Smash deadly wooden targets with realistic firearms & explosives while you try to escape from this ominous, ridiculous, mysterious facility. Shotwood is the casual (yet satisfyingly tactical) shoot-house themed game!
Story & Progression Pass the facility induction then complete shoot-house assessments, gradually unlocking content and earning credits to buy guns, ammo, and more. Listen to the ominous announcements, eat your food paste, uncover the mystery of the grievance booth, and learn the terrible truth of the facility!
Gunplay & Tactical Tools Over 20 firearms to use, with attachments and full reload mechanics. Plus kamikaze drones, augmented visor, pistol camera, various grenades, and much more. The targets shoot back, use the environment for cover - full room-scale movement is supported, as well as seated play. Multiple difficulty modes available, including permadeath!
Content & Tech Features Master 8 full levels, with 3 modes, challenges, and randomisation. Plus a gun range, 2 physical minigames, arcade cabinet, and large secret area "beyond the booth". Cash wads are hidden throughout. Multiple options for movement, audio, captions, haptics, left handed play, framerate (up to 120hz on supported headsets), 4 save slots, new game plus, and more!
Whether you're looking for a tactical room clearing sim, or if you just want to fly some explosive drones, Shotwood has you covered. Jump in right now and... SHOOT SOME WOOD!
銃の使用感はMeta Questのゲームで最高レベル 紹介動画ではあまりその魅力が伝わってきませんが、銃の使用感はInto the RadiusやGun Club VRと並んでトップクラスで、ちょうどその中間くらいの感覚です。 VRでよくある握れる箇所に円いアイコンが表示されたりはしないので、それらのゲームより没入感を感じやすいかもしれません。
ゲーム内の雰囲気はInto the Radius寄りです、Gun Club VRのようにアーケードっぽさは皆無です。 また、Gun Club VRのキルハウスはなんとなくレールシューターっぽいですが、Shotwoodは実際に自分の足で駆け回っているような感じで、四方八方に反応が必要です。
銃のグラフィックもInto the RadiusとGun Club Vrの中間くらいのように感じます。あまり金属感はありませんが、割と良いクオリティだと思います。 薬莢はとても綺麗なので、私は撃ち終わって周辺に転がっている薬莢を眺めるのも好きですし、Into the Radiusのようにマガジンに弾を一発ずつ込めることも可能です。
ゲームプレイとしては、キルハウスをプレイする際にはプレイヤーの現実の動きがVR内でスムーズに反映されることが必要ですが、その点においては全くストレスを感じず、とても良い反応性です。 Into the RadiusやTactical Assault VRなどでは、稀に変な感じで銃や手がオブジェクトに引っかかったりすることがありますが、そういう違和感もほぼありません。
Fantastic gun game! This game has great gun mechanics, an interesting story (more lore please - hidden books or clues as to what's going on) and has great replay value. While a little more polish around the edges may help (load times, more info, higher resolution targets, checkpoints), what matters here most is the gun play and this game has that dialed in. There was a large, free update recently, and I'm looking forward to more. I agree with the previous review from Pow. Keep up the great work! Give this game a go if you like gun play mechanics.
Just plain ADDICTIVE. I wasn’t expecting much from this game going in, seeing as how the graphics are a little bland, and the bad guys are just cardboard cutouts… but was I WAY WRONG! There’s no other way for me to describe it than to say Shotwood ADDICTING AS HECK! I found myself playing the same level over & over & over to achieve the goal/requirement. This game NEEDS to be on the Main Oculus Store… this would be a Top 5 Seller within 1 month of release.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - Add more guns - Add more levels - Add more goals - Basically, just more of everything haha. I would gladly pay extra for some DLC. You sir, deserve every penny
Update 5/30/22: I wanted to add 2 small suggestions to my review… #1- It can be annoying not having any way to check your current stats out. The only way to see your stats is to complete the level. It’d be helpful to know if I already failed a particular Mission/Objective. For instance, maybe adding how many times I’ve been Hit underneath the ammo count on my wrist. I hate completing a mission thinking i haven’t been hit only to find out i was hit once and have to redo the entire level. Or adding how many friendlies I’ve killed so far…Basically, this is a long way of saying I hate having to wait until I finish a level to learn my statistics. Please add some in Level info markers.
#2- It would be incredibly helpful and time saving if you added a “Restart Level” feature. It sucks dying and ending up back in the lobby, only to have to take the elevator back down to the level. Just seems like a bunch of wasted time.
Please keep up the great work! Love seeing developers respond to the customer reviews and you do that better than anyone else. Kudos
good game just one issue. shotwood is a great game but i only have one big issue, the thing is i shoot left handed and i move with the left joystick but you guys set the default to left handed mode to moving with the right joystick, if you guys add a seperate setting to switch the movement options around for comfort it would be great.
i love your game and this is the only gamebreaking issue to me
Great Game. I love this game, the developer created a world that feels eerie and mysterious. Like why am I here, what is going on? I don't know but I pick up on the implied lore and backstory and learn the game mechanics quickly. the challenges and money gain is fun but slow. I feel like the developer was trying to convey to the player that a consistent and increased learning/training is more profitable/better, than the gambling aspect and trying to gain better equipment through those means.
