Mind Blown. This was the very first thing I watched on the Oculus 2 I got for Christmas. It was so incredible on every level. I can't believe what I just saw and felt a part of. Just wow......
More storytelling like this! This is a short animated story that has a bit of a claymation style like ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’. It is presented in 3D dioramas that transition around you as the story is told. It is in three chapters as it was released in parts when it first came out, each one leaving you wanting to know more. There is no interaction, it is simply a point to start and enjoy. This type of storytelling is what I want to see more of. What people don’t realize in a story like this is you are the camera. Feel free to lean into the animation, get closer to the characters and take a look around the scene. Don’t just sit there and watch it like it is some YouTube video. You can literally watch it a second time and look around some areas and notice a little bit of a different part of the animation. I didn’t time it myself, but it is about 10-15 minutes per chapter. This is one of those stories that you want to share with people that are afraid/scared to check out VR cause they think it will make them motion sick or think it is all about flailing around. They don’t need to learn any buttons or try and figure anything out, but will likely ask for more when they are done.
Love this. I thought it was a game, but it's a movie. It's a beautiful little movie with alot of emotion. I loved it so much and do not regret buying it. It made me tear up. Would watch it again and do recommend.
I loved it. It was great but sad. I wish the story continued, and we could know what happened to them. I love how submerged you are into the story. It's like you're going thru it with them.
Bad. I got this game because i thought that it was a game we’re you could play but I did not read what it said and that same day I deleted it waste of 10$ I want a refund
Library of Realities.comのレビュー:.コリン・ファレルがナレーションを担当し、数々の賞を受賞したこのバーチャル・リアリティ映画は、素晴らしいストーリーと、目を見張るほど複雑で楽しいアニメーションのアートスタイルが特徴で、細かいディテールまで鑑賞するために何度も観たくなる。ナイトメアー・ビフォア・クリスマス』や『コラライン』のようなアニメーションを彷彿とさせる、この少女とゾンビの少年の愛のアニメーションの物語は、太陽が見放した土地で起こる。他の多くのヴァーチャル・リアリティ長編とは異なり、この30分の映画は、物語が展開するにつれて観客の注意をシーンからシーンへと自然に誘導し、このメディアを見事に活用している。暗闇をテーマにしているにもかかわらず、色とりどりの小さなモデルたちは、楽しげにアニメーションし、独創的な光を放っている。手を伸ばせば小さな模型に触れられそうな気分になる。見逃してしまった風景の着替えや、キャラクターたちが雪につける足跡のような小さなディテールをじっくりと味わうには、何度も見る必要がある。ダークなテーマ、かろうじて見える程度の少量の肉食、ドライブイン映画館でのサスペンションが軋む車のため、PGとする。本編は3つのパートに分かれているが、これは必要ないと感じた。コントローラーを使った回転はなく、アクションについて行くために360度少しずつ回転することになるので、足の不自由な人には残念だ。ありがたいことに、回転椅子が私たちを快適に保ち、没頭させてくれた。優れたビジュアル、スコア、ダイナミックなVRトランジション。楽しくテンポの良い感動的なストーリー30分の映画としては素晴らしいリプレイ性❌ 回転コントロールがない(スナップ回転)
Library of Realities.com review:. This award winning virtual reality film narrated by Colin Farrell features a great story and a spectacularly intricate and joyous animated art style that will have you back for repeat viewings to appreciate all the little details.
Reminiscent of animations like Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline, this animated tale of love between a girl and a zombie boy takes place in a land that the sun has forsaken. Unlike many other virtual reality features, this thirty minute film makes excellent use of the medium as the action whisks the viewer's attention naturally from scene to scene as the story unfolds. Despite the theme of darkness, the colorful tiny models are gleefully animated and inventively lit - they look striking as they dance literally before your eyes. You'll feel like you can reach out and touch the tiny models. Repeat viewings are necessary to soak in all the scenery dressing you missed before, and little details like the tracks the characters make in the snow.
We'd rate this as PG due to its dark themes, a small amount of barely visible flesh-eating and a car with squeaky suspension at a drive-in movie theater. The feature is broken into three parts, which we didn't feel was necessary. There's no controller based turning, which is unfortunate for mobility challenged folk since you'll be making some gradual 360° rotations to keep up with the action. Thankfully a swivel chair kept us comfortable and fully immersed.
✅ Excellent visuals, score and dynamic VR transitions ✅ Fun, well-paced emotional storyline ✅ Great replayability for a 30 minute movie ❌ No rotation control (snap turning)
Is there a way we can return this?. Me and my cousin thought this was a game u can play and we spent our money for no reason is there a way where we can return this?
Amazing story and animation. This is a must own for every Quest 2 owner, in my opinion. I've gone through this story 5 times already. It's beautifully animated, the narration is just chef's kiss and the story is heartwarming.