LOVE THIS GAME! ❤️🥁🤙. I honestly can’t stress enough just how much I like this game and how much fun it is. As a person who has never played the drums I feel like an absolute rock star when hitting those beats just right!
It is a lot of fun, good selection of songs to choose from and very addictive. It’s also a pretty good workout too! 😅
I’ve uploaded some of my legendary playthroughs on my YouTube channel: if you want to check it out!
Dear developers: your game is brilliant, please add more songs!!!!
Top quality game all-around. I'm a 59 year old with significant pain issues who loves to exercise and is always looking for fun and interesting physical activities that I can tolerate. I have never experienced anything so fun video game-wise in my life! The arcade gameplay is such a fantastic workout but SO FUN!!! Also discovered a bunch of great indie artists which was new for me! 5 stars in every way!
夢中。開発者へ。このゲームを持ってきてくれてありがとう。でも もっと80年代のロックを追加してください。ポイズンの「nothing but a good time」を追加してくれたら、とてもありがたい。私はこのゲームの大ファンで、夢中になっている。コントロールがしっかりしているので、とてもいい。80年代ロックの大ファンとして、いつもドラムを叩いてみたかったんだ。アーケードモードでは、大きな髪のロックスターになった気分だよ。とても楽しいよ。Motley crew kickstart my heartとbon jovi living on a prayerはプレイしていてとても楽しい。本当にありがとう。これからも80年代ロックを聴かせてください。全部買います。
Obsessed. To developer . Thank you for bringing us this game. But Please add more 80s rock. If there’s anyway you can add Poison ‘nothing but a good time’ I will be so grateful. Im a big fan and obsessed with this game. The controls are solid which make it so much better. As a big fan of 80s rock I’ve always wanted to play drums and this on arcade mode I feel like a big haired rock star. It’s so much fun. Motley crew kickstart my heart and bon jovi living on a prayer are so much fun to play.
Thanks again. Keep the 80s rock coming. I will buy every single one.
Smashing drums. New to VR and this was one of our first purchases. It’s such fun to smash out some beats and burn calories at the same time… still playing it on beginner though. Good selection of base game songs with a nice mix of DLC available at a very reasonable price. If you liked guitar hero back in the day you’ll absolutely love this 10/10 (even though it’s a 5 star based system) 🤟🏻
More songs! Great game, absolutely love it! Would definitely like some more songs to play though, a lot of the default songs I have never heard of, I bought all of the add ons but there really wasn’t a lot of songs after buying the add ons…..Definitely would like to see the developers bring in some more good music to play!!! Classics like AC/DC, Metallica, to new bands like Slipknot, and other good rock bands with DRUMS DRUMS DRUMS LOL
驚くべき楽しさ+ワークアウト!レビューを始めるにあたって、少し背景を説明したい。僕は昔、Rockband、特にドラムにはまっていたんだ。以前はExpertでプレイしていたし、当時はドラムキットをRockbandと連動するプレミアムEkitにアップデートしたこともあった。残念ながら本物のキットを置くスペースがなかったので、結局ギターを習うことになったんだけど、ドラムにはいつも情熱を持っていた。このゲームは当時と同じスリルを与えてくれるけど、ワークアウトとしても使えるんだ。Supernatural』、『Les Mills Body Combat』、『Beat Saber』などを持っていて、ハードやエキスパートでプレイすると、心拍数がそれらと同じくらい高くなるんだ。Garminの時計を使って心拍数を記録しているので、控えめに言っても面白い。とにかく、ドラムが好きな人や、しっかり有酸素運動をしたい人には、このゲームを強くお勧めする。
Amazing Fun + Workout! I want to start my review with some context. I used to be hardcore into Rockband, particularly the drums. I used to play on Expert and even updated my drum kit to a premium ekit that worked with Rockband back then. Unfortunately I never had the space for a real kit so I ended up learning guitar but always had a passion for drums. This game gives me the same thrill I had back then but it's also double as a workout. I have Supernatural, Les Mills Body Combat, Beat Saber etc and when playing on Hard and Expert, my heart rate can get almost as high as those. I use my Garmin watch to track this all so it's interesting to say the least. Anyway, I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves drums or just wants to get a solid cardio workout in.
My favorite VR game. It’s great for working out your frustrations and getting a good arm and shoulder workout. I injured my rotator cuff last year by sleeping on it wrong of all things, and I used this game to help with healing and getting full mobility back in my shoulder. I can’t say enough good things about this game. It’s fun, the people are great, and the songs are awesome.