The graphics are breathtaking. I want to fly up to asteroids just to admire how real they look.
More than any other game, this one makes you feel like you are somewhere else.
PC - モバイル - 今すぐVR <3. 今までプレイした中で最高のゲーム。とにかく素晴らしい。VR版は今のところ最高で、これからもっと良くなっていくと信じている。
PC - Mobile - Now VR <3. Best Game I have ever played. All around just amazing. The VR version is great so far and I have no doubts that it will just get better & better.