Amazing graphics. This game has amazing graphics & a good storyline. The side games start out easy & intensify. The only down fall is that each game is too short. Fortunately the 3 games combined were cheap & together with the other 2, only comes to $30. Worth the purchase.
Great game. All three of these are great and you can buy one at a time to make sure you like them. It's one big game broken into three episodes with one larger story. It's like a Star Wars mini series that you get to star in. Really fun and well priced.
Fantastic. This game is freaking amazing and i would def play over and over again! My only wish is that this series would continue as the ending left me on a cliffhanger and the whole thing was fun but kinda short. Definitely worth playing tho!
Great game but one missing thing. Everything is cool in episode 2 (the game I’m reviewing) but, there is no lightsaber throw. It gets kinda boring by when you cannot throw your lightsaber and get it back with the force but in episode 3 they PERFECTED it. So I’m gonna be honest the game is insanely cool and I love how you can use the force
The best title yet. This game has amazing graphics but it’s very short and I’m not sure about the other two but your parents should always let you get whatever you want like episode 1 2 and three of Darth Vader immortal
Immersive Marvel: Epic Realism. To be honest, the authenticity and immersion of this game are impeccable. As a fusion of story and gameplay, I personally believe it's a must-play VR game that everyone should experience at least once! I've already praised it a lot, but I think this trilogy is completely worth purchasing and exploring with curiosity. However, I also want to mention some areas I find lacking:
1⃣ Occasionally, there are situations where the field of view cannot be reset, and you have to go back to the menu for a reset instead of using the home button for a long press.
2⃣ The richness of the story language pack is not sufficient. Having more language options might attract a broader audience.
3⃣ The space required for the training ground might need to be larger due to the 360-degree attacks. If there could be an option for an environment limited to the front 180 degrees, it might address this issue.
In summary, the game is incredibly exciting and definitely worth getting your hands on!
AWESOME!!!!😄. I got the bundle when it was on sale and I didn’t expect how good the series is, the graphics are very beautiful and i got genuinely scared my first time seeing Vader and spoiler alert when i had to fight him,worth every penny,try it or miss out….PLEASE MAKE MORE STAR WARS GAMES!!!!!
Great next step. Story mode is briefly cool. The training dojo makes the game. Coming to this after Episode 1, it's a blast. Great next step up from lightsaber dueling only to now being able to use the force to crush and throw opponents, set off traps, and throw your lightsaber. Also there are many more rewards to unlock like glove colors, and more lightsaber hilts from favorite characters. It's a great advancement and a dream come true. A slight bug was a few times after I threw my saber, it disappeared and I had to restart the level I was on. This was not common to the point of annoyance or predictability. Happened maybe 5-10 times out of hundreds of level attempts.
Awesome. This is my first time writing a review but this game is worth it, the training dojo is perfect and gets more challenging as it goes on, the story mode doesn’t have much fighting but it’s still fun
Great Star Wars game. When I first played it I thought wow this is short but then you go through the lightsaber dojo and all the different things to fight in the lightsaber dojo and you’re like wow! The only thing abt this game is it’s short, but if you have all 3 (which I recommend) it is actually a longer story! This worth your money trust me!