The full game, in early release, is available here:
This is a classic escape room game built exclusively for VR using roomscale to give you the experience of really being there. Walking is fully supported. Your hands and all objects act just like in the real world, no "ghost objects." The puzzles are all tightly interwoven into the room and feel more like problems that need to be solved rather than puzzles that need to be figured out. This is the demo of the full game (coming soon). There's about an hour of playtime.
Cool Features - Roomscale ( walking, locomotion, teleporting, stationary, sitting all supported) - In-game visualization of the guardian to align physical and virtual spaces - Drone with unique 3D controller - Full use of physics - VR within VR - Fireworks display for finishing - Dynamic background music - In-game hint system - Distance grab assist
There is a discord here: .
Exit Condition One Escape Room Demo(パズル、シミュレーション、アドベンチャー)の評価数と総合順位の推移
Exit Condition One Escape Room Demo(パズル、シミュレーション、アドベンチャー)の評価とレビュー
Is there more after the demo?. I really enjoyed trying to figure out this puzzle and thought maybe it was just the first room of many more. I only downloaded the demo if I purchase the game are thereother rooms to escape from?
Way more than an escape room game. This demo caught me off guard as my expectations were low given how most escape room titles end up being. This one is more like a full on adventure game, which is even more apparent in the paid ALPHA version. If you are into games like Apex Construct, this may be one to add to try out. Looking forward to the full game.
very immersive and intuitive. I admit I struggled a bit getting control of the drone but beyond that it was amazing. this was a great preview but I SO WANT THE FULL GAME!!! When is it coming???
good game. Hey , it was a good escape game , i am waiting for next rooms ! little glitch found : if you hammer the button "get up" while being under the desk and you come out from under the desk you make a super jump and can access high doors when they are on the top.
素晴らしい。僕はこのゲエムが大好きだ。PS. スペルを間違えた
Great. I love this gaem, I spent hours trying to figure a way
Best escape room on the oculus. This is the best escape room I’ve ever played on the oculus, and this isn’t the full game yet. I can’t wait for the full game to come out. Somethings that can be improved is the hint system, sometimes I couldn’t find the hint I was looking for. But other then that this game was very good. It was hard but I still liked it. Do you guys have a planed release date yet and how much will it cost?
とても良い。 このデモはとても良い、私はゲームが早く来ることを望んでいる
Very good. This demo is very good , i hope the game come quickly !
Good game. It's a good puzzle game prety hard it could be batter if you put a help and a question the full version of exit condition one ( alpha) it will coming on oculus quest?
Challenging but Fun. I am really enjoying this escape room game! Its challenging but fun and I like that you can ask for a hint if you get stuck. I think the only downside is that you have to play the game all the way through without stopping. Unless I missed something it does not save progress. I had to log off when my kids needed something and when i logged back in I had to restart from the beginning.
Lots of potential! Looking forward to when this game is fully developed, as there is some really great ideas in here and the devs clearly have a passion for this type of game. Puzzle type games are a great fit for VR if executed properly.
It is still a demo, and that is obvious given the brevity of the experience as well as some limitations. Overall though, the high level of interactivity with the environment is pretty great, keep it up creators!
Response to devs: thanks for the response, always nice to see you guys taking the time to read these! Honestly, the main thing for bumping up the rating is to make this a full game-I personally feel that Occulus reviewers are a little generous with throwing 4 and 5 star ratings around. 4 stars means a polished game that does what it does perfectly, and 5 stars means even beyond that, there is true innovation in the game-pushing the industry forwards in some way.
まだプレイしていません。 ゲームの広告を見る限りでは、早くプレイしたいです。
Havnt played the game. From the ads.of the game I can't wait to play it
Lots of potential! Looking forward to when this game is fully developed, as there is some really great ideas in here and the devs clearly have a passion for this type of game. Puzzle type games are a great fit for VR if executed properly.
It is still a demo, and that is obvious given the brevity of the experience as well as some limitations. Overall though, the high level of interactivity with the environment is pretty great, keep it up creators!
Finally did it. I got this when it first came out and had so much trouble with the drone I gave up. Today I discovered there was a update a while back and so decided to try it again. And I finally got it finished.
Absolutly AMAZING. I cant wait for the full game. Gameplay was smooth. Puzzles were interesting and fun to figure out and room interaction was smooth and exciting. Great game. Excited for future of vr escape rooms. Thank you developers