In a universe full of extraordinary characters and mysteries to discover, play as an apprentice tattoo artist disguised as the legendary Master. What can possibly go wrong?
Well… Not to mention that you will be surrounded by some exceptional and self-absorbed clients like vampires, internet celebrities, and possessed Viking warriors that each need a unique tattoo only a Master can handle!
During your sessions, you are armed with nothing but a mysterious mask, your tools and your inspiration. Use and unlock different equipment like tattoo machines, needles and various colors to experience being a tattoo artist in this wacky Tattooverse.
Unleash your imagination, give your clients the "ink" they want, and prepare yourself for one of a kind adventure in Tattooverse!
Master of the Tattooverse (DEMO)(シミュレーション、ロールプレイング、アドベンチャー)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Master of the Tattooverse (DEMO)(シミュレーション、ロールプレイング、アドベンチャー)の評価とレビュー
Buggy and causes crashes. I downloaded the demo and load in do all the preferences before hand and right as i lift my hand to start. Crash. Oh thats alright, it happens. I try again, crash. This repeated several times. 17 times to be exact.
I also tried uninstalling and re installing, restarting my oculus nothing worked.
リック・アンド・モーティ・タトゥー・パーラーを経営しよう。 Master Of The Tattooverseでは、ワイルドでクレイジーなキャラクターを、訓練されていないあなたの能力の限りを尽くしてタトゥーすることができます! リックとモーティの感覚で、超楽しくて面白いです
Owning a Rick and Morty Tattoo Parlor. Master Of The Tattooverse lets you tattoo wild and crazy characters to the best of your untrained abilities! With a Rick and Morty feel, its super fun and interesting!
Full Review Here:
Navigation. I can’t figure out which buttons to use that select things, I am stuck at the green stone pillar. Some instructions would be nice I can’t rate it otherwise
MASTER OF THE TATTOO VERSE. Great freaking awesome 👌 I agree with last review I wish had a full version very similar to tattooing reality other than some very minor things but I enjoyed this game very much!!!!!!!
Great game but... It is an amazing game for anyone who enjoys tattooing, There should be a full version of the game, I would definitely consider buying the game if there was a full version.
Lots of pros with just a few cons. I love the art style and color scheme, it reminds me of the early guitar hero games. Using the tattoo gun is super easy as is the color select and pattern select. The layout of the shop is very cool, hopefully you'll be able to customize the shop by earn extra decor and moving or deleting some. Being able to adjust the way you hold the gun was great! I just wish the menu was a little easier to navigate and the buttons on the desk had actual words instead of arrows because 2 change your gloves and one starts the session but it looks like it should select your gun. Also, movement could be a little faster. I did have one glitch: when I switched tattoo guns it exited the app. Overall it has a ton of promise especially for people that love art. If the devs want to hear my suggestions for play modes they can contact me.
Tattoo fun. I enjoyed this. The reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 is I think more of a tutorial is need to know how to do the tattoo and how to complete. Once I drew the tat I didnt know how to end or tell the client I was done.
Cool. I like this game. Becky is a little annoying, but the mechanics of the game are good and work well. It feels pretty real. I would buy a full version of this for sure.
Fun with Tattoos. I was so excited to play this game when I first saw it. I haven’t played it enough but I’m not sure if there’s a setting to make it where I don’t get dizzy when I walk. Also I couldn’t figure out how to remove the tattoo after realizing I placed it on the wrong place. But other than that I love the game, and I’ll continue to play it and get more familiarized with all the options until I can master the game.
Fun with tattoos. This demo is really fun. Apart from the annoying but kind of hot becky. You can either follow the demo or just go wild and draw what you want. Plenty of options to make your art and im sure the full game will have alot more too it. Please check my gameplay video.
Very colorful and cool. Taking standard VR art mechanics and making it so you can draw on someone in VR is really cool. The environment and really nice too. Very impressive work here.
Cool game idea, fun game with potential. The game seems pretty neat and the concept is great. It’s a perfect use for VR. Many artists and non artists have considered becoming tattooists. This lets you have all the fun with none of the responsibilities involved in tattooing an actual human. Then again there may be a sim with a crappy cat paw tat on the back of their hand and inappropriate words written on their… It’s fun and they had a blast playing around in the demo. The only complaint I have, and I may have missed this in options, is the inability to change the angle of the tattoo gun.