Blade of the darkness」、「Dark Messiah」、「Thief」にインスパイアされている。 プレイヤーはさまざまな近接・遠距離武器を使いこなし、敵と戦い、力技やステルスを駆使して各クエストを解決する方法を選択しなければならない。
Inspired by "Blade of the darkness", "Dark Messiah" and "Thief". Player have to master different melee and ranged weapons, fight enemies and choose how to solve each quest using brute force approach or stealth.
Devs read this. First the game hasn’t updated in a year or so second there’s still an unfinished level it says coming in next update but the update still hasn’t come really just a waste of my time and money to buy this Third I am extremely disappointed with the development of this game but I still see some potential for this game to be something really fun
投稿者:The boogey man
ゴミ。 このゲームはゴミだ 探検したかったのに、それができなくてとても混乱した。
Trash. This game was trash I wanted to explore and u can’t do that it’s very confusing
投稿者:Gorilla tag vr
投稿者:Quande dingle
Game has potential but rn its so trash dont waste 10$
投稿者:Quande dingle
WHY IS IT M there is no blood or anything it says.
No updates. Ever since 2020 when they added a teaser for the “unfinished” dojo you get after finding all the updates it says that it will be finish in the next update but two years later no updates
eh. the game seems like theres a lot of things to do but all you can do is play with a sword and play with a bow and arrow not really anything to do in it