CLIMB FOR YOUR LIFE!!!44!!!は、タワーの頂上を目指すクライミングゲームです。 タワーの頂上に到達するには、障害物を乗り越えなければなりません。 友達や他のオキュラスユーザーのタイムを上回りたいなら、十分なスピードがあれば可能です。 すべてのタワーを制覇しましょう!あなたが最速のタワークライマーであることを証明しましょう!今後の予定- パッチごとにタワーを増やす- マルチプレイ(友達と同じタワーに同時に登る)
CLIMB FOR YOUR LIFE!!!44! is a climbing game, where you have to earn the top of the towers. If you want to get to the top of the towers, you have to overcome obstacles, and have to be fast, because something is coming from the bottom what kills you.
If you want to beat your friends' or other oculus users' time, you can do that if you are fast enough, because all of the towers have Leaderboard. So conquer all the towers! Show that you are the fastest tower climber!
Future plans: - more towers in every patch - multiplayer climbing(climb in same tower in same time with your friend)
Solid Climbing Game! Underrated! Very good implementation of VR climbing mechanics. 6 or 7 different towers to try each with its own themes/obstacles. Plenty of content to play!
Definitely a must try!
Game crashed on me randomly ONCE, but i restarted the App and it worked fine since!
Developer please add a way to fast travel between towers, or instant teleport or portals or something. I understand why the towers need to be far apart from a technical aspect, and its cool that each tower has its own theme in surrounding area, but remember , we came here for the climbing and tower puzzles not to walk between worlds. Plus there is also a lack of choice or knowing what towers are available, or look at their leader boards without doing that walk. I say keep the ability to walk form one to the other , but create a home area that allows you to fast travel and see the leader boards on all towers and this would be super solid.
I give 2 star for the deception of the gameplay video: dynamic shadows are shown on the hands and walls and sparkle of colors, instead it sucks, the gameplay maybe will be fine but if in the presentation video it was shown for what it is is really , that is, lack of dynamic shadows, certainly I would not have bought it, I will ask for a refund. - if you release an update shortly where I can play the same game as the video then I wait and do not ask for a refund, if as I suspect the video has been post-processed by the pc, then it is misleading advertising because you are coming a standalone product and not a pc vr
クールなクライミングゲーム クールなクライミングゲーム
Cool climbing game. Cool climbing game
素晴らしいフィットネスゲーム。 最高のクライミングゲーム、そしてフィットネス。)
Awesome fitness game. Best climbing game, and fitness. :)