Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Baba Yaga, the newest virtual reality narrative from 6-time Emmy Award-winning interactive animation studio Baobab Studios. You will be invited as the main character into a haunting fairytale world completely reimagined. From executive producer, Jennifer Hudson this 27 minute interactive tale has multiple endings depending on the choices you make.
Sometimes a force for evil, sometimes a force for good, the enigmatic witch Baba Yaga uses her powers to protect the forest. When your mother, the village chief, falls deathly ill, it is up to you and your sister Magda to do the unthinkable—enter the forest, uncover its hidden mysteries and get the cure from Baba Yaga. With an award winning cast, Baba Yaga is family friendly experience about finding courage and facing your fears.
Starring: Kate Winslet as Baba Yaga Daisy Ridley as Magda Jennifer Hudson as The Forest Glenn Close as the Chief
Anticlimactic. It took 4 days to download this game...4 days. You barely get to do a thing it's a 5 minute game where you just watch the story unfold. It has a lot of potential but this, as it is, is Definitely not worth it. Do better guys.
投稿者:Alexandra Allen
I was hoping for something better I want my money back
Amazingly beautiful. Same as Crow, this title shows how beautiful a short story can be. Graphics and immersion are what i have been expecting from a filmic experience.
A real let down. I would never have bought this if I had realized it was a mini story with few options. I thought...we're finally getting past what I thought was the intro into the story. The characters even said as much... Then nothing. I thought it glitches. Had to Google to realize that was the end. Very anticlimactic... short... and boring. If it had been one of the free options maybe I would have been able to think it cute. But, to spend actual money for this was like flushing my money down the toilet.
かわいいお話です。 これは本当にかわいいインタラクティブな物語です
Cute story. This is a really cute interactive story!
Short story for children. Even playing through both endings, this was a very short game. The graphics were cartoonish and the story is definitely for children.
子供たちが大好きな かわいいお話です。アニメーションがよくできている
投稿者:Shane Lytton
Kids love it! It’s a cute little story. Animations done well.
投稿者:Shane Lytton
投稿者:Hayley Cheer
Game. Do not buy. You only get 5 minutes or a story not worth the money
投稿者:Hayley Cheer
夢中にさせること。 真実の素敵な物語。VRに慣れるための優しい方法。グラフィックが素晴らしい。
Engaging. Truest lovely story. A gentle way to ease into VR. Graphics brilliant.
Very beautiful story. The team that put this together deserves some credit. It's an amazing experience. Truthfully...after five years of playing VR....I'm still blown away at some of the experiences that small indie teams are capable of. Keep it up!!! Games/videos/interactive experiences/social experiences/virtual travel....all of it. VR is awesome. Long story short, thanks for making such a great little experience :)