Great potential. Love the karaoke room and visuals - my only issue is the mic is very choppy and cuts out quite a bit which is a major factor in a karaoke app - also the ability to transpose keys of songs would be great , has great potential and when the mic works it really has the feel of a karaoke room
家族やDiscordの夜のお楽しみ これは素晴らしい経験です、私が変更したいのは、YouTubeのポップアップで結果を選ぶ方法です。カラオケ動画はアプリに表示されず、YouTube検索(MachineGun Kiss and Forget December)で検索するだけです。 全体的にだけど、これは友達と楽しむのに楽しい
残念ながらまだ工事中です。VRChatで多くのカラオケルームを知っているので、カラオケアプリができたことを嬉しく思っている。残念ながら、まだバグだらけです。マイクの持ち方や設定に関係なく、他のプレイヤーに強いリバーブが聞こえます。ホスト以外のプレイヤーが歌い始めると、そのクリップを見ることも聞くこともできない。設定があまりにスパルタで、もっとオプションを増やすべき(例えば、咳き込んだときに自分のマイクをすぐにオフにできるとか、拍手を贈れる(ハートを投げるなど)とか)。キーボードでは、ワンクリックでタイトル全体を削除できるようにしてほしい。なぜこんなプールの麺を持ち歩かなければならないのか?残念なことに、他のプレイヤーの声にも遅延があり、音楽と歌がシンクロしなくなっている。しかし、これはどのカラオケルームにもある問題だ。YouTube経由での選曲や、曲のライブラリを作成できる点はとても良い。今のところ3つの部屋がいい感じだが、もっとあってもいい。結論 SING TOGETHERはソロアプリとして適している。しかし、マルチプレイヤーモードでは、今のところまだ使えない。これは私が長い間待ち望んでいたアプリなので、今後のアップデートで改善されることを切に願う。
Unfortunately still under construction. I know many karaoke rooms from VRChat and am delighted that there is now also a karaoke app. Unfortunately, it is still full of bugs. Other players hear a strong reverb in the microphone, no matter how you hold it or what the settings are. If players other than the host start a song, you can't see or hear the clip. The settings are far too spartan, there should be more options (e.g. that you can quickly switch off your own microphone when coughing or that you can give applause (e.g. throw hearts). On the keyboard, you should be able to delete the entire title with one click. Why do you have to carry this pool noodle around with you? Unfortunately, there are also delays in the voices of the other players, which means that the music and singing are no longer synchronised. But that's a problem with all karaoke rooms. The selection via YouTube and the fact that you can create a song library is very good. The 3 rooms so far look nice, but there could be more. Conclusion: SING TOGETHER is well suited as a solo app, because then the lags are not noticeable. In multiplayer mode, however, it is still unusable at the moment. I really hope that further updates will improve it, because this is actually an app that I have been waiting for a long time.
It’s crap. The mic sounds terrible- crackles and cuts in and out and awful delay so only playable if you switch the mic effects off. Even then with the normal voice and no mic you get a delay on playback so your voice isn’t synced with the music. What’s the point when all it does is access YouTube karaoke videos which you can do yourself without a vr headset. This is only good for people who want to sound more like crap than they usually do, and share with others so they think you’re crap also. Is refund an option?