i loved it! personally, i am a total sucker for a good story. i will totally lose enormous amounts of sleep to read or watch something for the first or fifth time. that being said, i did get multiple headaches trying to do this with a vr. if you do this as well, make sure to take breaks! after the first play through i thought it was fun to watch the dialogue change with the character development, and i haven't completely finished it or even gotten close, but i already love this game so much. totally recommend!
Very immersive experience for a VN. Having lived 8 years in Asia I understandably became a fan of Manga. Tokyo Chronos has a very compelling story and leaves you with the desire to “turn to the next page”. You can really bridge the boundary of reality and fantasy with this one.
I'm a sucker for a redemption story. I didn't know what to expect going in, but it turned out to be a VR Visual Novel about friendship and how our bonds link us, as well as what happens when you fail to communicate and be there for each other. You see through the eyes of the main protagonist as you try to figure out whodunit and what happened with your closest friends. The characters are vibrant and alive and pull you in right away. It leaves you sucked in till the very end.
My only complaint is a technical one, and that is during a flashback with Machikoji the translation gets VERY broken and almost unintelligible. But it's only one very small part (why I still gave it 5 stars) . The rest is fine.
Beautiful Story and Anime Novel! After going through a roller coaster of emotions between happy, sad, upset, confused and love I finally got to see what a beautiful masterpiece this game was. I recommend it to everyone to try, the negative reviews are people that can't see past graphics or are lazy to get to the true ending or want interaction, although I respect their opinions. VR is still developing and growing so it's not perfect but this game really made me feel like part of a world and a story where I felt connected with each character, so if you can see past all negativity and see where this game truly shines then you won't be dissapointed! I really loved the true last ending of the game and made my heart feel whole and accomplished after expecting the worse. Made me feel like a hero for getting to the true end and saving everyone including myself! I thank the developers for creating such a beautiful novel and I look forward to more of such beautiful master pieces like this one!
It’s What I Never Knew I Wanted. This virtual novel ( VN ) is so amazingly gripping it’s like watching some of my favorite anime. I grew up watching anime, Dragon Ball (Z, GT), Inuyasha, Naruto, etc... this blew me away with character design, music, environment, and feeling like the character that I was enveloped in. I could find myself thinking the very words he would say next. If you are into anime with an interesting story and a strange scary world. Welcome. This story will make you look over your virtual shoulder, you feel watched. You’ll also feel connected to your cast of friendly, funny, charming, and very well written characters. They are amazingly rendered; their models are crazy to look at if you’ve always watched anime. To finally be in an anime in this way was enough to make me tear up. Thank you to the staff, developers, and sponsors; just everyone that helped put this together. To everyone else; please try the game it’s 40$ for an experience that will stick with you for a very long time.
goes down the drain at the end. There are a lot of motionless, and even black, screens with just text in one of the story arc's at the end. There is little or no VR enhancement in those parts. Did they ran out of budget to do that part properly ?
In the Description of the game it states "To kill, or not to kill ─ YOU decide. " So why can't i ? The decision is forced ?
For the few locations they have in the game the textures really should be better that this.
I would like to see more polished versions of these kind of games though.
Great story with translation issues. It has great and touching story but there are many translation issues. This is a visual novel with very minimal interaction so take note. It last about 15 to 20 hrs as claimed, with alternate paths and B side stories. If you want some mystery story do check out this title
Don't do it. This can't be called a game or novel. You spend the entire time just reading so you can make a few choices. Then you complete the "game", but to unlock everything you just keep going back over the same boring story. I fell asleep multiple times trying to do this.
Fantastic! Aim for the final true ending. "Tokyo Chronos" is a game that reaches out you in so many levels, thanks to each character and how they and their life is presented. Each character has their weaknesses and strengths but through their experience in the Chronos World, they are able to learn and discover what is important to them. Many can relate.
And unlike other visual novels which have a plethora of choices, for the majority of the game, it’s primarily reading. But don't look at this as a negative for that.
It's until you reach towards the end of chapter four, in which you are presented with the first good and a bad ending. The first play through took me about 3-4 hours.
Assuming you did the first good ending (which is not exactly good, but tragic imho), it will then give you a chance to replay the chapters but this time, you get the "skip" ability to bypass large dialogue sections. What you will want to do is load replay pivotal chapters involving each character.
But through this chapter replay, now added to the storyline are storylines for each of the characters (which you can explore their past, their memories) and each will have their good and bad ending. You will need to do this second round of playing through each good and bad ending. This second play through is about another four hours unless you skip all dialogue but hopefully you don't because then you will miss out on the story for each of these characters.
If you were able to playthrough each character's good and bad ending, then you can load the final chapter & now get the true ending.
For the most part, the dialogue & music is fantastic. I was impressed by seeing alternate opening and closing themes but the voice acting in this game is well-done!
FINAL JUDGMENT: I have read reviews on this game and surprisingly, reading from people who though the first playthrough is the actual ending. It's not!
I absolutely love this game. Prepare to laugh, prepare to cry and prepare to be captivated by this game on VR!
Good Story with Untapped Potential. After completing the entire story, I thought I'd write a review. For anyone expecting choices in this, do not. This is basically an emersive story that the first choice isn't until hours/chapters into it.
I wish there was more interaction within this, but I loved the story and found myself in tears at some points. I was grateful on review suggestions of taking certain routes to get to the true ending.
This story took a long time to finish, but like a good book, it was worth it.
I hope they consider creating another game, but to give more movement or choices would really be amazing.