JETBOUNCE is a platformer and exploration game where you collect items to unlock new levels, unlock abilities, and power-ups. A Collect-A-Thon where you fly, jump and bounce in non-linear levels.
Which engine will you choose?
-Power Mode: ludicrous speed but hard to control. For an exciting experience.
-Flow Mode: slower but smoother, easy to control. For a more relaxing experience.
For the fans of old-school platformers from the N64 era.
FLY, JUMP, BOUNCE Pull the triger to fly, release it to get launched where you're aiming.
Bounce and use your momentum to fly high like a rocket! ...or fall like a heavy cauldron.
Speed and momentum are a double-edged sword. The faster you go the longer your jumps, but the harder it is to control.
All levels are handcrafted to reward exploration and mastery.
JETBOUNCE is hard and you can get stuck. But don't give up, you will reach the top.
A ton of fun to speedrun. TL;DR: the right amount of frustration at first, a ton of fun to speedrun once you figure it out
The first time I played this game I really struggled with the controls. It felt awkward, I was constantly battling the controls, struggling just to stand in one place and couldn't gain any height at all. However, I was still able to make steady progress, and even if it was pretty slow, at no point did I feel completely stuck. Was it frustrating? A bit, but never too much. I enjoyed the balance and making progress always felt rewarding.
During the second playthrough, when I got used to the controls, it felt like a completely different game. Once you figure out the controls, the levels completely open up, and you can choose between countless routes to fly through them. This makes the game a ton of fun to speedrun, and I ended up finishing the game dozens of times.
The visuals are the weakest part of the game. Still, the game plays amazingly well and is 100% worth it if you are into harder platformers.
Good, simple platforming fun. Good, simple platforming fun. Easy to get to grips with but difficult to master. You can check it out in my top 10 best app lab games list:
Fun game with great support! So far I’m enjoying Jetbounce. Physics-based platformer where you have to control bouncing yourself through various worlds to collect items.
I’ve had no issue with motion sickness but I guess your mileage may vary.
Highly recommend checking it out if you like a casual physics-based game with challenging levels.
And the developers are very helpful and responsive on their Discord server which is a nice bonus.
Satisfyingly fun! One of those easy to learn difficult to master games. The levels are designed very well and the art style suits the genre well, purposely simple without a lot of distractions. This is for players who love strict platforming where all of the movement is in your control. You are the master of where you go.
The no load times and instant flow into the next level is a great touch too. Give it a go!
クエストの醍醐味!? このゲームは、平面的なゲームでは不可能な体験を生み出すVRというメディアがいかに素晴らしいものかを示す完璧な例だ。このゲームは、他の優れたタイトル「To the top」と「Daedalus」をミックスしたような雰囲気を持っています。高さとスケールの感覚が素晴らしい。メカニックは覚えやすく、マスターするのは難しいが、非常に満足できる。グラフィックはシャープでスタイリッシュ。ベータテスト開始以来、毎日このゲームをプレイするのをやめられない。大推薦です!
A real gem on a Quest! The game is a perfect example of what makes the VR great medium for creating experiences that wouldn't be possible in a flat gaming. The game has a vibes of other outstanding title To the top mixed with Daedalus. There is a great sense of height and scale. The mechanics are easy to learn hard to master and very satisfying. The graphics are sharp and stylish. Can't stop playing this game everyday since the beginning of beta testing. Big recommendation!