VRで神秘的な世界を巡るスリリングな旅に出かけよう!あなたの知恵とチームワーク、そして勇気が試される、没入型の協力型VRエスケープルーム体験「Rooms of Realities」に足を踏み入れてください。 美しくデザインされた部屋には、それぞれユニークなパズルや秘密、冒険が詰まっています。 主な特徴🔹 魅力的なストーリーと多様な環境古代の寺院からハイテクラボまで、Rooms of Realities のすべての環境は、あなたをスリリングな新しい世界へと誘います。 圧倒的なグラフィックと魅惑的なサウンドスケープで、どの部屋もまったく新しい現実に足を踏み入れたような感覚を味わえます。 🔹 複雑なパズルを一緒に解こうルームズ・オブ・リアリティーズでは、経験豊富な方でも、脱出ゲーム初心者の方でも、どなたでもお楽しみいただけます。 友達とチームを組んだり、オンラインで他のプレイヤーとつながったりして、戦略性、協調性、創造性が求められる頭を使うパズルに挑戦しましょう。 ソロでも友達とでも楽しめる一人でも友達とでもゲームを楽しめます!マルチプレイヤーモードでは、チームを組んで一緒に探検することができ、シングルプレイヤーモードでは深い没入感を味わうことができます。 ゲームナイトやチームビルディング、ソロでの冒険に最適です!🔹 VRのために作られた、真の没入体験バーチャルリアリティのために一から設計された「ルームス・オブ・リアリティーズ」は、VR技術を駆使し、圧倒的な臨場感と没入感を味わうことができます。 手を使ってパズルを解き、直感的な操作で探検し、体験に没頭してください。
Embark on a Thrilling Journey Through Mysterious Worlds in VR!
Step into Rooms of Realities – an immersive, cooperative VR escape room experience that will test your wits, teamwork, and courage. Dive into a universe of beautifully designed rooms, each packed with unique puzzles, secrets, and adventures just waiting to be unraveled.
Key Features:
🔹 Engaging Storyline and Diverse Environments
From ancient temples to high-tech labs, every environment in Rooms of Realities is crafted to transport you into a new, thrilling world. With stunning graphics and captivating soundscapes, each room feels like stepping into a whole new reality. 🔹 Solve Intricate Puzzles Together
Whether you're a seasoned puzzle solver or new to escape rooms, Rooms of Realities offers a challenge for everyone. Team up with friends or connect with other players online to tackle mind-bending puzzles that require strategy, collaboration, and creativity. 🔹 Play Solo or with Friends
Enjoy the game on your own or with friends! Our multiplayer mode allows you to team up and explore together, while single-player mode offers a deeply immersive experience. Perfect for game nights, team-building, or solo adventuring! 🔹 Built for VR: A Truly Immersive Experience
Designed from the ground up for virtual reality, Rooms of Realities leverages VR technology to give you an unparalleled sense of presence and engagement. Solve puzzles with your hands, explore with intuitive controls, and lose yourself in the experience.
Been wanting a game like this forever! I have been wanting a puzzle/type escape room to play with friends since getting my headset and I'm pleased to say that this delivers!!!
Had lots of fun with this one last night and cannot wait for the full release!
I still don't really understand the last puzzle but those in my party got me through it 😅
If you enjoyed The Room but wanted to do it with friends then this one is for you!
とても印象的でした。 ピラミッドの部屋はとても洗練されていて、没入感のある体験ができました。この最初のプレイから判断すると、このゲームはもっと良くなるはずで、Rooms of Realitiesをもっとプレイするのが楽しみです。 また、マルチプレイヤーは、同じOculusアカウントを持つ私たち二人で完璧に動作しました。
Very Impressive. We had a great time working our way through the demo, the pyramid room was very polished and an immersive experience. Judging from this first playthrough this one will only get better, looking forward to playing more Rooms of Realities. Also multiplayer worked flawlessly with both of us on the same Oculus account.
Wow. Just what I've been waiting for. My wife and I just finished the demo and we're blown away by it. Can't wait for the full game and if it continues to be like the demo it will be better than The Room. Playing this with our 2 kids who also have Quest 2 but live elsewhere is going to be fantastic.
Great game to speed run. This game has a lot going for it. The map design is great and puzzles are challenging but not impossible. I really love that if you want you can play with friends and have multiple people on multiple puzzles. The little we have here in this demo I believe is just a great glimpse of what’s to come
Family and friends - you've got a winner. Rooms of realities is a beautifully crafted game that successfully blends fun and challenges. While being an experience that is better played with friends, it can also be played by yourself.
There's only one level to the demo, but it's enough to sell you on the concept. I personally played it with my son and my girlfriend. The biggest surprise was the immersive game gathering us 3 together in what felt like a real life binding experience. We all have very different tastes in games. I prefer survival shooters, my girlfriend is into horror or Arcady games, my son is into sandbox. Despite all playing different games, that one pulled all the family into the same world.
The puzzles are not too hard and the game gives you hints if you ask for it. You won't get lost without a queue of what to do. It is not holding your hand and there are still challenging puzzles. But the option to get a hint is always there, right on your controller.
The full game will definitely deliver more places to explore, more puzzles to solve and more great times with your loved ones.
The one negative point I would have to say, is that everything is carefully crafted to be enjoyable. While it's very positive on your first playthrough, it also means there's no real randomization. So replayability may not be a thing. But the content should be enough to go for hours or great escape rooms.
