ステラ・アプリ宇宙の巨人」は、天文学と宇宙探査に強い関心を持つ人にとって必携のVRアプリケーションだ。いくつかのビジュアル要素は若干古く感じるかもしれないが、このアプリの教育的価値はこの小さな欠点をはるかに凌駕している。制作者が単なるアプリ開発者ではなく、太陽系に造詣の深い人物であることは明らかだ。アバターを使って各天体についてレクチャーしてくれるのは、斬新かつ魅力的だ。このアプリは単なるバーチャルツアーではなく、太陽系の素晴らしさを実感できる没入型の教育体験だ。宇宙マニアであれ、宇宙への好奇心旺盛な人であれ、「The Titans of Space(宇宙の巨人)」は宇宙を旅するファンタスティックな旅である。
Stellar App. The Titans of Space is a must-have VR application for anyone with a keen interest in astronomy and space exploration. While some visual elements may feel slightly outdated, the educational value of this app far outweighs this minor shortcoming. It's evident that the creator is not just an app developer but someone deeply knowledgeable about the solar system. The use of an avatar to deliver lectures on each celestial object is both innovative and engaging. This app isn't just a virtual tour; it's an immersive educational experience that brings the wonders of our solar system to life. Whether you're a space enthusiast or just curious about the universe, 'The Titans of Space' is a fantastic journey through the cosmos that educates as it enthralls.
Pretty dang cool. When I first downloaded this and watched it I thought it was pretty cool, but that maybe I wouldn’t watch it more than a couple times. Turns out I like replaying it. Reminds me of riding one of the old school Disney rides. Glad I bought it.
GREAT DIDACTIC APP. I bought it as a way to show my Primary Education students several cool aspects about the universe. They just loved it. Everything is just perfect for this type of use.
AMAZING, things I would like to see. This game is awesome, the graphics, informational pictures and the little dude that teaches you. Its just beautiful, but some things i think would make the game 100x better is these few things. #1 is a free roam where you can do as you please, Just a nice little thing to play around with you know? #2 a player scaling option. just like that one part where it makes you bigger to see the large stars, but make it so you can choose to go 1:1 to all the way to what you’d like. It would just be super cool to really feel like your there in space #3 is just a silly thing but i want to be able to remove the green graph when you get too close to planets, and if there is already something like that please tell me. overall super amazing game!