INVERSE is a multiplayer horror game where 1 player is the monster and 4 other players work together as Agents to complete their objective and defeat the Nul monster.
The Foundation wanted to advance teleportation technology. What they found was a pathway to a dangerous world beyond our own, and they opened the door to the creatures that inhabit it. Play together or die alone in INVERSE!
THE AGENTS Work together as Agents to restore power to the control terminals before time runs out. Communicate with each other using walkie-talkies, revive your downed teammates using defibrillators, and slow down the Nul with a trap mine. Once power is restored to all terminals, the weapons vaults are unlocked and it is time to go on the offensive and eradicate the Nul. Unlock additional perks and equipment loadout to customize your gameplay strategy.
THE NUL Play as the Nul and power up your attacks to incapacitate the team of Agents to claim victory. Agents will try to slow you down any way they can. Avoid activated trap mines and destroy any locked doors in your path. Your supernatural abilities and perks will help in your hunt; unlock perks and unleash the horror!
BUILD YOUR SKILLS Play the single-player challenge maps to build your skills and unlock Foundation Logs to learn more about the world of INVERSE and the Nul monsters that are threatening our existence.
全面的にお勧めする...しかし。開発者はもっと値段を下げて、もっと宣伝して多くの人に知ってもらう必要があると思う。一緒にプレイする仲間はたいてい見つかるし、幸運なことに、足りない場所はAIとプレイできる。しかし、最高のゲームはロビーが満員か、ほぼ満員の状態である。このゲームはDead by Daylightのようなマルチプレイヤーゲームでとても楽しいので、もっと注目されてもいいと思う!Nullとエージェントがかなりバランスよく配置されているので、誰もオーバーパワーに感じないのがいい。
投稿者:Harbinger Thrace
Totally recommend...but. I think the Devs need to lower the price and advertise it more to get more people to know about it. You can usually find other people to play with and luckily it lets you play with AI for any missing spots. But the best games are with a full or almost full lobby.
This game deserves WAY more attention since it is a really fun Dead by Daylight sort of multiplayer game, but for VR so it is SO much more fun!
I like that the Null and agents are pretty balanced so nobody feels too overpowered.
Offline mode. hello creator I wanted to tell you that your game is incredible but what a shame it is that my connection is really bad and so I can't play the game which would be cool would be an offline mode I know it has private mode but it You still need wifi so please do an offline mode with the bots, thank you 😃👍👋
I love this game. I really enjoy this game, in early access when it was free it was VERY limited on players. Now that it's out it basically has none. Tbh I think they should drop the price or make it free again and compensate previous purchases with cosmetics. That way this game can return to its rightful glory.