Space Pilot Alliance(ストラテジーゲーム、シミュレーション、アクション)のスクリーンショット
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Space Pilot Alliance(ストラテジーゲーム、シミュレーション、アクション)の概要
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Space Pilot Allianceは、ルームスケールのVR宇宙飛行・探索ゲームです。 ゲームプレイでは、宇宙船を操縦し(ボタン/バーチャルフライトスティックを押す)、ブラスター/グラップリングフックのコンボで惑星表面や地下バンカーを探索するために船から脱出します。 ゲームモードギャラクシー・アット・ウォーワープドライブを使って銀河系を探索し、さまざまな惑星に着陸して、軍隊が宇宙のさまざまなセクターを植民地化するのを助けよう。 同じ惑星の支配権をめぐって争う他の5つのエイリアンからの攻撃をかわし、銀河系を支配する勢力に成長させよう。 これがこのゲームのメインモードであり、船のアップグレードベンダー、イオン爆弾、近接武器オプション、地下バンカーなどが用意されている。 キャンペーン5つの異なるエイリアン種族のドッグファイトミッション。 キャンペーンをクリアすることで、様々なタイプの宇宙船へのアクセスがアンロックされる。 クイックマッチ軍隊のサイズを選んでアクションに飛び込もうチュートリアル基本を学ぼう
Space Pilot Alliance is a roomscale VR space flight and exploration game. Gameplay involves piloting your spaceship (pressing buttons / virtual flightstick) and ejecting from your ship to explore planet surfaces or underground bunkers with your blaster / grappling hook combo.
Game modes:
GALAXY AT WAR Use your warp drive to explore the galaxy, land on different planets and help your army colonize different sectors of space. Help your armada fend off attacks from the 5 other alien species that are fighting for control over the same planets, and grow to become become the dominant force in the galaxy. This is the main mode of the game, and it includes ship upgrade vendors, ion bombs, melee weapon options, underground bunkers, and much more.
CAMPAIGN Short series of dogfighting missions for each of the 5 different alien races. Complete the campaign to unlock access to different types of spacecraft.
QUICK MATCH Choose your army sizes and jump into the action
TUTORIALS Learn the basics
Space Pilot Alliance(ストラテジーゲーム、シミュレーション、アクション)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Space Pilot Alliance(ストラテジーゲーム、シミュレーション、アクション)の評価とレビュー
Great potential. The game is an incomplete little gem: I hope that one day the developer will complete this project. I think it's better than a lot of other space sims that have come out recently.
Great game despite some flaws. This is quite an ambitious game with some great ideas. For anyone that wishes they could have a game like a Frontier Elite II but with procedurally generated planets, this definitely approaches that concept. It is not without its flaws (I assume this is a smaller developer and obviously can only get some kick done at a time while remaining sane, so I encourage supporting this amazing game)
-Controlling the ship works really well, and it feels awesome to cruise around in this ship in space
-Planets are procedurally differently with each new game from what I understand, this is great and will certainly keep the game fresh for those of us who don't seem to get tired of space exploration.
-Upgrades to your ship and weapons can be found throughout space
-Upgrade shop available at your home base
-The universe does appear to be a giant in-game universe, not just a series levels or something like that. Again, similar to Elite II
Cons/Bugs: The game can be a bit buggy at times, I've experienced the following bugs: -Grappling can be finicky at times. I've had issues where the grappling hook would expand and fill the screen and then disappear, instead of shooting out to the target.
-While exploring the corridors to access a planet's reactor, 8 grappled a wall to move around quicker and I went through the wall out into space about 700m from the ship. This was a game breaking experience and it was taking way too long to try to fly back with the jetpack, and I'm not entirely sure it would have brought me to the right place. I think this might be due to the reactor complex not being generated with completely enclosed rooms, as there were a couple spots where I could clearly see outside into space when I probably wasn't supposed to.
-Some of the onscreen messages and notifications don't seem to display properly. I will get messages in the game about objectives, and they appear crammed in the corner, flickering. The only way I can read them sometimes is to close one eye.
-Had a bug while walking around in a reactor complex where I could not get my character on the ground, I was stuck a couple feet in the air and moving around was slow and jittery. I'm not sure if this was isolated to possibly unwanted surfaces being generated in the complex or something else.
-An issue I see frequently is the ship's throttle will not go down to zero sometimes. If I'm somewhere where I want to stop the ship, I'll pull the throttle lever down to zero, but it will revert back to 1 and will not let me stop. I funny quite have a play area but enough to match the game's requirement, so I wonder if this is what causes the issue, however in able to reach outside the guardian border without triggering passthrough, so I'm not sure.
