IMPORTANT: The test looks at the speed and accuracy of your answers, therefore it is important to focus and complete the test as quickly as possible while also being accurate.
The VR IAT is a Virtual Reality adaptation of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) , a well known assessment in the field of social psychology intended to detect the strength of a person's subconscious associations, commonly used to measure implicit racial bias. The VR IAT makes use of hand tracking to test whether having a different skin color in VR has an effect of the results.
In the test you are asked to quickly pair dark faces with negative words + light faces with positive words, and dark faces with positive words + light faces with negative words. If the first group is completed faster than the second, that indicates an implicit bias. Implicit bias does not mean that the person is prejudiced but reflects implicit bias (which likely to be socially determined).
Like a clinical version of Bodyswaps. ...that game I just reviewed 24 seconds ago, but has interesting hand models, yetno environment to soak in. You basically just complete a questionnaire in the void, and it goes on really long.