Void Ninja is an action platformer game that blends runner elements with a unique “Jinba Ittai” locomotion.
👉Gameplay: You're always on the move and can't stop. Use your hips and shoulders to steer on the path. Overcome obstacles and clear out enemies.
👉Just one button — let your body do the rest!* You don't need to remember million of combinations, or press something to move - run with the flow.
Key Features: Unique natural flow locomotion: Inspired by the "Jinba Ittai" philosophy, this system ensures perfect unity between player and the game - you simply act as you would in real life ➖ Comfort / Motion sickness tested: 85% of players experienced no symptoms, 10% adapted after 30 minutes, and 5% did not adjust and we prefer not to talk about them ➖ Platformer / runner: First-person platforming adventure inspired by a certain blue hedgehog. Intense combats, adrenaline-pumping jumps and jet-powered flights - this game will keep your heart racing ➖ Combat dance: As you progress, you'll develop your own unique moves and combos crafted by your skill, not pre-made by the developers ➖ Level reassembly: Each time you load a level, it’s generated in a new and unique way 🪧4 demo levels ➕17 extra levesl available in the paid supporter version
This is work in progress version. Share your thoughts, ideas and feedback with us - let's make the game together.
*rarely its 2 buttons, but you won't confuse them. Only 1 sounds better, right?
Runner that I can actually play. It's kind of action-platformer but from first person view. Very polished demo. Liked it a lot. Played almost an hour and it felt like an hour in a gym. Highly recommended!
VR needs more runner games like this. Been following this project for about a year. The devs have overhauled most of the game, making the levels more fun to play, the interactions easier to use plus some new additions. The glider in particular is fun to use :)
Would love to see more levels that are slightly less linear/have more than one path to take. They don't have to be completely branching paths but having an option of an upper/lower/side path you can switch to is great. Some of the newer levels kinda hinted at this direction and those were always the most fun to play.
More please. Great game, loved learning the mechanics! Had a couple issues with jumping on occaision where it would throw me off way to the side when um trying to go straight, but for a free game this is amazing. Please add levels, would happily pay for this type of content :)
Pls add. Love the game play and mechanics of the game, only problem is after I finish tutorial I can’t find a panel to play randomly generated levels only level editor. Also possible idea is once you get to a certain point a boss fight but still endless. As well as a score so we can try to beat our last point. Otherwise great game can’t wait to play more!
Void Ninja is a serious hidden gem. Full Video Review - https://youtu.be/xKbJs8USEzs
Void Ninja is a procedural free runner in the sense you are always moving forward, moving or tilting your head left and right, ducking and weaving around blocks, using Katanas to Slice enemies, a gripping and sliding motion to turn, two fists thrust downwards to jump, hitting buttons, walls to climb or slide along, hook shots to swing on, bullets to dodge, and my personal favorite a Bow and Arrow to get those pesky far away baddies.
While I had a little bit of a struggle to get used to the jumping and turning motions, once I got a better hang of it I was able to get through the levels with ease.
Visually the title looks rather basic with some nice retro appeal, the enemies are untextured and there is well, a lot of yellow. If your willing to make your own levels this has serious excite bike level editor vibes too and I can easily see someone spending hours making the perfect levels to play.
In conclusion I found the title to be entertaining engaging and offering a fair level of challenge with checkpoints. I enjoyed using all the different elements of the game especially the bow and the hook shot. It has great music, a cool level editor and because the levels are randomly generated it offers good replayability. The aspects of the game I wasn't so hot about really came down to frustrations getting used to the turning and jumping parts. I also found the graphical style to be lacking enough variety and detail to keep my attention for long play sessions. Its a fun game and I think its worth playing.