Level up your fitness game with X-Fitness, the ultimate VR full-body workout that makes getting in shape an exhilarating adventure!
Why Choose X-Fitness? Burn Calories in a Fun Way: Turn your workouts into a calorie-burning experience that feels more like a game. Hit the Beat: Punch targets in time with the music! Choose from our original tracks or add your own MP3s and train to your favorite tunes. Dynamic and Varied Moves: Keep things fresh and exciting with a variety of moves such as striking, punching, cutting, blocking, avoiding, and dodging. Full-Body Engagement: Engage your entire body in the virtual arena for a comprehensive workout. Precision and Timing: Improve your precision and timing to achieve higher scores and climb the leaderboards. Customizable Experience: Adjust the intensity to match your fitness level, from warm-ups to intense challenges, or create your own workout routine. Features: Music Integration: Enjoy your workout with our handcrafted tracks or your own music. Virtual Arena: Step into the arena and perform a wide range of movements to stay fit. Fun and Engaging: Stay motivated with varied moves and exciting challenges. Track Your Progress: Monitor your performance with detailed stats and compete on the leaderboards for the top spot. Get Started Today! Make your workouts more enjoyable and effective than ever before. Put on your VR headset, start moving to the beat, and get fit while having fun with X-Fitness!
使いやすく、汗をかきやすい。VRゲームは古いが良いゲームであり、新しいフィットネス・ゲームはすべてここから始まったのだろう。他のフィットネス・ゲームは、このゲームに改良を加えている。少なくとも私はそう思った。このゲームは完璧だ。使いやすく、汗をかくことができる。分から30分、あるいはそれ以上のワークアウトを自分で作ることができる。自分の音楽も使えます。情報やヘルプはあまりありませんが、何とかなるでしょう。私は15分のワークアウトを作りました。 だから、ほとんどのワークアウトは2分なので、2分のワークアウトを足して長いワークアウトにします。2分間のワークアウトはたくさんあります。速いものから遅いもの、障害物の多いもの、パンチの多いものなど。ゲームの流れはこうだ......左にスイングして、右にスイングして、上にスイングして、下にスイングする。ハイ・フック、ミドル・フック、ストレート・ダウン・スラッシュがある。そして左を曲げ、右を曲げ、障害物が来たら下に曲げる。本当に全身を使うんだ。ペースはスロー、ミディアム、ファーストから選べる。これはVRで一番好きなトレーニングだ。このゲームをプレイするには、もう少し広いスペースが必要かもしれない。なぜなら、障害物は左端、中央、右端からやってくるので、実際に体を少しひねることになるからだ。今なら25%オフでお求めいただけます。B i o , l i n k / z a b をピリオドに置き換えてください。このレビューがお役に立ちましたら、「役に立った」と評価してください。一回だけの購入このゲームは私の他のフィットネスゲームを全て置き換えてくれました。私の好きなボクシングゲームはクリードだけです。 クリードも汗をかきますが、このゲームのように全身を鍛えることはできません。
投稿者:Carl Gri
EASY TO USE -EASY TO SWEAT. So VR game is oldie but a goodie and I believe this is probably where all the new fitness games started from. The other fitness games took this game and modified it At least that’s what I noticed
This game is perfect. It is easy to use and you will break a sweat.
You can make your own workouts anywhere from two minutes to 30 minutes or longer. You can also use your own music.
There’s not much information or help, but you can figure it out.
I have created a workout that is 15 minutes long. So most of the workouts are two minutes so you add the two minute workouts together to make a longer work out. And there are many two minute workouts to choose from. Anywhere from Fast slow, medium lots of obstacles and lots of punching.
So here’s how the game goes you swing left swing right then Swing up swing down. You have high hooks middle hooks and straight down slashes. And you bend left and you bend right and then bend down when the obstacles come at you. It really does work your entire body.
you have the option of picking a slow, medium and fast pace workout
This is my most favorite workout on VR
You might need a little more room to play this game. Because the obstacles come from far left, middle and far right so you’re actually twisting your body a little bit.
You can get it right now with a twenty five percent off
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And it’s a one time purchase
This Game replaced all of my other fitness games. Except Creed my favorite boxing game. Creed will make your sweat too but it doesn’t work out your entire body like this game.
Replaced 2 Fitness Games. Yes there are other boxing/slashing/dodging games with great effects but being able to do this kind of fitness to my own music choices from my own library that I can upload to my headset keeps me coming back over and over to this game and never getting tired of it. When my partner told me my "booty" was suddenly looking great - not something it's known for - it was after playing this for several weeks. The fitness program that works is the one you stick to. And I did because it was something I was excited to do every day, for fun, not a workout. When I am done with my 45-60 minutes which fly by, I am not noticing the exertion until I quit and I am a hot sweating mess but high on endorphins. The personal music easily has made it my top fitness VR and I ditched the others. The one-time purchase makes this a great value for a great fitness game.