Excellent entertaining game. I am really enjoying this game and it will be sad when I finish it. Fortunately there is a Moss II which is a must have also. A very refreshing change from the usual shoot em up games, which I find very tedious. Definitely recommend this game, and suitable for the whole family, although you will have to take it in turns as there doesn't appear to be an option for more than one game at a time. I still have a few mysteries to uncover, and strangely I haven't even found any instructions so far, so you have to work it all out as you go. Maybe that's part of the fun of it that the developers have done deliberately. Anyway, get it, try it for within the refund time limit, but I bet most people end up keeping it.
Love this game. This game is a must. I loved playing every bit of it and once completed I went back to collect all outstanding dust, armour and scrolls. I really enjoyed it, it challenged the mind and was just lovely to play. The storyline was great and the detail was amazing. I can not fault it at all and Moss 2 was even better a also must have
Book IIの影に隠れている!このゲームは美しく、死ぬほどかわいい。クイールと交流し、彼女の旅の原動力となることができるため、プラットフォームスタイルからまったく外れていない。このゲームの唯一の欠点は、小さなシューターバグを操作する際のトリッキーなコントロールと「ボス戦」レベルである。パズル、戦略、スキルのバランスがとてもいい。各レベルが終わるたびに達成感を感じるほど難しいが、激怒してやめてしまうほどイライラすることはない。魅惑的で没入感のあるゲーム体験を探している人にお勧めしたい。私のようなVRビギナーにも、VRベテランにもお勧めできる!
投稿者:Anna Gutmann
Only Outshadowed By Book II! This game is beautiful and so cute I could die. You aren’t at all removed from the platform style because you’re capable of interacting with Quill and being a driving force in her journey. The only downsides to this game were the tricky controls of controlling the little shooter bugs and “boss fight” levels—of which both problems have been dutifully remedied in Moss: Book II—but it’s nowhere near bad enough to put me off the game. I love that Moss—and Moss: Book II even more so—strikes a great balance between puzzles, strategy, and skill. It’s hard enough that I feel a sense of accomplishment after each level, but I never get frustrated enough to end in rage quit. I’d recommend this to anyone out there looking for a captivating, immersive game experience. I can safely say it’s great for both VR beginners like me, and also for all the VR veterans out there!
投稿者:Anna Gutmann
ゲームもクイルも大好きだ。最近の多くのゲームでは、VRでも従来のゲームでも、グロテスクな暴力や無償の血と血糊に真っ逆さまに突進しているように見える。モスは違う。確かに争いや戦いはあるが、非常にセンス良く仕上がっている。私は数年前、兄のPS VRでこのゲームを初めて見た。MossとBook 2のバンドルは、Quest 3を購入した後、初めて買ったゲームだった。両方のゲームを終えたが、再訪するつもりだ。クイールの「読者」としてあなたを迎え入れ、クイールの物語に参加させ、クイールの物語を完成させるために特定の仕事をさせるという巧妙な方法だ。このゲームには非常に美しくて広大なシーンがたくさんあるので、ときどき立ち止まってすべてを見渡すことがある。私は今、このゲームに甘やかされたと思っているし、他のすべてのゲームが比較される基準になると思っている。買ってください、マジで。MossもMoss Book 2も。期待を裏切らない。
投稿者:Mark King
Love the game, love Quill, just love it. With so many games these days, both VR and conventional, there seems to be a headlong rush into gross violence and gratuitous blood and gore.
Not so with Moss. Yes, there's conflict and battle but it's very tastefully done.
I got my first glimpse of this game a few years ago on my brother's PS VR. The Moss and Book 2 bundle was my first game purchase after buying my Quest 3.
I have finished both games and fully intend on revisiting it.
Such a clever way of including you in the story of Quill by welcoming you as her "reader" as well as requiring you to perform certain tasks in order to aid Quill in completing hers.
There are so many scenes in this game that are so extremely beautiful and expansive that sometimes I will just pause and look around to take it all in.
I now consider myself spoiled by this game and consider it a benchmark by which all others will be compared.
Buy it, seriously. Both Moss and Moss Book 2. You will not be disappointed.
最初のゲームとして最適。Mossは初心者にとって絶対に買わなければならないものだが、このような質の高い据え置き型のVRゲームもとても重要だと思う。没入感抜群のゲームもあるが、私のように乗り物酔いの被害者なら、これは息抜きにプレイしたい居心地の良いゲームだ。まるで飛び出す絵本のページをめくっているようだ。ページをめくるたびに、とても素敵なボイスワークと楽しいパズルが楽しめる。ゲームに隠されたボーナスレベルも超楽しい。次はMoss Book IIに飛び込むのが待ちきれないし、彼らの次のプロジェクトも楽しみだ。
Perfect first game. Moss is an absolute must buy for beginners but I also think it’s so important to have quality stationary VR games like this. Some games are super immersive but if you’re a victim of motion sickness like I am this is the kind of cozy game you want to play to take a break. It’s like turning the pages of a pop up story book. Very nice voice work and fun puzzles with each turn of the page. The bonus levels hidden in the game are super fun. I can’t wait to dive into Moss Book II next and look forward to their next project.