Daedalus is a platformer and an exploration game set in a spectacular oneiric and surrealist world.
Daedalus, architect and creator of fantastic mechanical artifacts, was imprisoned by the king Minos to prevent him from sharing his knowledge of Creta’s Labyrinth with others Every night, in his dreams, Daedalus explores the intricate labyrinths aboard his own winged creations, trying to relive every step, each leap, each flight to freedom, attempting to escape his own tragedy.
Help him find the 3 platforms that open the gate of each level and explore the mysterious environments derived from a dream. As the levels progress, the difficulty rises and the architecture grows more and more perplexing. Boost yourself, glide, take advantage of the wind columns, make use of trampolines and activate mechanisms that pour new platforms at your feet to reach your objective. Will Daedalus escape his own prison?
Bargainous brilliance. Looks fantastic and the dynamics are spot-on. No idea why it's in the lab or why it's so cheap because it looks polished and the gameplay is solid. Perhaps it's very short, I haven't played it for too long yet. Difficulty grows too slowly but that's a minor quibble - get it.
Beautiful relaxing game for my Quest 1. Wow, i did not expect Daedalus to be such a relaxed game. It has great grapics and relaxed music (that could fit a good meditation sesion aswell). Controls are easy (you only need 1 controller). This game also works good on the older Quest 1 headsets. I am a happy camper. Thanks Vertical Robot. Here is 5 stars
3倍以上の価値がある、信じられないゲーム。私はクエストのために250ドル以上のゲームを買いました。よく実現されていて、グラフィックが美しく、吐き気を催さず、楽しい、あるいはよくできているゲームを見つけようとしています。これは、「Eye of the Temple」「Tea for God」「RacketNX」とともに、私のトップ5には確実に入るゲームです。このゲームはパズルゲームですが、戦闘要素もあり、いい感じです。光の反射、パズル、表面はメタリックで、クエストゲームで見た中で最も素敵なビジュアルです。私はレッドマター、ザ・クライム1+2などを所有しています。そして、とても安い。間違いなく、あらゆるダイム、そして3倍以上の価値があるゲームのスティールです!
An incredible game, worth 3x the cost. I've bought over $250 worth of games for the quest, trying to find games that are well realized, graphically pleasing, don't cause nausea, and are fun or well done.
This is in my top 5 games for sure, along with Eye of the Temple, Tea for God, and RacketNX.
The game is a puzzle game, but has combat elements that are nice. The light reflections, puzzles and surfaces are metallic and are some of the nicest visuals I've seen in a Quest game, and I own Red Matter, The Climb 1+2, etc.
And, it's so cheap - definitely a steal of a game worth every dime, and 3x more!
At Last!! This was one of the very first games I bought for my Oculus Go and I was just about to dig it out just to play this game. But, now, the devs have ported it over to the Oculus 2 and I'm loving it. The game is exactly the same, I just get to play it on a better headset. I just finished it and will be going back through it soon. The environments are amazing and a little eerie at the same time. The only note I have for the devs is I'd love to see more levels. Or release a level editor (on Steam?) so we can create our own. Bottom line: this is a VR must and STILL one of a handful of my favorite games of all time.
One of the best. This is an f'in awesome, fabulous game. The glide feeling is just superb. Looking up at some of the high jumps, feeling intimidated but yet I still float up. Just amazing. The environment is a pleasure. Did I say I love this game? Well I do. I want, no need more! Please please give me more. More levels? A version 2? Anything, but please please work on this as it's one of the best experiences I had on vr.
Love it. Very immersive, beautiful textures and sense of light. Becomes a meditation of sorts. Hope to see more from Vertical Robot. Thx for the experience. 5 stars.
Do Vertical Robot’s Dream of Red Matter. As a casual puzzle game there’s not a lot here, but that is completely missing the point.
In Daedalus the Vertical Robot’s team have provided 25 visually impressive yet simple puzzle maps and empowered the player with a wonderful flying mechanic that promotes a zen like experience.
It’s difficult not to feel a sense of calm and wonder as a gentle breeze lifts you high above the play area revealing another beautifully crafted geometric landscape.
You will complete the game without too much difficulty in two and half hours, but you’ll need to push much harder if you hope to beat the pre-registered speed run times on each of the 25 levels.
Having recently completed both Red Matter and Red Matter 2 I was surprised a delighted to find so many visual, audio and mechanical echos from the Red Matter titles embedded into the DNA of Daedalus on the Quest 2.
It would appear the creative seeds that would eventually spawn the Red Matter titles were already permeating the developers psyche during development of Daedalus.
At $5 USD this VR flying puzzle experience is great value, charming and wonderfully immersive.
The optional speed run components provide a fair amount of replayability, while I suspect many will return simply to spend more time soaring blissfully across the alien vistas.
This game is crying out for a DLC map pack and I really hope ones forthcoming.
Piece of art. Originally available on the Oculus GO (and I also think GearVR) this version offers crisper textures. It still remains relevant over the years, as gliding through those ?maybe inspired from? Dali-like environments is just both gorgeous and relaxing. Its one of the most immersive experiences out there, although there is no real use of 6DoF, its just flying and admiring. But its so relaxing, and just meant to experience it, to be there. I would recommend to disable the 2nd (not required) controller and just go with one - the less equipment in the hands the better. Is it a game? Is it a piece of art? Both, with little favor for the latter. Most game developers are just game developers, Vertical Robot are game artists.