Planet Lander: Embark on an Augmented Reality Space Adventure Welcome to Planet Lander, the ultimate AR-enhanced VR game that transforms your surroundings into a cosmic playground. Take control of a small spaceship and prepare to master the art of planetary landings from inside your living room.
Immersive Augmented Reality Experience
Planet Lander leverages passthrough AR technology to seamlessly blend the virtual universe with your real-world environment. Whether you’re in your living room or a spacious studio, watch as little space landscapes unfold around you, creating a fully immersive and interactive space arcade experience.
Challenging Planetary Landings
Each mission in Planet Lander takes you to a unique planet with its own set of challenges. From asteroid belts and orbiting moons to mysterious and dangerous black holes, every planet demands precision, strategy, and skill. Navigate varying gravity fields, manage your landers fuel reserves, and navigate to the ever changing location of the planetary landing pad to achieve the perfect touchdown.