In the Virtual Reality for Autism app, persons diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), can practice coping with being in certain specific social situations that might normally be difficult for them. In the VRAA app, you can find the following 6 situations that might be challenging for you and you can practice them as many times as you want: 1) Public transport 2) Visiting the doctor 3) eating in a cafeteria 4) First day in a new job 5) a job interview 6) going shopping
Needs a lot of work, maybe I could help?. I am an Autistic creative and Filmmaker and would be interested in collaborating on such a project. It is vital that a project like this is backed by Autistic people themselves to ensure your methods are correctly portraying autism and that this app can actually support people on the spectrum. The English in the app came across very abrupt and was very off putting for me, it didn’t allow me to trust or feel comfortable in the experience.
Incredibly unhelpful. I am autistic and figured I'd try this out. I'm already confident and capable of doing some of the things within this experience, but some are very new to me.
Out of the scenarios I've tried, none of them feel realistic or have any sense of independence or are trying to emulate how busy some of these scenarios are. For example, the train scenario is too underpopulated, even when I have strangers activated, same with the shopping scenario too, as well as the cafeteria scenario.
The actions the user must perform are also not prepared correctly. For example in the shop scenario, you don't actually pay the cashier any money. You just click "pay" when it'd be much more effective to count how much money you need and get that amount out of a wallet to pay.
I would NOT recommend this application for anyone who is autistic. It does not help prepare them for the real world at all.
Needs a LOT of work. I'm a Psychologist by trade so I was interested in trying out this app. It still needs a lot of work. The graphics are gruesome, sadly. The menu design is minimal, at best. The English is flaky and the dialogue seems to be read from a paper, mechanically.