I want their to be more guns/gameplay options and I would happily pay for more DLC content/update to support the dev.
楽しくて病みつきになるゲーム!ガンクラブVRが好きなら、ぜひこのゲームをやってみることをお勧めする!正直なところ、あまり期待せずに買ったのだが、かなり驚いた。このゲームと似たようなVRタイトルを複数プレイしたが、私のライブラリに常設されているのは2つだけで、このゲームはそのうちの1つだ!このゲームにはまってしまった。リアルでスムーズで満足のいくガンプレイと銃の使い心地、そしてその上乗せされた素晴らしい銃のモデル、あるいはSimpleJackのミニゲームの進行が遅くなる中毒性。Gun Club Vrは私のお気に入りの、銃を撃ちまくるゲームになると思っていたのだが、このゲームに軍配が上がった。このゲームは1人か2人で開発されているとどこかで見た覚えがある。それが事実かどうかはともかく、開発者は今出ている他のどの射撃場VRゲームよりも素晴らしいゲームを作ったと思う!
Fun and Addictive Game! If you like Gun Club VR I highly recommend you try this one!
To be honest I bought the game without much expectations but came out quite surprised. I played multiple vr titles similar to this with only two having a permanent seat in my library, and this game is one of the two! I'm addicted to this game wether it being the gunplay/guns that are realistic, smooth and satisfying to use, with some really good gun models to top it off or the progress slowing addiction I have to the SimpleJack mini game.
It really surprised me just how much I ended up liking the game, I thought Gun Club Vr was going to be my go-to, let loose and shoot some guns game, but this one just won the race by miles.
I remember seeing somewhere that this game was being developed by one maybe two people? Don't quote me on that, whether or not that is the case I believe the developer(s) have made an impressive game in my opinion that is better than any of the other shooting range vr games out right now!
Best single player shooter on Oculus. I love just about everything in this game. The eerie feeling like I'm being watched, the fantastic weapons mechanics, the bundles of cash well hidden around the maps, and the suspicious looking locked door downstairs. I'm trying to to find a way to bring the paintball gun with me to a range and replace a handgun with it to bring it with me back to my "room." Extremely underrated game and trying to 100%
My go to game. I love this game, I have actually done shoothouse runs, and this is good. If you make another one, let me know! I reset everyday and run through it all over again. I do recommend this game.
Incredible game. An incredibly good game for a more than fair price. It is very well made, the graphics are good, the sound is really good! The weapon selection and handling are excellent, the levels with assessments and challenges are fun, and you always enjoy going back to play again. In my opinion, the trailer doesn't show how good the game really is.
And as if that wasn't enough, the game gets an update with "Beyond the Booth" that I never expected. I thought there would be a few more levels added, and I would have been totally happy with that alone.
But the update is a real surprise, and what's hidden behind it is gigantic. It's like another, new game, with a full campaign. First it gives a look into the back office area of the shooting range and starts with a few puzzle elements that could have come from a room escape game. After that, it surprisingly turns into a great science fiction shooter. The whole mood is suddenly changed. Where is this shooting range? Are we part of an experiment? Where are we? So brilliant! Honestly, the update alone could be a completely separate game, and I would pay for it anytime! The atmosphere, the sound, the design - great. The game deserves 5 stars.
-The life bar above the target is out of place and interferes with the immersion of a target range. After a headshot, the targets should disappear directly into the ground and not only the bar should turn red and the target should disappear 3 seconds later. That kind of slows the whole thing down. In Gunclub shooting is more fun because only one or 2 targets can be seen at the same time, and not 10 or more in one room, as is sometimes the case here.
In short, dead targets should disappear faster and it would be more fun if targets gradually rise like in gunclub.
Still a nice change for a good price for fans of Gunclub vr.
Great game, made better with dlc. I love this game, the shooting mechanics are on point, and it's very fun to go through the levels. Being able to pick up individual bullets is really nice, most VR games don't let you do that. Pick it up, you won't regret it (if you like shooting games)
Update: Hey guys, would you mind explaining to me how I get "beyond the booth?" I see all the other stuff you mentioned in the patch notes but I don't know how to unlock the new guns or get to the new area.
Great game. I really like this game. It makes you think a little, the gameplay is satisfying and the narrative is great, it made me smile a few times. Not a stressful game play either, and finally for the price it’s worth a go.
Update… This game has been updated so I jumped back in to play. I had forgotten how good it is. This is such fun to play. I cannot wait to try out the new guns. Maybe a developer post to fully explain the update would be good. 👍👍