VR Awards Game of the Year 2019 受賞作品が描き出す、奇妙でねじれた世界。「A Fisherman’s Tale」は、頭脳をひねるVRアドベンチャーゲーム。上下逆さまで裏表逆なゲームの世界をお楽しみください。 プレイヤーは忘れ去られた小さな小屋に一人で住んでいる、小さな漁師の人形のボブとしてゲームをプレイします。 ラジオ番組で嵐の警報が流れたら、灯台の一番上に行き、明かりを付けなくてはなりません。しかしながら、ちょっと薄気味悪い仲間の手を借りて小屋を出ようとすると、外には思いもよらなかったものが待ち構えています...
VR頭脳パズルでいくつもの物理の法則の壁を突破しよう! 薄気味悪い仲間の手を借りて、「The Big Storm」が来る前に灯台の一番上に到達しよう! 引き込まれるような迫力あるバーチャルリアリティの世界で、手を使って拾ったり、投げたり、組み合わせたり、使えるものは何でも使おう! 小さなモデルの灯台で、中に入ったりして遊んでみよう。おや、これは別の灯台の中だったかな? 特殊なVRで楽しめる、巨大な「フィッシャーマンズ・テイル」の真髄にある真実を暴こう。 「Arizona Sunshine」と「Skyworld」のVertigo Gamesがお届けする、「フィッシャーマンズ・テイル」は、CNC、Ville de Paris New Media Fund、BPI Franceの支援の下、ARTE Franceとの共同制作により、INNERSPACE VRが開発しています。
I love this game. The experience I had with this game is unique. It was a mixture of being immersed in a very beautiful story, with ingenious puzzles of interlocking scales and every time I realized how to solve a problem I felt great satisfaction due to the ingenuity of the problem. A very well done game that makes you live an experience that, although not very long, is loaded with emotions. It is surely a game that I will never forget. I recommend it 1000%
AMAMZING but…. I’m new to VR and this was an amazing experience. I love the game and the play style. It’s beautifully done. But….it was to short. I couldn’t believe how quickly it was over. I could have played for forever. But…NO REGRETS! It was stunning and loved every second of it! It’s a must!
Great mind bending game. This was a fun game which required you to think about different perspectives outside of normal awareness. Highly recommend to people looking for a moderately challenging puzzle game. Wish I could experience it again for the first time.
So unique and visuals are great. I'm taking my time with this one. Just to admire the visuals and this unique gameplay. Like a great bottle of wine, you do not want it to end. Thankfully part came out. Didn't look at that video. I just want to buy and be surprised what is next! 10 stars !
What a fun game! This review I should have done along time ago, but better late then never. This game is so much fun. Great story and adventure the puzzles were interesting and played with scale as well. Well worth it!
このパズルVRゲームが大好きです!+ 👍Pro$Code.A Fisherman's Tale for Meta Quest 3は、知覚が鍵となる世界を旅する、視覚的に美しいパズルアドベンチャーです。ユニークなゲームプレイメカニクス、巧妙なパズル、そして魅力的なストーリーで、A Fisherman's Taleはバーチャルリアリティのストーリーテリングの領域において、革新的で没入感のある体験として際立っています。A Fisherman´s Taleの25%OFFリンクはこちらです。上記のリンクをインターネットのアドレスバーに入力し、購入前に承認してください。その後、メタクエストオフィシャルストアで即座に25パーオフを得ることができます。役に立ちましたか?もしそうなら、役に立ったとしてレビューをマークしてください👍🏽👍👍
I love this puzzle VR Game! + 👍Pro$Code. A Fisherman's Tale for Meta Quest 3 delivers a mind-bending and visually stunning puzzle adventure, taking players on a journey through a world where perception is key. With its unique gameplay mechanics, clever puzzles, and a captivating narrative, A Fisherman's Tale stands out as an innovative and immersive experience in the realm of virtual reality storytelling.
Here is the 25per OFF link for A Fisherman´s Tale. Type the link above into the internet address bar and accept before purchasing.- Then You can instantly get 25per off in the official Meta Quest Store.
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I like puzzles. It’s was very good but, I’m not that good with the opposite like mirror images something. Where in the lighthouse you have to strike a match and it took me a bit to figure it out how to do it because I can hear the striking sound. I was like how to do it but, I couldn’t figure it out. so I was stuck on the light the lighthouse. I was on all morning. I knew this was last chapter and I wanted to finish it. I make the mistake to sit down playing. So get the last light in the small area was a B**** to me. That magnet for the match is a little too strong. Magnet kept stealing the match it was irritating lol. It took to long and my knees are sore. So don’t sit playing this one lol
Great intro to VR puzzling, v.enjoyable. Really enjoyed this, my first puzzler in VR. Clever, frustrating (in a good way), beautifully made and narrated. I find its best to do one part every day or two, stretch it out, make it last otherwise it might pass too quickly for you. Very enjoyable and a great springboard into VR puzzling!