ブースターに火を入れ、VRで超大型オンライン・マルチプレイヤー大騒動に飛び込もう!World of Mechsは、ボタンを押したり、スイッチを入れたりするのではなく、高速で、縁石を踏みつけ、ジャンプイン/ジャンプアウトするアクションがすべてだ。 チームデスマッチやドミネーションなどのオンラインモードで覇権を握ったり、シングルプレイヤーキャンペーンでボスを倒して伝説のメカパイロットを目指そう。 究極のVRメカバトルが待っている!「World of Mechsはすぐに楽しめる体験だ」 - VRFocusオンライン猛攻撃 5つのマップと4つのモードで、最大3人の友達とオンラインで敵を倒そう。 COMBAT STYLES: 8つのクラスタイプに分かれた32機のメカから、自分の戦闘スタイルに合ったものを選択。 レーダーセンサーを妨害し、ステルスクローキングを有効にし、バラージミサイルを放って敵を粉砕せよ。 キャンペーンモード: ボスを粉砕し、アップグレードのための資金を稼ぎ、最強を目指せ。 BUILT FOR QUEST 2:ヘッドセット・ターゲット・システムとVRビジュアル・パフォーマンスを最適化し、ゲームプレイを強化。
Fire up your boosters and dive into supersized online multiplayer mayhem in VR! World of Mechs ain’t about pressing buttons or flipping switches - it’s all about high-speed, curb-stomping, jump-in / jump-out action. Flex your supremacy in online modes like Team Deathmatch and Domination, or take down bosses in the single-player campaign to become a mech pilot legend. The ultimate VR mech battle awaits!
"World of Mechs is an instantly enjoyable experience." - VRFocus
ONLINE ONSLAUGHT: Wreak online foes with up to 3 friends on five maps and 4 modes.
COMBAT STYLES: Select from 32 mechs across 8 different class types to fit your combat style. Jam radar sensors, enable stealth cloaking, and unleash Barrage missiles to crush the opposition.
CAMPAIGN MODE: Pulverize bosses, earn cash for upgrades and become the best of the best.
BUILT FOR QUEST 2: Headset Targeting System and VR visual performance optimizations customized to enhance gameplay.
Give us some dlc. I love this game. Its gameplay is a good mix of “Zone of Enders “ and “Armored Core” 🤩 .If we had more guns and mods I would be willing to pay up to $20 for dlc or a battle pass. The game is just that good. P.s I don’t feel like a noobie anymore 🥳. I wish they would also add some kill streaks. I can get 25 kills in multiplayer without dying 🤣
Love this game. Loved mech warrior on PC and have looked for a game on vr with a much action. This game has it. The multiplayer mode let's you plan attacks as well as defense. Keep the mic on and you'll have twice the fun. Lots of planning and teamwork really make it fun.
投稿者:Mike Garrity
それがわかったら、すごく楽しい。VRで一番楽しかった。 本当によくできている。
once I figured it out - ITS A BLAST. The most fun I've had in VR. Really well done.
Best Mech Game. I spent a weekend trying all the mercy games on Quest and this was the fastest, best balance of all things considered title amongst other great games WoM really stands out as accessible FUN
Am I missing something??. I thought I can create a server and be able to invite my friends and we can have a blast!!! What’s the point of the ability of creating servers without the ability to invite friends on it!!! Common!
Awesome Game. There are some learning curves and glitches occasionally but I enjoy this game and the guys I play with over all the other games I play. I hope the developers don't give up on it.
Great Fun. At first, this game didn't seem very cool. I thought some of the graphics were a little cartoonish, and also a big factor I thought was a little lame was the controlls. - (I wanted more of a HOTAS style system, where you grip a stick and throttle, and I thought using the joysticks of the Oculus controllers seemed lacking for the immersion).
But I have to say: after playing a few matches, both of those complaints have disappeared, and I've found myself to really enjoy this game.
There are tons of different types of mechs, with different styles, and different weapon systems.
Weapons and armor can be upgraded, making your time and effort of playing worth while by increasing the performance of your mech over time. (From my experience, it is still very enjoyable to play against veterans that have superior mechs.) - It is in no way a 'pay to play' game, where they try and sucker you into paying real money for a shortcut at an unfair advantage.
The community has been very nice and mature, and although they seem to have a hand full of very young players, they have all been mature and respectful, and everyone just has a good time.
PVP Matches consist of: Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, Domination, and VIP. Rounds last about 5 - 10 minutes, and the currency rewarded from them is reasonable, letting you farm a new mech in about an hours worth of time (If I had to estimate). It's a nice rate where it feels rewarding to unlock a new mech, and will keep you busy for awhile, but doesn't feel tooo much of a boring grind.
Anyways, I know that's alot of info to read, but I hope my review helps.
Happy Playing. 🤖🤠🥳
Just WOW. This is worth 20 bucks realistic amazing graphics this is so much fun I just brought it it is addicting kinda of reminds me of titanfall if you haven’t tried this out your missing out
Great Fun. At first, this game didn't seem very cool. I thought some of the graphics were a little cartoonish, and also a big factor I thought was a little lame was the controlls. - (I wanted more of a HOTAS style system, where you grip a stick and throttle, and I thought using the joysticks of the Oculus controllers seemed lacking for the immersion).
But I have to say, after a few times of playing anyways, both of those complaints have disappeared, and I've found myself to really enjoy this game.
There are tons of different types of mechs, with different styles, and different weapon systems.
Weapons and armor can be upgraded, making your time and effort of playing worth while by increasing the performance of your mech over time. (From my experience, it is still very enjoyable to play against veterans that have superior mechs.) - It is in no way a 'pay to play' game, where they try and sucker you into paying real money for a shortcut at an unfair advantage.
The community has been very nice and mature, and although they seem to have a hand full of very young players, they have all been mature and respectful, and everyone just has a good time.
PVP Matches consist of: Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, Domination, and VIP. Rounds last about 5 - 10 minutes, and the currency rewarded from them are reasonable, letting you farm a new mech in about an hours worth of time (If I had to estimate). It's a nice rate where it feels rewarding to unlock a new mech, and will keep you busy for awhile, but doesn't feel tooo much of a boring grind.
Anyways, I know that's alot of info to read, but I hope my review helps.
Good game. I will not lie to you, this game is very fun and at one point took up quite a bit of my time. It definitely has a high skill sealing, and a good array of weaponry. The only downside to this game is that it is probably the most sickening thing I have ever played. It was so bad that when I first got it, I couldn't play more than a half hour before getting to motion sick that I had to stop. This is mostly due to the way movement and aiming is controlled, you have a smaller cone of fire that you have to aim with your head then outside of that you wave to turn the whole mech. There is just something about that system that causes a lot of motion sickness, and it having a comfort rating of moderate is definitely being optimistic, I would definitely give it the lowest comfor rating I could, but once you get past that it's a great game.
Almost perfect. If you're watching Gundam or Robotech, or heck one these newer live action films, heck if you're like me and clearly remember Robotjocks (sp) then this is your game. It feels exactly how I would imagine piloting a giant mech would. So, why isn't it perfect? For all of those reasons I mentioned earlier. The single player campaign currently is nothing more than an expanded tutorial and due to bots its completely redundant. I want Front Mission level stories, and am just hoping at this point that the devs are still interested in adding to this game that appears to be a one of a kind experience, at least on MQ2 that I can see. I don't want to be negative, but what's here creates a severe desire for more. It's just that good.