Despite the bugs I've run into, I'm happy I found this game and how things like this can be fixed in the future. This game is perfect for anyone who loves games like Elite II.
The only thing I can hope for in a future release would be a more sandbox mode where you're not so much against the clock of other races taking over space, more of a line ranger choosing how to exist.. Doing missions for different planets, mining and selling resources, or exploring. But the main thing is that the game is a blast even as it stands, and hopefully some of the bugs can be worked out.
It reminds me of Elite 2. Ive never played the modern version, but this i think sort of humbly approaches it.
It has the same sort of vibe i remember about elite all those years ago. But it also has planet-surface action as well.
I liked the planet creatures, and grappling hook movement outside the ship. A primitive money system with the collectible gems. Upgradable weapons and unlockable ships. Space combat.
Sitting in my ship, while listening to the onboard radio and watching the stars and stuff, was relaxing.
Very enjoyable game.
It already offers quite a bit, but its also a game with obvious future development potential.
The galactic war mode doesnt have a save function? A more evolved elite-based trading system would be good.
Update: now has save!
いくつかのバグがあるにもかかわらず、素晴らしいゲーム。 このゲームに絶対はまっています。No Mans SkyやElite dangerousのようなゲームと同じように自由で探検的な感覚を持っていますが、終わりのないグリッドがないのが特徴です。他の4人の分身と競争して、あらかじめ決められたスコアまで一番乗りをしなければなりません。そのためには、敵の艦隊とドッグファイトをしたり、植物を探索して基地を作ったり、敵に先を越されたらその基地を爆破したり、商人と取引して船や武器を改良したり、搭載されているドローンを使って資源を集めたりしなければならない。
Amazing game despite some bugs. I am absolutely hooked on this game. It has the same sense of freedom and exploration as games like No Mans Sky and Elite dangerous, but without the never ending grid. You must compete against 4 other fractions and be the first to a predetermined score. In order to do this you will need to engage in dogfights with enemy fleets; explore plants to establish a base or if the enemy got there first, blow theirs up; trade with merchants to improve you ship and weapons, and use your on board drone to collect resources.
Piloting your ship is a great experience and as can stand and walk around to access it's various functions - thankfully, you don't need a big space to do this. And at any point in space or on land, you can eject to explore and fight, manoeuvring with your grapplehook/jetpack.
It's an ambitious game that comes so close to achieving everything it sets out to with strategy, action, and exploration coming together to create a very engaging experience. The current build is marred by some bugs - especially when exploring planets - but I'm hoping future updates will address this. For now though I still recommend this to anyone with an interest is space combat games.
素晴らしい宇宙探索ゲーム No Mans Skyやスターウォーズの映画・ゲームに似たゲームが好きなら、これは素晴らしいタイトルだ!
Great fun, hopeful improvements. SPA is a lot of fun and it’s nice to see one of the newer updates in the past year. Highly worth the $7 if the appeal of flying an immersive space fighter in VR speaks to you.
The intricate systems, being in the cockpit, and using the little holographic warp system is just a blast. Almost as if you were flying one of the LEGO ships you made as a kid :)
The Galactic War portion is the biggest draw for me, but it just needs to things IMO:
1. Ability to save and exit. If you sink an hour into your game and want to come back later, you are out of luck currently. You’d have to start again and re-capture planets and power ups. This is the most frustrating aspect, unfortunately.
2. A non-permadeath mode, for the same reasons as above. A more casual toggle setting to allow you to respawn at the beginning of the sector would be really nice.
3. A small HUD indicator for enemy or ally ships would be very helpful. Currently with Quest’s graphics and some of the grey / green ships blending together and the radar being buggy, enemies can be indistinguishable. Hovering over the other ship will currently tell you the ship model name, but that doesn’t always correspond with the local Ally / Enemy list.
It reminds me of Elite 2. Ive never played the modern version, but this i think sort of humbly approaches it.
It has the same sort of vibe i remember about elite all those years ago. But it also has planet-surface action as well.
I liked the planet creatures, and grappling hook movement outside the ship. A primitive money system with the collectible gems. Upgradable weapons and unlockable ships. Space combat.
Sitting in my ship, while listening to the onboard radio and watching the stars and stuff, was relaxing.
Very enjoyable game.
It already offers quite a bit, but its also a game with obvious future development potential.
The galactic war mode doesnt have a save function? A more evolved elite-based trading system would be good.