Super fun, great puzzles with team! Just beautiful graphics, great movement around interactions AND you can play easily with friends just share room# and you're there. Cannot wait for full game... Like truly I want it NOW!! 😂 Great job devs keep up the to notch work
協力プレイで「ルームVR」。デモが出たので早速協力プレイしてみました。 このデモのようなデモ。 ゲームのサンプルです。 デモRooms Of Realitiesは、大きな不満とプレイを続けたいという欲求を残します。 私は喜び、製品版が待ち遠しいです。
投稿者:Gig On
The Room VR in cooperation. I played co-op as soon as the demo came out. Demo like this demo. It is a sample of the game. Demo Rooms Of Realities leaves a huge unsatisfactory and desire to keep playing. I am delighted and can't wait for the full version.
what a great game. what a great game. The rooms are easy to play alone and even more fun with several people. The nice thing is that if you play with two people, you actually have to do some puzzles together to solve them. My daughter and I are fans of this game. And great fun to play together. I hope there will be more rooms soon. For now, this game is well worth the money. Definitely worth 5 stars. No problems encountered while playing (room 1 alone and room 2 with two people). Everything works well. Special thanks to the developers. Very nicely made.
投稿者:Anthony Verbeek
The Roomのライバル? タイトルは冗談です 誰も「部屋」を超えることはできません。でも、Realitiesはそれに近いかもしれません。雰囲気は違うが、同じタイプのパズルがあり、これは私のお気に入りだ!このデモは、部屋全体を味わうことができるもので、ゲーム全体を見ることができるのがとても楽しみです。これは素晴らしいスタートです!
Rival for The Room?. The title is a joke, no one can top The Room. But Realities might come close. Not as atmospheric but the same types of puzzles, which are my favorite! This demo is a nice little taste of one whole room, and I'm truly excited to see the whole game. This is a great start, more more more like this!
Enjoyable. I did enjoy the demo. I played with a group of friends. It was a bit confusing for us though. I hope in the final version we have better hints and hopefully a saved progress. Like for example if we in a group or solo get stuck or want to take a break. I'm not sure if that was an option. Instead of playing through to finish so you don't have to start over again. It felt like the VR version of Escape Simulator on steam. And I enjoy that puzzle game as well. We just need more puzzles🤗🤗🤗
BEST. TIME. EVER. This game just gave us the BEST time ever. Cannot wait for the full released version. Please update this forever so we can keep playing.
Now for some constructive feedback: I almost wish there was a reveal on completion that confirms what happened. For example, we sloppily rearranged the beams of light, realizing that a couple streams were unlit (i.e. not reflecting off the destinations) and we messed with them a bit more.... then all of a sudden the lights came on, noises happened (I think those were the spiked doorways coming down/opening up) and there was more to do. But we had no idea what we did. Not sure I have a solid suggestion on how to implement this, but perhaps a pop-up or a voiceover or some form of informational recap of what we did. I don't think I can explain it well. In those moments, I was happy we moved on but sad that I was left with questions. I might just need to re-play it. So perhaps even an option to go back and re-play a section would be nice as a group feature if the host requests a re-do. 🤷♀️ Yea, so I guess to consolidate my feedback a bit more then would be this.... take advantage of the digital aspects and have a re-do option available to the host, almost as if to go back and repeat 1 chapter of the puzzle. Does that make sense? Just to give us more awareness of what happened without having to start all the way over?
Either way, my group and I are OBSESSED. Even the entrance point of the game was so nostalgic with the cassettes. Just a brilliant game. We never wanted it to end.
WE ESCAPED !!! ゲームはとても楽しくて、私たちは大喜びでした。これはまさに私たちが待ち望んでいたものです。さて、フィードバックです。音量が少し小さかったのが気になりましたが、それでもお互いの声は聞こえました。また、兄弟に話したら、私が高いところにいるので、彼女は低いところに座っているように見えたそうで、実は私は低いところに座っていて、彼女は高いところにいた、と言われましたが、それ以外はこのゲームは本当に素晴らしく、とても楽しいものでした。すでにスチームで購入しました。
WE ESCAPED !!! Game is so much fun we had a blast. This is exactly what we have been waiting and looking for. Now to feed back. We did notice the volume was a little low but we still could hear each other. We also noticed that when I told my sibling she looked like she was sitting low as I was up high she said that actually I was sitting low and she was high but other than that this game was truly amazing and so much fun. Already have wishlist it on steam.
Game with lots of potential. We tried the demo and had a lot of fun. Unfortunately it is not very long since the room is pretty small, but that is understandable.
I was wondering if the other areas are similar in size? Is there any plan to make the puzzles randomized to make the levels replayable? We were two people finishing the demo pretty fast so I think with four you might fly through the levels a bit too fast, which would be a shame.
Since this is only a demo, I think, things can still change, of course. I’m excited to see what else this game holds and where it’s going. Looking forward to updates and it’s development. :)
A Co-op, puzzler/escape room. One of my favourite experiences in all my years owning a Quest headset and it’s just a demo! Can’t wait for full release…take my money
Great demo! I'm really looking forward to the full game. I've played most of the puzzle/escape games out there and I can honestly say that this one is up there with the best of them.
Demo was great but needs some polishing. The demo was awesome, but could use some polishing as I found glitches in trying to grab one manipulate stuff with my hands. Even with the minor issues graphics were great puzzles were just hard enough to stump me for the right amount of time :)
期待していたよりもずっといい。 より長く、よりハードな部屋を待ち望むことができます。
way better than i was expecting. epic, cant wait for longer and harder rooms