Next MoveはVRプラットフォーマーで、ゲーム内の動きはすべて身体の動きに対応します。 ジョイスティックで歩く必要はありません!体を動かして、幻想的な建築物が立ち並ぶ夢のような世界を旅しよう。 数々のチャレンジがあなたを待っている。 回転する塔のてっぺんに登ったり、霧の湖を逃げるゴンドラを追いかけたり、崩れ落ちそうな石柱を飛び越えたり。 しかし、たとえ成功しても、それだけでは不十分かもしれない。 クエストを完了し、この超現実的な場所の謎を解き明かすには、前に進むために戦い、難解なパズルを解き、さらには時間そのものを曲げる必要がある。 Next Moveは、古典的なプラットフォーマーの感触をVRで体験できる!この別世界のような場所に没入し、時空を超えよう。
Next Move is a VR platformer where all your in-game movements correspond to your physical movements. No joystick walking! Get your body moving and set off on a journey to dreamlike worlds full of fantasy architecture.
Numerous challenges await you. Climb to the top of a rotating tower, chase a fleeing gondola across a misty lake, and jump over crumbling stone pillars.
But even if you do succeed, it may not be enough. To complete your quest and unravel the mystery of this surreal place, you will have to fight your way forward, solve challenging puzzles and even bend time itself.
Next Move brings you the feel of classical platformers, but you can experience it first-hand in VR this time! Immerse yourself in this otherworldly place and traverse time and space.
Great VR platform game. An amazing game using the potential of VR controllers. You have to move your hands to run faster and then put them up to jump. Anyone who likes platform games will love this one.
This is really well done! The controls work impressively great! I think this is the first time at all on my experience when movement via hands really implemented well and enjoyable. The game features running, jumping, climbing and even pistol actions. It’s a great experience like it is. Absolutely impressive demo. I think that if put more attractive textures all around this game has all chances to be in top.👍